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- August 07, 2008

See how you fit

From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I’m Ira Dreyfuss with HHS HealthBeat.

Many of us remember taking a fitness test in grade school. The test encouraged kids to be fit and healthy, and showed them how they compared to their peers.

The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports – the group behind the youth test -- now has created a similar test for grown-ups. At, users can check how they do in a few simple activities and see where they stand.

The site also gives users ways to improve their scores.

The council’s executive director, Melissa Johnson, explains,

“The whole point is to try and encourage folks to say, ‘Look where I am and how can I improve? And now I am want to start a regular physical activity program and be regularly active.’” (8 seconds)

Regular activity can help lower health risks like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

Learn more at

HHS HealthBeat is a production of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. I’m Ira Dreyfuss.

Last revised: August, 07 2008