The Colorado Department of Education

Adult Education and Family Literacy

Focus on Colorado: Publications 

Focus on Colorado highlights publications, documents, guides, and other printed and online materials published or provided by Colorado agencies, programs, and organizations.  Materials created by or in collaboration with Colorado's Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) programs are represented here, as well as resources published by the Center for At-Risk Education and other agencies that serve Colorado's adults and families.  This is not a comprehensive source of documents.  It is intended to provide access to Colorado-specific materials of interest to adult education and family literacy programs and other providers with an interest in adult literacy and related issues. Titles of documents produced or commissioned by Center for At-Risk Education's Adult Education and Family Literacy office (or its predecessor) are marked with the CDE logo cde

ABE and ASE Learners

Adult Education




Intergenerational and Family Literacy


Related Issues

Adult Basic Education & Adult Secondary Education Learners

  • Discoveries
    Each year, students in Boulder Public Library's BoulderReads! program are encouraged to submit an original story, poem, or article that they have written while enrolled. Those submissions are then combined with student photos and a short profile of each featured student and tutor into an annual Discoveries book.
  • Webtasks for Adult Learners
    Online short projects (Webtasks) for adult learners developed by the Adult Education Program at Southwest BOCS in Cortez.

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Adult Education

The purpose of this newsletter is to share AEFLA-funded programs' successes--with other programs and across the state. 
April 2008
May 2008
August 2008

  • Tech Beat
    The Tech Beat newsletter provides information on integrating technology into instruction for Colorado adult educators. Tech Beat is published as a service of the Four Corners Virtual Resource Center (4CRC). 4CRC is a Colorado State Literacy Resource Center working to develop, provide, and encourage distance learning and instructional technology in the adult education community.

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Disability Information and Resources

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English as a Second Language, Limited English Proficient, and Immigrant Learners

  • EL/Civics Activity Packet cde
    A Colorado EL/Civics State Leadership Project developed in 2002 by Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning, Denver. The Activity Packet provides activities, resources, and assessments for incorporating two EL/Civics competencies into life skill and English literacy instruction at four levels. This link will take you to the EL/Civics Activity Packet web page from which the updated version of the Activity Packet can be downloaded.
  • ¡Enterese!: una Guía de Supervivencia para los Recién Llegados a Colorado
    Basic information for Spanish speakers about community resources and services.  
  • Navigating the American School System cde
    A Colorado EL/Civics State Leadership Project developed in 2002 by Harrison Adult and Family Literacy, Harrison School District Two, Colorado Springs.  NASS includes a student workbook and teacher's guide and can be adapted for use in any school.  The purpose of NASS is to provide English literacy instruction to LEP parents within the context of their child's school system. This link will take you to the EL/Civics Web page from which NASS can be downloaded.
  • The New Coloradans
    High School Curriculum | Middle School Curriculum
    These two curricula were developed for The Piton Foundation by the Center for Education in Law and Democracy to help Colorado students understand the complexity of the state and national immigration issue. The DVD of "The New Coloradans," a 30-minute documentary produced by Rocky Mountain PBS can be ordered by calling 303.825.6246.

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Health Information

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Intergenerational and Family Literacy

  • Asegurando el Éxito Académico de Nuestros Hijos 
    The Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition highlights the differences and similarities between schools in Mexico and Colorado, and provides suggestions to Mexican immigrant parents on how to become more involved in their children's education.
  • Breaking Down Barriers, Creating Space: a Guidebook for Increasing Collaboration Between Schools and the Parents of English Language Learners cde
    This document is intended to be a resource and a guide to educators who serve English Language Learners (ELL) and their parents in Colorado.
  • Colorado Family Literacy Act of 2002
    This legislation established the Colorado Family Literacy Education Grant Program in order to support the educational development of adults and children through family and intergenerational literacy.
  • e-Reader
    A web-based service from Aurora Public Library for young children. Children ages 3 and up can log onto the page from home or in the library to choose a picture book site to read, view, or listen to books. Books are available in English, Spanish, French, and other languages. There are four programs to choose from: Tumblebooks (for which the child at home will need an Aurora library card), the International Children's Digital Library, the Story Place, and Story Line.
  • Engaging Mexican Immigrant Parents in Their Children's Education  
    The Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition provides this publication to help teachers understand how to recognize the strengths that Mexican immigrant families have to offer and how to engage parents in the classroom to help improve the academic achievement of their children.
  • Ensuring the Academic Success of Our Children  
    The Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition provides this publication about the education system at the school, district, state and federal levels; parental rights and responsibilities; parent expectations; effective parent engagement in schools and how parents can support their children's learning at home.
  • Even Start
    This link will take you to the Colorado Even Start Family Literacy Program Web site, from which Colorado Even Start Annual Program Reports, Even Start Updates, and other Even Start documents can be downloaded.
  • Families Learning Together in Colorado cde
    Historical document published in 1994.  The introduction states that this report includes an introduction to family literacy including its history and research base, a review of successful practices, results of evaluations, and current issues and challenges facing the field today. Also included is information on family literacy programs and funding resources available in Colorado at the time.
  • Family Learning Survey cde
    Historical document published in 1995.  Results of a survey of ABE and Even Start programs.
  • Family Literacy: Getting Started cde
    Historical document published in 1995.  Addresses the need for and effectiveness of family literacy, each component of family literacy, models and evaluation.  Includes steps to starting a family literacy program.
  • Family Literacy in Adult Education: the Federal and State Support Role
    Tony Peyton, NCFL for National Commission on Adult Literacy, Sept. 7, 2007.  The benefits of and federal support for family literacy programs; examples of state family literacy initiatives, including Colorado.
  • Family Literacy Program Model cde
    Revised in 2005; this model provides a research-based description of a family literacy program including essential components, activities, and budget.
  • Intergenerational Literacy Notebook cde
    The Intergenerational Literacy Notebook is a collection of thematically based activities for adults and their children to complete together. A majority of these activities are designed for English language learners and are life skills based. Science and social studies activities primarily target the ABE / GED learner.
  • Resolution in Support of the Colorado Family Literacy Education Fund
    Resolution of the Colorado State Board of Education, adopted October 3, 2002.
  • Sustainability Guidebook: Colorado Family Literacy Programs
    Written for program administrators in Colorado's public, nonprofit, and private sectors, the Sustainability Guidebook offers an introduction to family literacy, strategic planning, and collaboration.
  • Resolution in Support of the Colorado Family Literacy Education Fund
    Resolution of the Colorado State Board of Education, adopted October 3, 2002.

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contact Debra Fawcett at: 303.866.6914;