Oak Ridge National Environmental Research Park

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Items remain on this page for approximately two months.

Bear Creek Mitigation Wetland Development

A new wetland habitat was created in Bear Creek to compensate for wetland losses from construction of a haul road. Annual monitoring follows the changes resulting from this mitigation . Please use the link below to view an updated slide show about this mitigation project.

Bear Creek Mitigation Wetland</h3>
<p>Bear Creek Mitigation Wetland align= Bear Creek Mitigation Wetland
(1,061,376 bytes, 9 p.)

Canada geese and deer hunts schedule set

Canada geese and deer hunts will take place this fall on the Oak Ridge Reservation. Please use the link below to view a PDF file with schedule information and other details.

Waterfowl Hunts Canada geese and deer hunts
(63,942 bytes, 2 p.)

ORNL's Pond: Past, Present, and Future

A pond, created at ORNL in 1961, was managed primarily for swans until 2004. Since that time, it has been modified to blend into the surrounding area, to be a more natural system reflective of area fauna and flora, and to help deal with nuisance geese. Please use the link below to view a pdf version of a recent presentation about this transition.

ORNL's Pond: Past, Present, and Future</h3>
<p>ORNL's Pond: Past, Present, and Future align= ORNL's Pond: Past, Present, and Future
(8,635,699 bytes, 49 p.)

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Last Updated: September 15, 2008