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Ms. Terri A. Dickerson

Director of Civil Rights
US Coast Guard

 Download PDF Download  Ms. Terri A. DickersonTerri A. Dickerson, a member of the government’s Senior Executive Service since 2000, joined the Coast Guard in 2006 as Director, Office of Civil Rights. From 2000 to 2006, Ms. Dickerson was second in charge at the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights. Among duties, she examined federal agencies’ civil rights offices, and advised officials, Congress, and the White House on improved enforcement. In 2005, the White House installed her as the interim agency head after the outgoing chief departed, and until a new appointee could be confirmed.

She served as Associate Administrator for the U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Small Disadvantaged Business (1998-2000). She supervised a staff of 80 employees and 90 private contractors in certifying and creating a registry of women-, veteran-, and minority-owned, firms eligible to participate in Federal procurement. She received an award for producing a teleconference, which presented the effects of the Adarand v. Pena decision on women-, minority-, and veteran-owned businesses.

She served as Executive Director and CEO for the nationwide American Women in Radio and Television (1993-1998). She advised the Federal Communications Commission, National Telecommunications Industry Agency, Congress, and other entities on adopting policies which enhanced the participation of women and minorities in communications. She worked collaboratively with broadcasters and interest groups in recommending effective equal employment policies. She was among a small group of women selected to meet at the White House to advise the Vice President concerning national women’s policy. She was consulted and contributed to President Clinton’s landmark “Mend It, Don’t End It” speech on affirmative action.

Early in her career, Ms. Dickerson held positions in the private sector performing writing, training, membership development, and collateral equal opportunity duties. She eventually directed civil rights for American Newspaper Publishers Association. She has written articles for industry and national publications including The Washington Post, USA-TODAY, and The Ladies' Home Journal. Her book, 50 Activities for Diversity Training, (1993) was a bestseller for HRD Press. She has written and contributed to many reports that bear the U.S. government seal. The U.S. Supreme Court cited a study she directed, Beyond Percentage Plans: The Challenge of Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, in its 2005 decision on affirmative action in college admissions. Another study she co-wrote earned an award from the National Congress of American Indians and led to legislation being introduced in the U.S. Congress.

Ms. Dickerson earned a B.S. degree from the University of Virginia (Charlottesville) and a Master of Arts from the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore). She has served on many boards of directors and is a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Board of Trustees. A native of New Orleans, Louisiana, Ms. Dickerson is among students who, in 1962, were the first to integrate the New Orleans Catholic school system. She is the daughter of a WWII veteran (Walter M. Dickerson) and a New Orleans public school teacher (Verna Powell Dickerson, both now deceased).

Last Modified 1/28/2008