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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Recordkeeping and Reporting (R&R) - Logbook Logsheets

For reference only! Online forms cannot be used in place of paper logbooks.

Crab Logsheets Instructions Updated
Catcher Vessel Longline and Pot Gear Daily Fishing Logbook (DFL) Instructions 04/05/06
Catcher/Processor Longline and Pot Gear Daily Cumulative Production Logbook (DCPL) Instructions 03/19/07

Groundfish Logsheets for the EEZ off Alaska Instructions Updated
Catcher Vessel Trawl Gear Daily Fishing Logbook Instructions 04/05/06
Catcher Vessel Longline and Pot Gear Daily Fishing Logbook Instructions 04/05/06
Catcher/Processor Trawl Gear Daily Cumulative Production Logbook Instructions
Updated 06/13/07
Catcher/Processor Longline and Pot Gear Daily Cumulative Production Logbook Instructions 04/05/06
Mothership Daily Cumulative Production Logbook Instructions 04/05/06
Shoreside Processor Daily Cumulative Production Logbook:
Part I and Part II
For an electronic version of the shorelog contact Josh Keaton at 907-586-7519, Josh.Keaton@noaa.gov
Instructions 04/05/06

Groundfish Logsheet for Outside the U.S. EEZ Updated
High Seas Fishing Compliance Act (HSFCA) Gear Specific Logsheets 11/07/03

Contact Information

Patsy Bearden
PH: (907) 586-7008
PH: 1-800-304-4846 - #3
Email: Patsy.Bearden@noaa.gov

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