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Export Import Bank of the United States




About Ex-Im | Office of Inspector General (OIG)

Office of Inspector General (OIG): Job Vacancies

The Ex-Im Bank OIG is looking for people capable of taking initiative and exercising independent judgment, with a strong desire to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of government programs and the intellectual capacity and drive to make that happen. OIG is responsible for conducting audits, investigations and evaluations. Given the broad reach of the Bank’s mission, you could find yourself working on international lending transactions and systems touching any of more than 150 countries or any of thousands of U.S. exporters.

Job Opportunities at the Ex-Im Bank OIG:

Currently, there are no vacancies at the Ex-Im Bank's OIG.

Information about other Federal jobs is available through OPM's USAJOBS home page.

Job opportunities within the IG community and other Federal and non-Federal agencies can be found at the IGnet homepage.





Updated: September 2, 2008





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