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Highlight Archive 2003 - 2004

ORNL & Cray named Best Collaboration in HPCwire Choice Awards

HPCwire, the publication of record for high performance computing, has announced the winners of the 2004 Reader's Choice Awards. The second annual polling of the HPCwire's global readership produced the winners of The Reader's Choice Awards, and the world class collection of contributing editors selected the winners for The Editor's Choice Awards. more

ORNL to build Science UltraNet

UltraNet mapOak Ridge National Laboratory has been awarded $4.5 million from the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science to design a high-speed network capable of transporting the massive amounts of science data generated by supercomputers in the 21st century. The prototype is called Science UltraNet, a three-year project that could change the way scientists exchange large amounts of data. more

Jack Dongarra earns Fernbach award

Jack Dongarra receiving Fernbach awardThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society has recognized Jack Dongarra for his outstanding and sustained contributions to the area of mathematical software, most particularly in the areas of communication and numerical libraries and performance benchmarks for high performance computing. more

ORNL exhibit at SC2003

The Future of Scientific Computing ORNL highlights scientific discoveries through advanced computing in climate, genomics, materials, astrophysics, and fusion made possible by advances in mathematical methods and high performance computing. In addition to the ORNL booth, we have responsibilities for the SciDAC and Department of Homeland Security booths. more

TeraGrid to link with Oak Ridge neutron science facilities

Researchers from around the nation will have access to data from DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory neutron science facilities because of a $3.9 million grant from the National Science Foundation. The grant will fund a network hub and high-performance network connections to the TeraGrid, which when complete will be the fastest research network in the world. The TeraGrid will provide scientists extraordinary amounts of data from ORNL's High Flux Isotope Reactor and the Spallation Neutron Source. The project will be called SETENS: A Southeast TeraGrid Extension for Neutron Sciences.

Phoenix upgraded to 256 processors

Cray upgrade On September 24, 2003 work began on the upgrade of the Cray X1 (Phoenix) to 256 processors. Software is being upgraded and additional processors added. The bulk of the work is being done this week, with the remaining processors arriving and being installed over the next few weeks.

Jennifer Ryan

New Householder Fellow

Dr. Jennifer Ryan is currently the Householder postdoctoral fellow in the Computational Mathematics Group of Computer Science and Mathematics Division. The Fellowship honors Dr. Alston S. Householder, founding director of the Mathematics Division (now CSM) at ORNL and recognizes his seminal research contributions to the fields of numerical analysis and scientific computing. Dr. Ryan's research interests are in numerical solutions to partial differential equations and accuracy enhancement techniques. more

Phoenix upgraded to 128 processors


On July 30th, the CCS began installing the third and fourth cabinets of the Cray X1 computer system (referred to as Phoenix). This upgrade takes the system up to 128 processors. In the photo, Jeff Becklehimer, Jay Young, and Mike McNamara work to connect the third cabinet to the existing two cabinet system. more

New Computational Sciences Building

Approximately 170,000 sq. ft. will house the Center for Computational Sciences (highlighted in blue) with a new 40,000 sq. ft. computer center and office space for 350 staff members. more

ORNL to test new Cray X1 for DOE

On August 15, 2002, the Department of Energy announced that ORNL has been selected to test the effectiveness of a new Cray Inc. supercomputer architecture in solving important scientific problems in climate, fusion, biology, nanoscale materials and astrophysics. more | installation photos

2001-2002 Highlight Archive

2000 Highlight Archive

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URL: http://www.csm.ornl.gov/archive/HL_03.html
Updated: Monday, 06-Dec-2004 17:00:49 EST
