Peter Gogan's Publications

Selected Publications

Halbert, N. D., P J. P. Gogan, R. Hiebert and J. N. Derr. 2007. Where the buffalo roam: The role of history and genetics in the conservation of bison on U. S. federal lands. Park Science 22 – 29.

List, R., G. Ceballos, C. Curtin, , P J. P. Gogan, J. Pacheco and J. Truett. 2007. Historic distribution and challenges to bison recovery in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Conservation Biology: In press.

Olexa, E. M. and P. J. P.Gogan. 2007. Spatial population structure of Yellowstone bison. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: In press.

Keating, K. A., P. J. P. Gogan., J. M. Vore and L. R. Irby. 2007. Casting a new light on wildlife habitat studies: a simple solar radiation index. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 1344 – 1348.

Freese, C. H., K. E. Aune, D. P. Boyd, J. N. Derr, S. C. Forrest, C. C. Gates, P. J. P. Gogan, S. M. Grassel, N. D. Halbert, K Kunkel and K. H. Redford. 2007. Second chance for the plains bison. Biological Conservation. 136: 175 – 184.

Gogan, P. J. P., J. N. Derr, N. D. Halbert and N. B. Gates. 2006. Restoration of populations of large mammalian herbivores. Pages 161 – 178 in J. Kita and K. Anusz (editors). Health threats for the European bison particularly in free-roaming populations in Poland. SGGW Publishers, Warsaw. 320pp.

Gogan, P. J. P., K. M. Podruzny, E. M. Olexa, H. Ihsle Pac and K. L. Frey. 2005. Yellowstone bison fetal development and phenology of parturition. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1716 – 1730.

Seabury, C. M., N. D. Halbert, P. J. P. Gogan, J. W. Templeton, and J. N. Derr. 2005. Bison PRNP genotyping and potential association with Brucella spp. seroprevalence. Animal Genetics 36: 104 – 110. [PDF]

Christianson, D., P. J. P. Gogan, K. M. Podruzny and E. M. Olexa. 2005. Incisor wear and age in Yellowstone bison. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:669-676.

Gogan, P. J. P., W. T. Route, E. M. Olexa, N. Thomas, D. Keuhn, and K. M. Podruzny. 2004. Gray wolves in and adjacent to Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota: Research and synthesis 1987 – 1991. Technical Report NPS/MWR/NRTR/2004–01. National Park Service, Omaha, Nebraska. [PDF]

Cobb, M., P. J. P. Gogan, K. D. Kozie, E. M. Olexa, R. L. Lawrence and W. T. Route. 2004. Relative spatial distributions and habitat use patterns of sympatric moose and white-tailed deer in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. Alces 40:169-191.

Grange, S., P. Duncan, J.-M. Gaillard, A. R. E. Sinclair, P. J. P. Gogan, C. Packer, H. Hofer and M. East. 2004. What limits the Serengeti zebra population? Oecologia 140: 523 – 532.

Taper, M. L. and P. J. P. Gogan. 2002. The northern Yellowstone elk: Density dependence and climatic conditions. Journal of Wildlife Management 66: 106 – 122. [PDF] [Maps]

Gogan, P. J. P., R. H. Barrett, W. Shook and T. E. Kucera. 2001. Control of ungulate numbers in protected areas. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29: 1075 – 1088.

Gogan, P. J. P., J. A. Mack, W. G. Brewster, E. M. Olexa and W. E. Clark. 2001. Ecological studies of bison in the Greater Yellowstone Area: development and implementation. The George Wright Forum 18: 67 – 75.

Olexa, E. M., P. J. P. Gogan, and K. M. Podruzny. 2001. Evaluation of a GPS used in conjunction with aerial telemetry. Biotelemetry 15: 380 – 389.

Eberhardt, L. L., R. A. Garrott, P. J. White and P. J. Gogan. 1998. Alternative approaches to aerial censusing of elk. Journal of Wildlife Management 62: 1046 – 1055.

Gogan, P. J. P., K. D. Kozie, N. S. Duncan and E. M. Olexa. 1997. Ecological status of moose and white-tailed deer at Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. Alces 33: 187 – 201.

Gogan, P. J. P., J. F. Cochrane and E. M. Olexa. 1997. Home range and survival of gray wolves in and adjacent to Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. Pages 171 – 179 in D. Harmon, editor. Making protection work: proceedings of the ninth conference on research and resource management in parks and on public lands. The George Wright Society, Hancock, Michigan.

Gogan, P. J. P., and R. H. Barrett. 1995. Elk and deer diets in a coastal prairie – scrub mosaic, California. Journal of Range Management 48: 327 – 335.

Gogan, P. J. P., and J. F. Cochrane. 1994. Restoration of woodland caribou to the Lake Superior Region. Pp. 219 – 242 in M. L. Bowles and C. J. Whelan (eds.). Restoration of endangered species: conceptual issues, planning and implementation. Cambridge University Press. 394 pp.

Gogan, P. J. P., and R. H. Barrett. 1994. Roosevelt elk dietary quality in northern coastal California. California Fish and Game 80: 80 – 83.

Lehman, N., A. Eisenhawer, K. Hansen, L. D. Mech, R. O. Peterson, P. J. P. Gogan, and R. K. Wayne. 1991. Introgression of coyote mitochondrial DNA into sympatric North American gray wolf populations. Evolution 45: 104 – 119.

Wayne, R. K., D. A. Gilbert, A. Eisenhawer, N. Lehman, K. Hansen, D. Girman, R. O. Peterson, L. D. Mech, P. J. P. Gogan, U. S. Seal, and R. J. Krumenaker. 1991. Conservation genetics of the endangered Isle Royale gray wolf. Conservation Biology 5: 41 – 51.

Gogan, P. J. P., P. A. Jordan, and J. L. Nelson. 1990. Planning to reintroduce woodland caribou to Minnesota. Transactions North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 55: 599 – 608.

Gogan, P. J. P. 1990. Considerations in the reintroduction of native mammalian species to restore natural ecosystems. Natural Areas Journal 10: 210 – 217.

Gogan, P. J. P., D. A. Jessup, and M. Akeson. 1989. Copper deficiency in tule elk at Point Reyes, California. Journal of Range Management 42: 233 – 238.

Gogan, P. J. P., D. A. Jessup, and R. H. Barrett. 1988. Antler anomalies in tule elk. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 24: 656 – 662.

Gogan, P. J. P., and R. H. Barrett. 1988. Lessons in management from translocations of tule elk. Pp. 275 – 287 in L. Nielsen and R. D. Brown (eds.). Translocation of Wild Animals. The Wisconsin Humane Society/Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute. 333 pp.

Gogan, P. J. P., and R. H. Barrett. 1987. Comparative dynamics of introduced tule elk populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 51: 20 – 27.

Gogan, P. J. P., S. C. Thompson, W. Pierce, and R. H. Barrett. 1986. Line transect censuses of fallow and black-tailed deer on the Point Reyes Peninsula. California Fish and Game 72: 47 – 61.

Gogan, P. J. P. and D. A. Jessup. 1985. Cleft palate in a tule elk calf. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 24: 660 – 663.

Jessup, D. A., B. Abbas, D. Behymer, and P. Gogan. 1981. Paratuberculosis in tule elk in California. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 179: 1252 – 1254.

In Press

Sanderson, E. W., K. H. Redford, B. Weber K. Aune, D. Baldes, J. Berger, D. Carter, C. Curtin, J.Derr, S. Dobrott, E. Fearn, C. Fleener, S. Forrest, C. Gerlach, C. C. Gates, J. Gross, P. Gogan, S. Grassel, J. A. Hilty, M. Jensen, K. Kunkel, D. Lammers, R. List, K.Minkowski, T. Olson, C. Pague, P. B. Robertson, and B. Stephenson.. The Ecological Future of the North American Bison: Conceiving Long-term, Large-scale Conservation of Wildlife. For Conservation Biology.