U.S. Daily Precipitation Analysis

DATA SOURCE: River Forecast Center ~5000 stations per day and Climate Anomaly Data Base ~several hundred stations per day

RESOLUTION: 0.25 degree x 0.25 degree

DOMAIN: 20 N - 60 N, 60 W - 140 W

WINDOW: Day 1 analysis is valid for the window from 12Z on day 0 to 12Z on day 1

ANALYSIS SCHEME: Modified Cressman (1959) Scheme (Glahn et al. 1985; Charba et al. 1992). Minimum stations for analysis: 500 for precipitation, 350 for temperature. If the number of stations is less than the minimum, then the analysis is not performed for that day.

  • A. Duplicate Station Check
  • B. Data Check ( buddy check, standard deviation check against climatology )
  • C. NEXRAD check for spurious zeros
  • WEB SITE: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/realtime/