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Fisheries Investigations for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers in Upper Klamath Lake

The value of this long-term monitoring program will provide data crucial for understanding demographic and reproductive characteristics of these endangered sucker populations. This research will have wide applicability to federal, state, and tribal agencies in the basin for management and recovery efforts.

  • Biologist holding female Lost River sucker (Deltistes luxatus)

Fish Passage through Dams in Large Temperate Floodplain Rivers: An Annotated Bibliography

This report describes an electronic database containing 474 annotated citations that are relevant to fish passage through dams in large temperate floodplain rivers. The goal of this project was to survey the literature to help define the potential ecological consequences of restricted fish passage through dams in the Upper Mississippi River System More...

  • Upper Mississippi River dam

Genetic Effects of Hatchery Supplementation on Productivity for Naturally Spawning Salmon

This study evaluates costs and benefits for alternative sources of broodstock for supplementation, and tests for domestication in hatchery programs. The study tests for genetic differences in the migration, growth, and survival of hatchery and wild steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and of hatchery and wild spring chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) in More...

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Vertical Distribution of Outmigrating Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead

Research biologists at the Columbia River Research Laboratory are using global positioning systems (GPS) in a study of the distribution of juvenile salmon in relation to dissolved gas supersaturation in the Columbia and Snake rivers. The study is being conducted between Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake River and on the Columbia River, a distance of 42 More...

  • Image of global positioning systems (GPS) in use

White Sturgeon Restoration and Enhancement in the Columbia and Snake Rivers Upstream from Bonneville Dam

The goal of this work is to provide information to aid state, federal, and tribal managers in efforts to protect and restore the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in the Columbia River Basin Construction and operation of dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers for hydroelectricity, navigation, and irrigation have adversely affected white More...

  • White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus).

Olfactory Sensitivity of Pacific Lampreys to Petromyzonol Sulfate

Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata) populations are in decline or have been extirpated from much of their historical range in the Columbia River Basin. Evidence collected for sea lampreys suggests they may not home to natal streams, but instead may use their olfactory ability to detect the presence of larval and adult lampreys as discrete More...

  • Adult Pacific lamprey captured at Bonneville Dam and held in captivity for olfactory sensitivity exp

Feasibility of Using 3-D Acoustic Telemetry to Assess the Response of Resident Salmonids to Strobe Lights in Lake Roosevelt, Washington

An entrainment study at Grand Coulee Dam indicated that 200,000 - 600,000 kokanee were entrained, primarily at the 3rd powerhouse, during a 40-month time period. Following the recommendations of the Independent Scientific Review Panel, research was initiated to investigate a strategy to reduce entrainment by using strobe lights to repel salmonids More...

  • Image of kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka)

A Field Study of Environmental Variables Influencing Abundance and Distribution of Desert Pupfish in the Salton Sea Basin

This study will compare relative abundance, population structure, and spawning success of desert pupfish from natural (reference) and manmade or disturbed habitats in the Salton Sea basin. In addition, this study will determine the importance of fish predation as a source of mortality in desert pupfish populations. Finally, this study will attempt More...

  • Image of desert pupfish (Cyprinodon macularius)

Wind River Ecosystem Restoration

This is a research summary who's project objectives are to: 1) Coordinate watershed stakeholders in order to guide the implementation of watershed restoration actions that are consistent with stakeholder objectives, 2) Monitor physical habitat conditions and natural production of juvenile, smolt, and adult steelhead in the Wind River sub-basin, More...

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Evaluation of Procedures for Collection, Transportation, and Downstream Passage Outmigrating Salmonids

Various strategies have been developed or proposed to aid in reversing the declines of migratory salmonid populations in the Columbia and Snake River basins. Knowledge of the cumulative effects of passage through single or multiple dams is important in assessing the relative effectiveness of in-river migration of fish versus downriver More...

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Development of Ecological Indicator Guilds

The whole study, conducted at Fort Benning, Georgia, partially funded through the US Army, involves testing of water and soil quality, physical and biotic indicators of stress at both the population and community level. Anthropogenic stress in the present study comes from disturbance by vehicles, particularly tanks used in army training, and from More...

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Water Quality of Springs, Streams, and Ponds at Fort Clatsop National Memorial

Fort Clatsop National Memorial was funded by the National Park Service Water Resources Division to conduct an inventory of the water quality of selected resources. The goals of the project were to: (1) develop an understanding of the water quality of aquatic resources and (2) develop a data base on the water quality of aquatic resources for More...

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