Dear Students,

For those of you who might be considering a career in surgery, I would suggest that you log onto this website: This is a free, on-line book of suggestions about who might consider a career in surgery, how to get a good training program, the various subspecialties of surgery, etc., published by the American College of Surgeons, entitled "So, you want to be a surgeon . . .".


Hear presentations from noteworthy surgeons in a variety of specialties on what it is like to be a surgeon.

Students with Dr. Bill DeVries after a SIG lecture

Also, look out for information regarding the Department of Surgery Distinguished Lecture Series. These generally take place every Thursday at 1600 in Sanford Auditorium.


Contribute your time to Christ House, a medical charity in Washington D.C.

Contact Sam Scheuller

Students from USUHS serve food at Christ House

Shadowing Opportunities:

Do you have what it takes to be a surgeon? Don't miss this opportunity to follow Dr. Welling as he takes you through the different surgical suites at NNMC to see the variety of procedures that go on right here in Bethesda. There are no more for this year but look out in the fall for more information for next year's dates!

Suture Lab:

Are you ready to learn current suturing techniques used in the OR? Learn from Dr. Welling and other USU faculty how to perform some of the more common sutures.

Dr. W teaches the proper two-hand knot tying method

Learning knot tying from Dr. Hutton

SIG Main


SIG Officers:

  Bryan Kujawa
Vice President
  Ramon Riojas
  Jason Sedarsky
  Ben Chi
Lecture Coordinator
  Shane Larson
Volunteer Coordinator
  Sam Scheuller
Surgical Procedures and Techniques Coordinator
  Rick Burgon
Shadowing Coordinator
  Kerry Christensen

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. David Welling, USAF (ret), FACS