Christian Medical Association

Welcome to the USUHS Christian Medical Association� a place to Meet, Grow, and Serve.

We are the USUHS chapter of the national Christian Medical Dental Association- an organization tailored to the specific needs that students and doctors have while pursuing and practicing God�s will for their lives. The condensed our role as part of this �para-church� association is to provide a forum for USUHS students to Meet and partner with other believers, Grow in their personal faith, and Serve our school, communities, and nation.
To accomplish those goals we have regular Bible studies, monthly get-togethers, quarterly service projects, and other periodic events with other National Capital area medical schools. All of these provide ample opportunities to connect with fellow believers both students and faculty. Check us out, and consider becoming an involved CMDA student member.
What we�re not�
CMA is not a replacement for involvement in a local church, which is one reason why we have created an online church directory to help connect incoming students with a church home where they feel, well, at home.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Need to update your email address? Click �Contacts�.