Travel Alert

Bureau of Consular Affairs

This information is current as of today,


April 30, 2008

This Travel Alert updates U.S. citizens about security issues in China and advises American citizens traveling or residing there to be alert to their surroundings and exercise caution at all times.  This Travel Alert expires on October 31, 2008.

Any large-scale public event such as the upcoming Olympic Games may present an attractive target for terrorists.  There is a heightened risk that extremist groups will conduct terrorist acts within China in the near future.  In light of these security concerns, U.S. citizens traveling in China are advised to use caution and to be alert to their surroundings at all times, including at hotels, in restaurants, on public transportation and where there are demonstrations and other large-scale public gatherings.  Consistent with our standard advice, American citizens are urged to avoid the areas of demonstrations.

In accordance with these security concerns, Chinese authorities have increased security in China's airports during recent months.  For example, Chinese airport authorities recently implemented tighter restrictions on taking liquids, aerosols, or gels aboard flights in carry-on baggage.  Such restrictions may apply to food, cosmetics, toiletries and medicine.  Travelers should contact their air carrier before their flight to determine the precise regulation in place.

American citizens are strongly encouraged to maintain a high level of vigilance, be aware of local events, and take the appropriate steps to bolster their personal security.  For additional information, please refer to “A Safe Trip Abroad” found at

U.S. citizens planning travel to China should regularly check the Department’s Country Specific Information for China at for the latest safety and security information, including the updated Olympics Fact Sheet, as well as the U.S. Embassy Beijing website at  Americans planning travel to China are advised to register their presence with the U.S. Embassy at

As the Department continues to develop information on any potential security threats to U.S. citizens overseas, it shares credible threat information through its consular information program documents, available on the Internet at In addition to information on the Internet, travelers may obtain up-to-date information on security conditions by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the U.S. and Canada or from other countries on a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444.

This Travel Alert is being issued to update U.S. citizens to safety and security concerns.