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Earth Releases:
map of sea-level anomalies from July 4 to July 14, 2008 7/30/08 - Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason 2 Begins Mapping Oceans
Less than a month after launch, the new NASA-French space agency Jason 2 oceanography satellite has produced its first complete maps.
fires in Yolla Bolly Range Mountains, July 6, 2008 7/22/08 - New NASA 'Fire and Smoke' Web Page Shows Latest Fire Views, Research
NASA satellites, aircraft and research know-how, including resources and expertise from JPL, comprise a wealth of cutting-edge tools to help firefighters battle wildfires.
wind power density over oceans in Northern hemisphere 7/9/08 - Ocean Wind Power Maps Reveal Possible Wind Energy Sources
Efforts to harness the energy potential of Earth's ocean winds could soon gain an important new tool: global satellite maps from NASA.
The new Global Climate Change website 6/23/08 - New NASA Website Focuses on Global Climate Change
A new website from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., is devoted to educating the public about Earth's changing climate.
launch of OSTM/Jason 2 6/20/08 - NASA Launches Ocean Satellite to Keep a Weather, Climate Eye Open
A new oceanography satellite launched on a globe-circling voyage to continue charting sea level, a vital indicator of global climate change.
artist concept of satellites above Earth 5/27/08 - NASA Satellites Illuminate Pollution's Influence on Clouds, Climate
Using data from instruments in a constellation of NASA satellites, scientists have discovered that they can see deep inside of clouds.
artist concept of OSTM/Jason-2 in space 5/20/08 - Joint NASA-French Satellite to Track Trends in Sea Level, Climate
A satellite that will help scientists better monitor and understand rises in global sea level is undergoing final preparations for a June 15 launch.
Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason-2 spacecraft arrives at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. 4/30/08 - Ocean Survey Spacecraft Arrives at Launch Site
A spacecraft designed to continue a long-term survey of Earth's oceans has arrived at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., for final launch preparations.
Jason data showing La Nina 4/21/08 - Larger Pacific Climate Event Helps Current La Nina Linger
Boosted by the influence of a larger climate event in the Pacific, one of the strongest La Ninas in many years is slowly weakening but continues to blanket the Pacific Ocean near the equator.
map of high winds in Gulf Stream 4/17/08 - New Atlases Use NASA Data to Chart Ocean Winds
Researchers have compiled years of data from NASA's QuikScat satellite to create three new atlases of ocean wind patterns around the globe.
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