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Training & Educational Opportunities

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The NN/LM New England Region provides free educational programming on National Library of Medicine resources such as PubMed and MedlinePlus for librarians, health professionals, educators, community based organizations and the general public. We also provide funding of outreach activities in the promotion of NLM resources and services. NN/LM New England Region coordinators will help you develop customized training materials for educational programs and exhibits highlighting NLM resources.

To inquire about a training opportunity, contact contact Outreach and Education Coordinator, Lauri Kolakoski Fennell at or Consumer Health Information Coordinator, Michelle Eberle at

Training on National Library of Medicine Resources

Learn about educational programming offered in the New England Region in our training calendar.

Also, the NTCC offers expert training on PubMed, TOXNET and the Gateway several times a year in the New England region. Register with the NTCC for an upcoming class!.

The NN/LM NER offers distance based learning programs. Attend one of our "Connecting with the NER" distance based programs or inquire about hosting a customized distance learning program (link to online training request form to be created).

Schedule a Training Session

The NN/LM NER offers customized training sessions on NLM resources such as MedlinePlus, PubMed, TOXNET, DOCLINE and more. We also offer a variety of Medical Library Association approved classes for librarians.

To learn more about classes offered, check out our class descriptions. Some classes are also available with CME and CNE credits for physicians and nurses.

Resources for Training Sessions

You may use NN/LM NER training resources and resources available in the NTCC Educational Clearinghouse.

Contact NER for More Information

For more information about NN/LM NER's educational programming, please contact Outreach and Education Coordinator, Lauri Kolakoski Fennell at or Consumer Health Information Coordinator, Michelle Eberle at