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2006 PO.DAAC Announcements
Current | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004

17November 2006 : CNES concluded Jason Safe Hold Mode (SHM) activities

CNES concluded Jason Safe Hold Mode (SHM) activities at 1630 UT (0830 PST) on Friday, 17 November. The spacecraft and payload instruments appear to be in nominal health and are operating correctly. Normal science processing has resumed.

Approximately 18 days of science data were lost as a result of this Safe Hold anomaly.

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at

16 October 2006: Reynolds Version 2.0 Data

The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of the Reynolds version 2.0 Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperatures (ERSST). This data is intended to replace the older RSST data. This data set improves on the previous version in significant ways. The data is available through
and should be used instead of the RSST.

The data is provided by Richard Reynolds with details of the algorithm described under:

Smith, T.M., and R.W. Reynolds, 2004:
Improved Extended Reconstruction of SST (1854-1997). Journal of Climate, 17, 2466-2477.

For more information see:

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at

26 July 2006: Dear User of QuikSCAT and/or SeaWinds Data

PO.DAAC is pleased to announce that reprocessed data for the entire SeaWinds on ADEOS-II mission is now available at

The SeaWinds Project has also begun creating QuikSCAT (SeaWinds on QuikSCAT) data using similarly new processing algorithms, which features:
- improved flagging of rain contamination
- improved performance at high wind speeds
- 12.5 km wind vector retrievals for level 2 data

A revised user's manual will detail these and many other improvements. By the end of July 2006 we expect that current data (July 1-30, 2006), as well as a
portion of the 2003 QuikSCAT mission will be available.

All existing QuikSCAT data, from July 1999 to now, will be reprocessed using the new software. First to be reprocessed will be the 2003 data, to allow
comparisons to the similarly-reprocessed SeaWinds on ADEOS-II data.

The order of reprocessing is 2003, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2001, 2000, and 1999. Each year requires approximately one month to reprocess. Current, incoming data will concurrently be produced. The old data created by the old software (version 2.4) will not be available after July 28.

All newly processed QuikSCAT data will be available as gzipped files via FTP:

PO.DAAC also offers aspera, a faster tool for transferring files.
Download and install the client software, then download the data, as described at:

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at

17 April 2007: MODIS Aqual SST Translation

The PO.DAAC announces the availability of revised SST products from the MODIS Aqua sensor.

These products are derived from the processing at the NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) and include Level 3 global maps of SST at 4 and 9 km resolution with a temporal resolution of daily, weekly (8day), monthly and annual. The PO.DAAC is in effect acting as a mirror site for these products hosted at the OBPG.

A new collection of software readers, documentation and products can be found on our FTP site:

In addition, these products are also available via the subsetting tool POET:

The PO.DAAC in the very near future will also host Terra SST products produced by the OBPG. In the interim, we will continue to distribute the Terra MODIS SST products produced by the NASA Godaard DAAC.

Or, email your questions to us at:

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