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Earthquake Hazards Program

Bulletin: February 2005

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                                                         NO. 5-080-EXP
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY                                                                                        MAR 21, 2005
                                      ROUTINE MINING SEISMICITY IN THE UNITED STATES
      UTC          COORDINATES               GS                STA                                               
DAY HR MN SEC     LAT       LONG           mb  MS              USED                                               
FEB 2005
14  19 03 44.9  43.527 N  105.244 W   0 G           A 0.8  176   25  WYOMING. ML 3.4 (GS). 85 km (55 miles) E of Midwest.
14  21 03 47.2* 43.711 N  105.269 W   0 G           B 0.8  142    9  WYOMING. ML 3.0 (GS). 65 km (40 miles) SSE of Gillette.
14  21 16 04.7  37.172 N   81.846 W   0 G           A 0.8   82   14  WEST VIRGINIA. mbLg 3.0 (GS). 55 km (35 miles) W of
15  02 36 54.1  37.218 N   81.873 W   0 G           A 1.1   75   22  WEST VIRGINIA. mbLg 3.1 (GS). 60 km (35 miles) W of
15  21 19 18.2  43.698 N  105.204 W   0 G           A 1.0  143   24  WYOMING. ML 3.3 (GS). 70 km (45 miles) SSE of Gillette.
16  21 10 30.8  43.582 N  105.075 W   0 G           A 1.1  147   13  WYOMING. ML 3.3 (GS). 75 km (45 miles) WSW of Newcastle.
20  19 06 05.7  43.772 N  105.321 W   0 G           A 0.6  173   22  WYOMING. ML 3.1 (GS). 60 km (35 miles) SSE of Gillette.
25  19 45 17.2  41.696 N  110.477 W   0 G           A 0.7   62   31  WYOMING. ML 2.4 (GS). 65 km (40 miles) NE of Evanston.
25  21 02 05.9  43.751 N  105.144 W   0 G           A 0.8  113   43  WYOMING. ML 3.6 (GS). 65 km (40 miles) SSE of Gillette.

For origin times after September 30, 2002, USGS computations of hypocenters and magnitudes for routine mining events are listed in this publication only for exceptionally large events and for events that are also listed in the Reviewed Event Event Bulletins (REB) of the International Data Center of the United Nations' Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.

Routine U.S. Mining Seismicity Home Page | Goal and Scope of the Bulletin | Evidence used in Identifying Routine Mining Seismicity | Explanation of Catalog Listings | Mining Seismicity Source Regions

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