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Best Publication Awards

Each year, “Best Publication Awards” are given to selected articles from Fishery Bulletin and Marine Fisheries Review. Here are recent awards, with links to the PDF versions of the articles.

Vol. 101, Fishery Bulletin
John L. Butler, J. Thomas Barnes, Larry D. Jacobson, and H. Geoffery Moser
Biology and population dynamics of cowcod (Sebastes levis) in the southern California Bight, p. 260-280

Vol. 65(2), Marine Fisheries Review
Charles W. Fowler
Tenets, principles, and criteria for management: The basis for systemic management, p. 1-55

Vol. 100, Fishery Bulletin
R. Bruce MacFarlane and Elizabeth C. Norton
Physiological ecology of juvenile chinook salmon (0ncorhynchus tshawytscha) at the southern end of their distribution, the San Francisco Estuary and Gulf of the Farallones, California, p. 244-257

Vol. 99, Fishery Bulletin
Nancy C.H. Lo, John R. Hunter, and Richard Charter
Use of a continuous egg sampler for ichthyoplankton surveys: application to the estimation of daily egg production of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) off California, p. 554-571

Vol. 63(1), Marine Fisheries Review
Clyde L. MacKenzie, Jr.
The fisheries for mangrove cockles, Anadara spp., from Mexico to Peru, with descriptions of their habitats and biology, the fishermen’s lives, and the effects of shrimp farming, p. 1-39

Vol. 98, Fishery Bulletin
James W. Orr and Ann C. Matarese
Revision of the genus Lepidopsetta Gill, 1862 (Teleostei: Pleuronectidae) based on larval and adult morphology, with a description of a new species from the north Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, p. 539-582

Vol. 62, Marine Fisheries Review
Lisa S. Baraff and Thomas R. Loughlin
Trends and potential interactions between pinnipeds and fisheries of New England and the U.S. West Coast, p. 1-39

Vol. 97, Fishery Bulletin
Allan W. Stoner, A. J. Bejda, J. P. Manderson, B. A. Phelan, L. L. Stehlik, and J. P. Pessutti
Behavior of winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, during the reproductive season: Laboratory and field observations on spawning, feeding, and locomotion, p. 999-1016

Vol. 61, Marine Fisheries Review
S. L. Perry, D. P. Demaster, and G. K. Silber
The great whales: History and status of six species listed as endangered under the U. S. Endangered Species Act of 1973, p. 1-74

Vol. 96, Fishery Bulletin
Jerald S. Ault, J. A. Bohnsack, and G. A. Meester
A retrospective (1979-1996) multispecies assessment of coral reef fish stocks in the Florida Keys [note: PDF unavailable]

Vol. 60, Marine Fisheries Review
Janet E. Mason
Declining rockfish lengths in the Monterey Bay, California, recreational fishery, p. 15-28

Vol. 95, Fishery Bulletin
Frank A. Parrish, Edward E. DeMartini, Denise M. Ellis
Nursery habitat in relation to production of juvenile pink snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus, in the Hawaiian Archipelago, p. 137-148 [note: PDF unavailable]
