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21 September 2008
10 Celsius
NW Light 
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Welcome to Met Éireann

Met Éireann, the Irish National Meteorological Service, is part of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. It is the leading provider of weather information and related services for Ireland.

Current Forecast

21 September 2008 15:54


Becoming increasingly cloudy from the west this evening with patchy drizzle or light rain, but many areas will remain dry.


Cloudy and misty early tonight with patches of drizzle or light rain mainly in central and northern areas. Clearer weather arriving in the northwest will spread southeast to most areas later in the night. It will turn cool towards morning. Lowest temperatures will range 5 to 8 degrees in a moderate northeast breeze.


Tomorrow Monday will be a dry and bright day with variable cloud and sunny spells. The sunshine will be best across the west and south, whereas it will be cloudier at times near east coasts. Highest temperatures will range 14 to 17 degrees - warmest in the west. Northeast breezes will be moderate

3 Day Outlook

Monday night will be dry and rather cold with fog and ground frost in places. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will see a continuation of the fine settled weather, with further sunny spells. Winds will be moderate to fresh east to northeast. Maximum daytime temperatures will range from 14 C or 15 C along exposed coasts to a warmer 16 C to 18 C elsewhere. The nights will be rather cold with further fog and ground frost in many areas.



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