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Environmental Law Reporter (ELR)

Departmental employees at the following offices/bureaus have access to this database:

  • Fish and Wildlife Service - Nationwide
  • Bureau of Land Management - Nationwide
  • Bureau of Reclamation - Nationwide
  • Minerals Management Service - Nationwide
  • National Park Service - Nationwide
  • U.S. Geological Survey - Nationwide
  • Office of Surface Mining - Nationwide
  • Office of the Secretary - Washington Area Locations

Other users must come to the DOI Library to use this database or contact a Reference Librarian for assistance.

For more than 30 years, the Environmental Law Reporter (ELR) has been an important resource for environmental, health and safety, toxic tort, natural resource, and land use professionals. The Environmental Law Reporter is ideal for federal and state government attorneys and managers, the public interest community, private sector manufacturing, land and real estate companies, federal and state courts, educators, and others. The full Environmental Law Reporter online subscription includes the following items listed below:

  • News & Analysis
    • This monthly journal tracks and summarizes all major environmental, toxic tort, natural resource and land use law developments, including legislative and administrative action, judicial decisions, and news. Monthly, in-depth articles cover a wide spectrum of issues. Additionally, a monthly "Journal Literature" section provides an instant "must read" list of relevant articles. This journal is available in print and online.
  • State News & Analysis
    • This service provides information on state level litigation, statutory, and administrative developments in environmental, natural resources, land use, and toxic tort law. ELR editors and contributors from law firms, public interest groups, and corporations "go beyond the news" to provide analyses through timely, easy-to-use articles. Updated summaries of agency developments and numerous links to agency, legislative, and other sources are also provided.
  • International News & Analysis
    • This service consists of contributions from dozens of writers throughout the world, covering topics such as trade and the environment, standard setting, sustainable development, biodiversity, climate change, and the law of other nations (developing and developed). The most comprehensive list of links on international environmental law is also provided.
  • Health and Safety News & Analysis
    • This ELR feature examines issues pertaining to occupational safety, risk regulation and cost-benefit analysis, ISO 14001 implementation, corporate ESH programs, reporting, ergonomics, and related issues. Comprehensive listings of articles and links to governmental (federal, state, and international) and nongovernmental web sites are included.
  • Litigation
    • Updated continuously, ELR's Litigation service provides the text of environmental, toxic tort, natural resource, and land use cases. Each case published in ELR is prefaced by an accurate, unbiased, and concise case summary, written by ELR's staff of environmental lawyers. With well over 10,000 cases reported since its first edition in 1971, the Litigation service provides a complete source of environmental, natural resource, toxic tort, land use, and health and safety judicial decisions.
  • Indexes, Tables & Bibliographies
    • Immediate access to a wealth of ELR information is available to subscribers through the Indexes, Tables & Bibliographies service. The Cumulative Table of Cases provides you with not only ELR citations and procedure histories but, where applicable, citations to other reporting services. The Subject Matter Index breaks down the entire body of ELR information into precise subject categories, designed to lead you quickly to relevant cases and articles with links. The Annual and Cumulative Bibliographies identify pertinent journal articles, making additional research easier and more productive. The ELR Cite Conversion Table allows researchers to locate the name of a case published in ELR based on the ELR cite.
  • Briefs & Pleadings
    • ELR's unique Briefs and Pleadings service allows users to focus their legal research quickly by reviewing how colleagues, the government, or opposing counsel have argued similar cases. This time-saving database contains concise digests, written by ELR's staff of experienced lawyers, of a variety of complaints, motions, appellate briefs, memoranda, and other pleadings filed in federal and state courts and agencies. More recent documents are available in full text or are available by links. Covered pleadings range from the earliest significant environmental cases to those that are pending today. In many cases, users can obtain full-text copies of relevant briefs from the ELR Document Service.
  • Federal Statutes & Treaties
    • This component provides the full text of 18 federal environmental statutes. Each statute has its own detailed table of contents, quickly guiding users to the section they need. The Statutory Outline section summarizes a total of 48 major federal statutes, highlighting key provisions and providing cross references to the U.S. Code. Updated as needed, the Federal Laws & Regulations section also provides researchers with major treaties, conventions, and international agreements. Complete research tools for using federal regulations, as well as state laws and regulations, are also provided.


U.S. Department of the Interior

The Interior Library


Last Updated on 07/23/08