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Blackberry  |  Palm Operating System     
PocketPC Operating System

BlackBerry and Personal Digital Assistant Resources

BlackBerry (RIM Operating System)


MarketWatch from Dow Jones - sign up to receive stock market alerts on your BlackBerry.


PocketDay BlackBerry Today Screen - download 30-day trial software to display on one screen your appointments, tasks, missed calls, unread email.

Mobipocket Reader 5.2 - download this free application and sync with your BlackBerry to read eBooks from the sites below.

  • Mobipocket eBookstore - this site has several low-cost ebooks in science, engineering, mathematics, business, and management that can be downloaded to a PC and transferred to a BlackBerry with MobipocketReader.
  • NCBI eBooks - download free bio-related electronic books from the National Library of Medicine and sync with a BlackBerry to display with MobipocketReader.
  • CyberRead Electronic Books - download ebooks on topics such as cellular technology, gas chromatography and sync to display on a BlackBerry with MobipocketReader.
  • Fictionwise eBooks - download low-cost ebooks in technology/science, business, more, and sync with a BlackBerry with MobipocketReader.

Wireless Internet

PubMed for Handhelds - do a quick search of a subset of MEDLINE journals or read journal abstracts online.

Use a BlackBerry as an external modem - follow instructions to use a BlackBerry with tethered modem capability (7100 series, 8700 series, 7250, 7290) to connect a laptop computer to the Internet.

Palm Operating System


MarketWatch from Dow Jones - sign up to receive stock market alerts on your wireless Palm.


ACalc 0.21 – download scientific and algebraic 15-digit calculator with built-in functions and constants.

CFCalc Compressible Flow Calculator - A calculator for compressible flow functions; useful in the field of compressible gas dynamics. It calculates isentropic flow properties, normal and oblique shock properties, and Prandtl-Meyer flow.

ChemTable Freeware – view periodic table of elements.

Electrical Engineering Tools - download 15-use suite of electrical engineering tools.

Fluid Mechanics Tools  - download 15-use suite of fluid mechanics tools.

Heat and Mass Transfer Tools - download 15-use suite of heat and mass transfer tools.

inChemLab Shareware – perform everyday chemistry calculations.

Mathematical Tools - download 15-use suite of mathematical tools.

MobipocketReader 5.2 - download this free application to enable your Palm to display eBooks you can download from the sites below.

  • MobipocketeBookstore  - this site has several low-cost ebooks in science, engineering, mathematics, business, and management that can be downloaded to a PC and transferred to a BlackBerry with MobipocketReader.
  • NCBI eBooks - download free bio-related electronic books from the National Library of Medicine and sync with a BlackBerry to display with MobipocketReader.
  • CyberRead Electronic Books - download ebooks on topics such as cellular technology, gas chromatography and sync to display on a BlackBerry with MobipocketReader.
  • Fictionwise eBooks - download low-cost ebooks in technology/science, business, more, and sync with a BlackBerry with MobipocketReader.

MolarMath Freeware - quickly calculate the molar weights of compounds.

PalmPCR Freeware – set up polymerase chain reactions (PCR) for use amplifying DNA in a molecular biology lab.

PocketCond - determine ampacity and impedance of electric conductors.

Thermodynamics Tools - download 15-use suite of thermodynamics tools.

USDA Nutrient Database – download a search program and access USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.

WISER - Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (assists first responders in hazardous material incidents)

Web-clipping Services

AvantGo –– use channels on a variety of subjects to put the Web on your PDA.

BioMed Central AvantGo Service –– set up a custom channel with AvantGo to receive an up-to-the-minute research article abstracts from BioMed Central.

The Scientist AvantGo Service - set up a custom channel with AvantGo to receive the latest biological and medical news from The Scientist.

Chemical and Engineering News – set up custom AvantGo channel to receive the latest Chemical and Engineering News.

Wiley InterScience Mobile Edition – use AvantGo to receive the latest tables of contents and abstracts from selected Wiley journals.

Wireless Internet

Physics E-print Search – use this PDA application to search the physics preprint server at arXiv.org. Searches abstracts from 2002 - present.

PubMed for Handhelds - do a quick search of a subset of MEDLINE journals or read journal abstracts online.

PocketPC Operating System


MarketWatch from Dow Jones - sign up to receive stock market alerts on your wireless pocketPC.


Chemistry Assistant Lite! 1.0 – view periodic table of elements.

Electrical Engineering Tools - download 15-use suite of electrical engineering tools.

Fluid Mechanics Tools  - download 15-use suite of fluid mechanics tools.

Heat and Mass Transfer Tools - download 15-use suite of heat and mass transfer tools.

Mathematical Tools - download 15-use suite of mathematical tools.

MobipocketReader 5.2 - download this free application to enable your PocketPC to display eBooks you can download from the sites below.

  • MobipocketeBookstore - this site has several low-cost ebooks in science, engineering, mathematics, business, and management that can be downloaded to a PC and transferred to a BlackBerry with MobipocketReader.
  • NCBI eBooks - download free bio-related electronic books from the National Library of Medicine and sync with a BlackBerry to display with MobipocketReader.
  • CyberRead Electronic Books - download ebooks on topics such as cellular technology, gas chromatography and sync to display on a BlackBerry with MobipocketReader.
  • Fictionwise eBooks - download low-cost ebooks in technology/science, business, more, and sync with a BlackBerry with MobipocketReader.

Thermodynamics Tools - download 15-use suite of thermodynamics tools.

WISER - Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders  (assists first responders in hazardous material incidents).

Web-clipping Services

AvantGo – use channels on a variety of subjects to put the Web on your PDA.

BioMed Central AvantGo Service – set up custom channel with AvantGo to receive up-to-the-minute research article abstracts from BioMed Central.

The Scientist AvantGo Service - set up a custom channel with AvantGo to receive the latest biological and medical news from The Scientist.

Chemical and Engineering News – set up custom AvantGo channel to receive the latest Chemical and Engineering News.

Wiley InterScience Mobile Edition – use AvantGo to receive the latest tables of contents and abstracts from selected Wiley journals.

Wireless Internet

PubMed for Handhelds - do a quick search of a subset of MEDLINE journals or read journal abstracts online.

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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Technology Services  •  Information Services Division


Last modified: Sep 06, 2007