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Founded as a not-for-profit organization in 1995, JSTOR contains the complete back-runs of hundreds of journals and is available at more than 1,500 libraries in 71 countries. JSTOR's journal collections usually include all issues back to the inception of the journal, contain PDF images of original articles in each issue, and are full-text searchable through each article. With participation and support from the international scholarly community, JSTOR has created a high-quality, interdisciplinary archive of scholarship and continues to greatly expand access to scholarly works and other materials needed for research and teaching globally.

The Department of the Interior Library's JSTOR subscription currently includes access to their Life Sciences Collection (which is a compilation of their Ecology & Botany, Biological Sciences, and Health and General Sciences collections), the Arts & Sciences II collection, and the Arts & Sciences Complement collection.

Life Sciences Collection

The Life Sciences Collection is JSTOR's largest collection, with over 5.5 million pages available today and scheduled to grow to more than 7 million.

In the Life Sciences Collection, researchers can trace the origins of many scientific sub-disciplines through more than 25 journals that commenced publication over one hundred years ago. Through the multidisciplinary Proceedings and Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Science, Science News, and BioScience, the collection features scholarship and news from across the sciences. The collection also includes a number of the most highly cited journals in the fields of biology, botany & plant sciences, ecology & evolutionary biology, immunology, ornithology, and zoology.

The Life Sciences Collection includes all the titles available in the Ecology & Botany, Biological Sciences, and Health & General Sciences collections.

Ecology & Botany

The Ecology & Botany Collection contains thirty-six titles in the biological sciences. Founded with the assistance of the Ecological Society of America, it includes this society's premier research journals alongside a range of titles broadly focused on ecosystems. Topics covered by the ecology journals are wide-ranging, from biodiversity and climate change to conservation and experimental biology. The botany titles—including the oldest botanical journal in the Americas—encompass a range of subjects such as plant biology, systematic botany, and taxonomy.

Biological Sciences

The Biological Sciences Collection includes 138 titles. Coverage in this collection offers depth in fields such as biodiversity, conservation, paleontology, plant science, and zoology.

Health & General Sciences

The Health & General Sciences Collection features thirty-five important historical scientific journals and top publications in the health sciences, offering published scientific research dating as far back as 1665. The collection includes publications of the Royal Society of London, which extend back to the seventeenth century, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, which dates from the early twentieth century. A cluster of titles in nursing and epidemiology is also available.

Arts & Sciences II

The Arts & Sciences II Collection is home to 192 titles, including core, peer-reviewed journals covering subjects areas relating to the general arts and sciences. Arts & Sciences II is a multidisciplinary collection containing the digitized archives of journals in history, economics, Asian studies, classics, history of science, archeology, geography and African, Latin American, Slavic, and Middle Eastern studies. Journal titles in this collection include the Journal of African History, American Anthropologist, American Antiquity, American Ethnologist, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, The Journal of American Folklore, Archaeological Reports, The Journal of Field Archaeology, Economic Geography, Geographical Review, Ethnohistory, The Journal of Contemporary History, International Migration Review, and The American Statistician.

Arts & Sciences Complement

The Arts & Sciences Complement includes 179 journals related to the core Arts & Sciences colletions. JSTOR's aim is to introduce important titles not included in earlier collections and to capture journals that cross discipline boundaries. Journals titles that are a part of this collection include the American Indian Quarterly, Anthropology Quarterly, Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin, Ethnology, Land Economics, The Public Historian, Agricultural History, and the Western Historical Quarterly.

U.S. Department of the Interior

The Interior Library


Last Updated on 07/23/08