Alternative Genetic Markers

While short tandem repeat (STR) typing forms the backbone of current national DNA databases and day-to-day forensic casework, additional DNA marker systems are under exploration in the research arena. These new DNA marker systems include single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Alu-insertion elements, and phenotypic predictors. Alternative genetic markers and assays can potentially provide further information about biological samples under investigation, such as an estimation of ethnic origin, physical characteristics, and skin, hair, or eye color.

From research sponsored by the National Institute of Justice

Research, Development and Evaluation Studies by the NIST Human Project Team

Autosomal SNP Assays

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Award Numbers: 1999-IJ-R-A094 and 2003-IJ-R-029

From research sponsored by the National Institute of Justice

The identification of newborns using messenger RNA profiling analysis.
Alvarez M, Ballantyne J.
Anal Biochem. 2006 Oct 1;357(1):21-34.
View Pub Med Entry
Grant number: 2005-MU-BX-K075

Inference of human geographic origins using Alu insertion polymorphisms

Ray DA, Walker JA, Hall A, Llewellyn B, Ballantyne J, Christian AT, Turteltaub K, Batzer MA
Forensic Sci Int. 2005 Oct 29;153(2-3):117-24
Pub Med
View Pub Med Entry

Developing a SNP panel for forensic identification of individuals
Kidd KK, Pakstis AJ, Speed WC, Grigorenko EL, Kajuna SL, Karoma NJ, Kungulilo, Kim JJ, Lu RB, Odunsi A, Okonofua F, Parnas J, Schulz LO, Zhukova OV, Kidd JR.
Forensic Sci Int. 2006 Dec 1;164(1):20-32. Epub 2005 Dec 19
View Pub Med Entry
Grant number: 2004-DN-BX-K025

Allele frequencies for 70 autosomal SNP loci with U.S. Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic samples.
Vallone PM, Decker AE, Butler JM.
Forensic Sci Int. 2005 May 10;149(2-3):279-86
Grant number: 2003-IJ-R-029
Mobile element-based assay for human gender determination.
Hedges DJ, Walker JA, Callinan PA, Shewale JG, Sinha SK, Batzer MA.
Anal Biochem. 2003 Jan 1;312(1):77-9.
Grant number: 2001-IJ-CX-K004
Non-traditional Alu evolution and primate genomic diversity.
Roy-Engel AM, Carroll ML, El-Sawy M, Salem AH, Garber RK, Nguyen SV, Deininger PL, Batzer MA.
J Mol Biol. 2002 Mar 8;316(5):1033-40.
Grant number: 2001-IJ-CX-K004
Alu repeats and human genomic diversity.
Batzer MA, Deininger PL.
Nat Rev Genet. 2002 May;3(5):370-9.
Grant number: 1999-IJ-CX-K009, 2001-IJ-CX-K004
Mammalian retroelements.
Deininger PL, Batzer MA.
Genome Res. 2002 Oct;12(10):1455-65.
Grant number: 2001-IJ-CX-K004
A comprehensive analysis of recently integrated human Ta L1 elements.
Myers JS, Vincent BJ, Udall H, Watkins WS, Morrish TA, Kilroy GE, Swergold GD, Henke J, Henke L, Moran JV, Jorde LB, Batzer MA.
Am J Hum Genet. 2002 Aug;71(2):312-26. Epub 2002 Jun 17.
Grant number: 2001-IJ-CX-K004
Alu insertion polymorphisms for the study of human genomic diversity.
Roy-Engel AM, Carroll ML, Vogel E, Garber RK, Nguyen SV, Salem AH, Batzer MA, Deininger PL.
Genetics. 2001 Sep;159(1):279-90.
Grant number: 1999-IJ-CX-K009
Alu insertion polymorphisms in NW Africa and the Iberian Peninsula: evidence for a strong genetic boundary through the Gibraltar Straits.
Comas D, Calafell F, Benchemsi N, Helal A, Lefranc G, Stoneking M, Batzer MA, Bertranpetit J, Sajantila A.
Hum Genet. 2000 Oct;107(4):312-9.
Grant number: 1999-IJ-CX-K009
Potential gene conversion and source genes for recently integrated Alu elements.
Roy AM, Carroll ML, Nguyen SV, Salem AH, Oldridge M, Wilkie AO, Batzer MA, Deininger PL.
Genome Res. 2000 Oct;10(10):1485-95.
Grant number: 1999-IJ-CX-K009
Reading between the LINEs: human genomic variation induced by LINE-1 retrotransposition.
Sheen FM, Sherry ST, Risch GM, Robichaux M, Nasidze I, Stoneking M, Batzer MA, Swergold GD.
Genome Res. 2000 Oct;10(10):1496-508
Grant number: 1999-IJ-CX-K009
Recently Integrated Human Alu Repeats: Finding Needles in the Haystack
Roy AM, Carroll ML, Kass DH, Nguyen SV, Salem AH, Batzer MA, Deininger PL.
Genetica. 1999;107(1-3):149-61.
Grant number: 1999-IJ-CX-K009