
Electronic Resources - DOI Access Only

U.S. Department of the Interior employees may use thirteen database services to discover and obtain Congressional, Executive, and Judicial documents, reference information, and articles from journals, conference proceedings, magazines, newsletters, and newspapers.

Search Databases Together

Enter keywords in the box to search for those words in many of the Library's databases.

To narrow your search, you may use Advanced Search to choose authors, titles, keywords or subjects, or to select one or more databases from the Library's list of those that may be searched together.

    Use the form below to find electronic journals by title --



To help you determine whether and where a needed journal is available online, we provide this complete, searchable alphabetical list of titles. If you're not sure where to find a journal online, try this list first.

The list combines the full-text journals and other periodicals in all the database services to which the Library has access. Also included are some single subscriptions as well as some journals freely available on the Internet. Most entries include coverage dates, and all entries have links directly to the journal.

Please direct your questions on database searching strategies to a Reference Librarian.


U.S. Department of the Interior

The Interior Library


Last Updated on 07/30/08