Why I Give to CoOL

Nancie Ravenel
Objects Conservator, Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vermont, USA

It's an amazing resource--this freely available repository of the intellectual output for the field of preservation and conservation. It's the first place I look when there's some new conservation problem I'm asked to address. Chances are there's a resource or link on CoOL that will help me start navigating that decision-making process. If there's not a resource or link on CoOL, I can turn to the Conservation DistList, where I'm connected with more than 10,000 colleagues from over 92 countries. I rely on CoOL to give me access to much of the literature that helps me do my job.

And I remember what it felt like when it went away in 2009. It happened without warning, and it was shocking. Within eight days, FAIC assumed responsibility for CoOL and the Conservation DistList and three months later the first DistList instance appeared on cool.conservation-us.org. It felt great to be reconnected.

I want to thank Walter Henry for creating and managing this resource for us all. I want to support him in his work, even if it is just a small token. I want this resource to be more than simply maintained. I want to see it improve and grow. The more conservators who contribute financially to CoOL, even in a small way, the more FAIC can tell other funders how important this resource is to our field in a way they understand.

So what about you? Will you consider sending a donation in support of CoOL?

You can donate on line at http://www.conservation-us.org/donate
or mail a check to:

Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation (FAIC)
1156 15th Street, NW, Suite 320
Washington, DC 20005

Thank you for your participation and support.

Conservation OnLine
Conservation OnLine

Resources for Conservation Professionals

Welcome to CoOL

CoOL, an online resource operated by the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation is a full text library of conservation information, covering a wide spectrum of topics of interest to those involved with the conservation of library, archives and museum materials. It is a growing online resource for conservators, collection care specialists, and other conservation professionals

A sample of areas covered
Conservation of Cultural Property Materials Subjects
Art conservation
Paintings conservation
Paper conservation
Photographic materials conservation
Book conservation
Sculpture conservation
Objects conservation
Artifact conservation
Wood conservation
Textile conservation
Archaeological materials
Archives materials
Artists' materials Electronic media
Electronic records
Historic materials Library materials
Modern materials
Museum materials
Natural history collections
Collections care
Conservation education & training
Conservation science
Conservation suppliers
Conservation treatment
Degradation of materials
Digital imaging
Disaster planning
Health & Safety
Intellectual Property
Library Binding
Mass deacidification
Pest management
Preservation-related organizations

The content of CoOL comes from a variety of sources and we hope that all users will consider contributing some material to the project. As you use the server please pay attention to lacunae that you might be able to help fill. If this is your first time here, please read an important message about copyright. If you would like to contribute material to CoOL, please send a note to wh. To report problems or offer suggestions, select the Feedback links at the bottom of each page


This area has News, New items, and Time-sensitive information
Updated: Monday, 09-Jul-2012 16:37:55 PDT

Finding People

This area has the ConsDir and other tools for finding people involved with conservation as well as allied professionals.
ConsDir Updated: Thursday, 08-Jul-2010 13:35:19 PDT
Finding People Updated: Thursday, 21-Jun-2012 13:08:40 PDT

Author Index

Updated: Monday, 28-Dec-2009 16:48:45 PST


AIC site has moved to a new home

AIC has moved to a new host http://conservation-us.org where you will find greatly expanded offerings for both conservation (and allied) professionals, the public, and members. AIC members will be especially happy to know that they will now benefit from member-oriented services well beyond those that CoOL has been able to provide.

CoOL and AIC continue to work together to provide quality information for the conservation community. AIC and CoOL have had a long, and happy history together--the first AIC documents were added to CoOL in May 1994, when CoOL was still a Gopher and WAIS site-- and I'm very pleased to say that much of the content you're used to seeing here will continue to be available in CoOL.

The Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (JAIC) remains here, as do the sites of the AIC Specialty Groups, including publications such as postprints, annuals, reports, abstracts, etc., from

Conservation Topics


Please see disclaimer

Organizations with their home pages
(or mirrors) in CoOL

abbey publications
American Institute for Conservation Specialty Groups and Publications Albumen
 International Council of Museums (ICOM)
 Journal of
Conservation & Museum Studies TAKIACT
videopreservation logo
 Washington Conservation Guild (WCG) 
Western Association for Art Conservation (WAAC)

Organizations with Documents in CoOL

Other organizations

Mailing list archives

The mailing list archives are in the process of being restored to service

Mailing list archives formerly hosted at palimpsest.stanford.edu have been moved to cool.conservation-us.org and will be made publicly available again as soon as possible. This requires a great deal of work including rewriting/adapting the software that processes the list mail traffic creates the archives. All the existing content up to the date of the site move has been preserved but we will have to find ways to re-acquire/reconstruct list traffic between the date of the move and the date at which service is resumed. It is likely that the older messages (those before the move) will be made available more quickly than more recent traffic.


Online conservation/preservation serials

Conservation Resources at Other Sites ( Updated: Friday, 10-Aug-2012 15:40:27 PDT )

About this server

If you're interested in some background information on CoOL, it is being prepared, slowly.

Walter Henry

[Search all CoOL documents]

URL: http://cool.conservation-us.org/index.html
Timestamp: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2011 16:19:38 PST
Retrieved: Friday, 21-Sep-2012 05:54:49 GMT