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Our Mission

“To Protect and Improve Today’s Air Quality and
Preserve it for Future Generations”

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West Virginia Attainment Status for Ozone (O3)


Click here for:

R13-2738A Denial

Click here for the AQI  

Air Quality

601 - 57th Street
Charleston, WV  25304
Voice: (304)926-0475
Fax: (304)926-0479


Click below to download the “Blue Haze” report

May we take this opportunity to welcome you to our website. Since the business we are in is dynamic, this website will always be changing in order to keep you informed about what we are doing.  We hope you find the information contained here is sufficient to satisfy the majority of your needs. We recognize, as you do, that it is often almost impossible to anticipate the total spectrum of demands that are placed on any information management system. Therefore, there will always remain the need for personal contact via telephone, facsimile machine, U.S. Mail, Email, or a face-to-face meeting with a representative of this office.

We hope your visit proves to be an informative one and that you will revisit us in the future. Any suggestions that you may wish to offer regarding this site's contents are welcome.  Feel free to contact the Division of Air Quality and let us know what you think!

Click below for more information on this project



Click image below to download Clean Air Forum

2007 Clean Air Forum

 Click image below to download  our
2007 Air Quality Annual Report


Click image below to download Open Burning brochure

Asbestos brochure cover

Asbestos brochure cover 

 Click image above to download  Caution Asbestos brochure



Click image below to download Used Oil poster

Used Oil Poster


Site Structural Map

General Information 

Our Mission 
Air Quality Definitions 
Office Locations and Contact Information 
PDF Document Organizational Chart 
Public Information Office 
DAQ Workshops 
Related Links 
What's New 

Air Monitoring Section 

Air Monitoring 
Data Processing 
Field Operations 

Enforcement Section 

Compliance and Enforcement 
Asbestos Removal And Demolition 
Emissions Testing 
Open Burning 

Hazardous Waste Section 

Haz-Waste Management 
Hazardous Waste Programs 
Solid Waste Air Programs 

Planning Section 

Air Quality Fees 
8-Hour Nonattainment Areas 
Planning Section Program 
Air Modeling Group 
Emission Data & Facility Records Group 
Emissions Inventory 
Area and Mobile Sources 
2007 Point Sources 
NOx SIP Call  
Clean Air Interstate Rule Programs  

Small Business Assistance 

Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) 
Frequently Asked Questions 
Small Business Air Permitting Issues 
Emission Calculation Tools & Outreach 
Hazardous Air Pollutants 
Site Safety & Risk Management 
Qualified Consultants List 
Small Business Links 

Mercury Study 

Mercury Study 
Background on Mercury Study 
Mercury Study Finding 
DAQ Mercury Study Reports 
Mercury Public Meetings and Hearings 
West Virginia Mercury Emissions 
Fish Consumption Advisories 
Mercury Links 

Energy Efficiency 

Energy Efficiency 
2007 DEP Day at the Legislature 
2008 DEP Day at the Legislature 
Light Bulb Comparison Spreadsheet 
EE Tips, Solutions and Ideas 
Photos of the EE Display 
Clean Air Forum 
EE Links 
Youth Environmental Day 


State and Federal Regulations 
Summary of Rules 

Permitting Section 

General Permits 
NSR Application Forms 
NSR Guidance Summary 
NSR Permits For Public Review 
Title IV (Acid Rain) 
Title V Guidance and Forms 
Title V Applications 
Title V Permits A-C 
Title V Permits D - M 
Title V Permits N-Z 

Emission Trading Section 

Emission Trading 
Emission Trading Program Overview 
Emission Trading Program Forms 
E T Program Guidance 
Emission Trading Program Registry 
Emission Trading Program Links 
NSR 2006 Permits for Review  
NSR 2007 Permits for Review 
NSR 2008 Permits for Review 
45CSR28 Program Evaluation 2006 
45CSR28 Program Evaluation 2003 
Air Quality Index 

Air Toxics 

Air Toxics Homepage 
Diesel Exhaust Emissions 

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