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A Strategy for a Stream-Gaging Network in Maryland

By Emery T. Cleaves and Edward J. Doheny

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Water is a keystone resource. In abundance, it supplies cities, industries, and agriculture. To maintain healthy natural and human ecosystems, water must not only be present in adequate quantity, but it must be of suitable quality for its intended use. Water quality depends on the amount, or load, of contaminants, both natural and anthropogenic, that it contains. Accurate assessment of these contaminants requires that the amount of water flowing in a stream or river be known. To quantify streamflow in a given stream or river and the variation of that flow through time, it must be measured by use of stream gages. Monitoring water flow is fundamental to managing and protecting water resources, and requires a collaborative effort by all interested parties, including Federal, State, and local government agencies.

This report was prepared by the Stream-Gage Committee of the Maryland Water Monitoring Council. The Committee has been guided by the discussions and recommendations of a stream-gaging workshop (convened by the Council on October 16, 1997) and by responses to a data-users questionnaire sent by the Committee to 500 users of stream-gage data.

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