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Administered by the Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Seal National Criminal Justice Reference Service National Criminal Justice Reference Service Office of Justice Programs Seal National Criminal Justice Reference Service
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Home / Justice System / Science/Technology / Forensics

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Science/Technology > Forensics

within topic: 

  • Where can I locate information on conducting forensic computer investigations?
    Information about forensic computer investigations can be found in the following National Institute ... Read More
    Last Updated: July 15, 2008

  • Where can I find information about forensics?
    Visit our online resource, In the Spotlight: Forensic Science, for comprehensive resources and infor... Read More
    Last Updated: May 29, 2008

  • Where can I find information about a career as a crime scene investigator?
    Information on required qualifications, education and training for careers in forensic science can b... Read More
    Last Updated: May 29, 2008

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  • Application of Proteinases for DNA Isolation of Bone Specimens,  NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 227502. (34 pages).

  • Development and Evaluation of a Whole Genome Amplification Method for Accurate Multiplex STR Genotyping of Compromised Forensic Casework Samples,  NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 227501. (83 pages).

  • Hand-Held DNA-Based Forensic Tool,  NIJ-Sponsored, 2009, NCJ 227499. (54 pages).

  • Laser Microdissection as a Technique To Resolve Mixtures and Improve the Analysis of Difficult Evidence Samples,  NIJ-Sponsored, October 2008, NCJ 227497. (95 pages).

  • Low Cost Microfluidic Microarray System for Typing Y Chromosome SNPs,  NIJ-Sponsored, March 2009, NCJ 227496. (44 pages).

  • Repair of Damaged DNA for Forensic Analysis,  NIJ-Sponsored, October 2008, NCJ 227498. (95 pages).

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Featured Q&A
  • Where can I locate information on the use of DNA to solve property crimes?
    Information on the use of DNA to solve property crimes can be found in the National Institute of Jus... Read More.
    Last Updated: November 10, 2008

  • Where can I locate information on conducting forensic computer investigations?
    Information about forensic computer investigations can be found in the following National Institute ... Read More.
    Last Updated: July 15, 2008

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Last updated on: August 7, 2009

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