DISA News and Events DISA News and Events Feed http://www.disa.mil/news/ Rapid Access Computing Environment (RACE) The Rapid Access Computing Environment (RACE) will be available in October. This quick-turn computing solution uses the revolutionary technology of cloud computing to give you the platform that you need today, quickly, inexpensively and, most importantly, securely. http://www.disa.mil/race Forecast to Industry Briefing slides from the Aug. 8 event are now available. http://www.disa.mil/conferences/forecast_industry SME-PED Information Available Through the use of the Secure Mobile Environment Portable Electronic Device (SME-PED), DoD personnel will be able to securely access classified information systems while away from stationary mediums. The SME-PED is designed to provide up to Top Secret voice and Secret data for its users. http://www.disa.mil/services/smeped.html DISA Director Retires Air Force Lt Gen Charles E. Croom Jr. retired from the Air Force and stepped down as director of the Defense Information Systems Agency and as commander of the Joint Task Force - Global Network Operations during a July 22 ceremony at Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C. http://www.disa.mil/news/stories/croom_retires.html NCES Reaches Critical Milestone An important benchmark in Department of Defense information sharing was reached today when the Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) program successfully achieved a critical acquisition milestone, Milestone C. http://www.disa.mil/news/pressreleases/2008/milestone_062008.html Get Your Copy of the GRID Conference Edition The Grid is the Defense Information Systems Agency's external newsletter, designed to keep DISA's customers, partners, and employees informed about items of interest within the DISA community. http://www.disa.mil/news/grid/ The Key is Information Not Technology Air Force Lt Gen Charles E. Croom, DISA director and commander of the Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations, during his keynote address, challenged the audience to rethink its current mindset about warfare and internal governmental processes. http://www.disa.mil/news/grid/june2008/key_info_tech.html It's All About the Mission "What will tomorrow look like?" Hight asked rhetorically. "It's not just about the hardware, the software, the applications, the services, the data, etc. It's about the mission. What I need for you to do today is to think about how we integrate those capabilities that we're all working on." http://www.disa.mil/news/grid/june2008/all_about_mission.html Great Content and Contacts Increase Conference Attendance "I really think we were hugely successful with the conference this year because of great content and great contacts," said Roberta Stempfley, DISA's deputy chief information officer and vice director of strategic planning. http://www.disa.mil/news/grid/june2008/great_content_contacts.html Possibilities Panel Discussion: "What's Next?" John Garing, DISA chief information officer and director of Strategic Planning, moderated a panel discussion themed "Possibilities," that featured experts from the federal government and the private sector discussing innovations in information technology and what the future holds. http://www.disa.mil/news/grid/june2008/poss_panel.html