Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs)

These FAQs will be updated periodically to ensure information is timely and accurate. Please check this page on a regular basis.

BRAC FAQs as of 27 June 2006

  1. What is Restored Annual Leave?
  2. What authority grants Restored Annual Leave?
  3. Are employees on a time limited appointment (i.e. temporary and term employees) eligible for BRAC restored annual leave under 5 USC 6304(d)(3)?
  4. I heard that BRAC employees moving within the commuting area would not be eligible for Restored Annual Leave. Is that still true?
  5. Why haven't I seen my Restored Annual Leave on my Leave & Earnings Statement (LES) yet?
  6. What outplacement programs are available to assist me in finding a new job?
  7. What is the Priority Placement Program (PPP)?
  8. What priority will I be in the Priority Placement Program (PPP)?
  9. How is Department of Labor involved in BRAC?

1. What is Restored Annual Leave?

A: Many Department of the Army permanent civilian employees directly affected by BRAC are entitled to carry leave in excess of the normal amount (usually 240 hours). This entitlement is automatically given to employees who qualify. Eligible employees will have their excess leave reflected in a separate leave account on their Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). When the organization completes its closure or realignment, the employees will receive a lump sum payment for any excess leave accrued in the restored BRAC leave account. At that time, their eligibility for this benefit will cease.

2. What authority grants Restored Annual Leave?

A: Title 5 of the United States Code, Section 6304(d)(3) grants Restored Annual Leave to employees affected by BRAC.

3. Are employees on a time limited appointment (i.e. temporary and term employees) eligible for BRAC restored annual leave under 5 USC 6304(d)(3)?

A: With the exception of employees on temporary appointments lasting less than 90 days, employees on permanent, term, and temporary appointments who meet the criteria of 5 USC 6301(2) qualify for BRAC restored annual leave under 5 USC 6304(d)(3).

4. I heard that BRAC employees moving within the commuting area would not be eligible for Restored Annual Leave. Is that still true?

A: If you are an Appropriated Fund employee, the answer is no. This guidance was recently changed. 5 USC 6304(d)(3) does not include this restriction. The Civilian Personnel Manual, Subchapter 1705.5 is being revised to reflect this change.

5. Why haven't I seen my Restored Annual Leave on my LES yet?

A: DFAS provided the dates on the LES's based on when they estimated the civilian pay and personnel systems would be coded to reflect the special leave carry over eligibility. However, some commands are still in the process of identifying all of the eligible positions.

6. What outplacement programs are available to assist me in finding a new job?

A: There are numerous outplacement programs that are designed to help employees affected by BRAC find new jobs. The Priority Placement Program (PPP) has proven to be the most effective. The Civilian Personnel Management Service BRAC Transition website ( ) provides information on the PPP and other placement programs such as the Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program (ICTAP), the Re-employment Priority List (RPL), job exchanges, etc.

7. What is the Priority Placement Program (PPP)?

A: The PPP is a DoD program provides eligible employees the maximum opportunity for placement assistance in other DoD positions and locations. An employee serving on a permanent appointment may be eligible to register in PPP if s/he is being involuntarily separated or demoted through no fault of his/her own. Registration is authorized when the employee receives a specific written notice of separation or demotion. The commander or activity head has the authority to approve registration up to 1 year prior to the effective date of the separation, provided that the circumstances allow for early registration. The commander or activity head may request up to one additional year of early registration.

8. What Priority will I be in PPP?

A: The PPP Operations Manual ( describes the different priorities in Chapter 3, Section E. Generally, employees separated by Reduction-In-Force (RIF) are Priority 1. Employees who decline a Transfer of Function (TOF) offer outside the commuting area are Priority 2.

9. How is Department of Labor involved?

A: The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) provides funding for the Department of Labor to sponsor a program for retraining and readjustment assistance for displaced Federal employees. The WIA is administered through the various State Employment Security Agencies, and includes assistance such as placement assistance, retraining, career counseling, etc. Department of Labor operates at the local level so they can effectively meet the needs of each installation. Contact your CPAC to determine the services that are or will be provided.

For more information on BRAC, contact your Civilian Personnel Advisory Center.