1. CODIS brochure, published by the FBI, DOJ  http://www.fbi.gov/hq/lab/html/codis1.htm
  2. CJIS-WAN information, as described on the CODIS website on the CJIS-WAN.  Note:  Only laboratories participating in NDIS have access to this document
  3. Relevant sections of the Federal Justice For All Act 2004, relating to CODIS. (eg. Section 203) http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/ D?c108:5:./temp/~c108yqn3IY
  4. NDIS Policies and Procedures, published by the FBI-DOJ (currently posted on the CODIS website on the CJIS-WAN).  Note:  Only laboratories participating in NDIS have access to this document
  5. Public Law No. 109-162; HR 3402; http://thomas.loc.gov/ cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:HR03402:@@@L&summ2=m&
  6. And as described in CODIS Bulletin BT011006, posted on the CODIS website on the CJIS-WAN.
  7. Using DNA to Solve Cold Cases-A NIJ Special Report, July 2002, published by the NIJ-OJP.  (NIJ 194197)    http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ nij/pubs-sum/194197.htm
  8. CODIS hit charts, currently posted on the CODIS website on the CJIS-WAN.  Note:  Only laboratories participating in NDIS have access to this document