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***SUPPORT H.R. 6709***
Bipartisan Energy Legislation

The National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act

Welcome to the online home of the Bipartisan House Energy Working Group. This section of the web site will serve as your 'one stop shop' to learning about the National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act and will keep you in the loop with the latest information surrounding this comprehensive energy solution for America.

From a summary of the bill, to the actual text, and all the media in between, this legislation will transform America, halt the export of wealth and wean our dependence on foreign energy.

The group, led by U.S. Representatives Neil Abercrombie, a Democrat from Hawaii and John Peterson, a Republican from Pennsylvania, has crafted balanced legislation that increases domestic production of energy, invests billions into renewable and alternative fuels, while providing incentives for the American people to conserve and use energy more wisely.

With your assistance, we can achieve energy independence, but this can only be done by contacting your Member of Congress and Senators and letting them know you support the bipartisan solution for America’s energy crisis.

If your Congressman does not appear on this list, call 202-224-3121 and demand that they support H.R. 6709, energy independence for America!

Reps. John E. Peterson (R-Pa.) and Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii), along with Members of the House Bipartisan Energy Working Group, hold a press conference to introduce the National Conservation, Environment and Energy Independence Act - the first piece of bipartisan energy production legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives this year. Reps. John E. Peterson (R-Pa.) and Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii), along with Members of the House Bipartisan Energy Working Group, hold a press conference to introduce the National Conservation, Environment and Energy Independence Act - the first piece of bipartisan energy production legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives this year.

Welcome to the online home of the Fifth Congressional District of Pennsylvania.  As a representative and lifelong resident of one of the nation’s most rural districts, I’m singularly committed to finding answers to issues that matter most to rural Americans – availability of reliable health care services, access to quality education, the retention and creation of good-paying jobs, and the development of a reasonable national energy strategy that allows small American manufacturers to compete in the global marketplace with their international competitors.  

We want to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate to contact me by phone or via e-mail to make sure your opinion is heard.

Thank you again for visiting my web site. I very much hope you will find occasion to come back soon.

Peterson is honored by the American Printing House For The Blind (APH) for his stalwart support of education for the blind and visually impaired. Peterson was presented this honor by Gary Mudd, his dog Denver, and Nancy Lacewell of the APH.

Say NO to Tolls on I-80!

National Environment and Energy Development (NEED) Act


2008 Economic Stimulus Package

Energy: Your One-Stop Energy Information Resource. (more)

Homeland Security: The federal government's number one priority is to protect its citizens. (more)

Jobs and Economic Development: A healthy economy is vital to preserving our way of life in rural Pennsylvania. (more)

Education: It is critical that young people be prepared to enter the 21st century workforce. (more)

Healthcare: There is nothing more important to our way of life than having access to quality, affordable health care. (more)

Transportation: Rural Pennsylvania faces a number of unique challenges as it works to increase it's connectivity to our nation's transportation network. (more)

Environment and Natural Resources: Our Nation has been blessed with magnificent beauty and abundant natural resources. (more)

Veterans: I am committed to giving the men and women who have served in uniform the support they deserve. (more)

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