Weekly Washington Update

9/12/2008 Weekly Washington Update From Congressman Jeb Hensarling
The Fourth of July may have come and gone, but there is still an opportunity to celebrate America’s independence this fall.  On October 1, the current prohibitions on oil and gas exploration of our deep sea resources and in the oil-shale fields of the West will expire. This will give Americans the freedom to access their own energy and provide them with relief from sky-high prices at the pump. ...More

9/11/2008 Weekly Washington Update From Congressman Jeb Hensarling
The world was forever changed seven years ago on the morning of 9/11. Nearly three thousand innocent people were murdered at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and on a quiet, rural field in Pennsylvania. ...More

8/29/2008 Weekly Washington Update From Congressman Jeb Hensarling
It has been four weeks since Speaker Pelosi adjourned Congress without allowing a vote on a comprehensive bill to promote more American made energy—but we have not given up. During the past four weeks, over 130 members of Congress returned to Washington to urge Speaker Pelosi to call for an emergency special session. ...More

8/22/2008 Weekly Washington Update From Congressman Jeb Hensarling
While American families are working hard just so they can afford to drive to work, take an elderly parent to the doctor, or buy groceries, Washington has sat by idly.  Not a day goes by when I do not hear from residents in the Fifth District tell me how these high energy prices are putting a real strain on their family budget.  ...More

8/15/2008 Weekly Washington Update From Congressman Jeb Hensarling
The word crisis is a word that is used all too frequently in Washington D.C., but I think crisis does apply to the situation we have today with the high cost of energy.  The high cost of energy is an education issue.  The high cost of energy is a healthcare issue.  The high cost of energy is a nutritional issue. And certainly, it is a jobs and economic growth issue. ...More