Legislative Issues

Budget and Taxes: As a fiscal conservative, Congressman Miller is committed to reducing the tax burden on individuals, families, and businesses and establishing a solid foundation for continued economic growth.

California: Congressman Miller is working to meet the unique set of needs and challenges facing America’s most populous state.

Education: Congressman Miller is committed to ensuring that Americans receive the education they need to succeed in the increasingly competitive twenty-first century.

Health Care: Congressman Miller strongly believes that we must control skyrocketing health premiums and ensure quality delivery by giving consumers more options, so they can choose the best health care for themselves and their families.

Homeland Security: Congressman Miller is committed to ensuring the safety of our great nation by providing federal, state, and local law enforcement with the tools they need to keep the American people safe from harm.

Housing and Financial Services: Congressman Miller believes that we must address America’s housing availability and affordability crisis by removing hurdles and needless regulations that keep homeownership out of reach for too many Americans.

Immigration and Border Security: Congressman Miller believes we must reform our nation’s failed immigration policies and do more to secure our borders, hold employers responsible for hiring illegal aliens, and allow local law enforcement officials to enforce immigration laws.

National Defense: Congressman Miller believes firmly that we must ensure our troops have all the resources they need to fight for the safety of our nation and return safely to its shores.

Transportation: Congressman Miller is committed to ensuring California receives its fair share of federal transportation dollars to improve safety and alleviate congestion on area freeways and roads.

Water: Congressman Miller is working to enhance Southern California’s water supply, making necessary infrastructure improvements that will help create billions of gallons of water per year.

Veterans: Congressman Miller believes that we must continue to provide needed benefits to all those who have valiantly served our country in uniform and deliver on our promises and responsibilities to our nation’s heroes now and in the future.