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About UI

Our Mission

To promote sound social policy and public debate on national priorities, the Urban Institute gathers and analyzes data, conducts policy research, evaluates programs and services, and educates Americans on critical issues and trends.

Our History

In the mid-1960s, President Johnson saw the need for independent nonpartisan analysis of the problems facing America's cities and their residents. The President created a blue-ribbon commission of civic leaders who recommended chartering a center to do that work. In 1968, the Urban Institute became that center.

Today, we analyze policies, evaluate programs, and inform community development to improve social, civic, and economic well-being. We work in all 50 states and abroad in over 28 countries, and we share our research findings with policymakers, program administrators, business, academics, and the public online and through reports and scholarly books.

Our Commitments

  • Use rigorous, state-of-the-art methods to analyze public policies and programs
  • Bring sound objective evidence to public policy decisions
  • Deepen public understanding of policy issues
  • Save government and communities time and money through research on effective and efficient programs
  • Work to make our Washington, D.C., metropolitan area a stronger community

APPAM logo The Urban Institute is a member of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.

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Urban Brookings Tax Policy Center
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