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TDI Insurance Fraud Information Exchange Network

The Insurance Fraud Information Exchange Network is a secure webpage TDI uses to request information on current investigations.

The TDI Insurance Fraud Information Exchange Network (IEN) is established to assist the Fraud Unit and other law enforcement agencies in more effectively investigating and prosecuting entities and individuals who are suspected of engaging in widespread and/or multiple fraud schemes, pursuant to the Texas Insurance Code, Chapter 701.

Security - Network Access
The following security procedures have been developed for maintaining data contained within the Information Exchange Network:

  • Only authorized employees of licensed insurers will be granted access to the Information Exchange Network.
  • The Information Exchange Network will only be available to authorized users via a secure link on the Fraud Unit's webpage.
  • Users of the Information Exchange Network must submit a completed IEN Registration form with the signature of the user and his/her immediate supervisor.

By registering to access the Texas Department of Insurance Fraud Unit’s Information Exchange Network (IEN), the participant agrees to the following:

  • Only those users who have registered with the Fraud Unit and have been granted a password may access the system.
  • Information obtained via the IEN is for investigative purposes ONLY and shall not be made public or shared with anyone who does not have access to the IEN without the express written consent of the Fraud Unit.

For more information contact: FraudUnit@tdi.state.tx.us

Last updated: 10/04/2007