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Division of Workers' Compensation

Publications and Brochures

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Publications and Brochures

This is one of several pages linking to a central repository of publications of interest to TDI customers. Use the Links to publications by Programs on the Publications Home Page or use the page links to scan through our PUBLICATIONS listings.

Texas Monitor | Fact Sheets | Hojas Informativas

Workers' CompUpdate
Description Publication Number File Format
June 2007volume 2, number 1PDF
December 2006volume 1, number 4PDF
September 2006volume 1, number 3PDF
May 2006volume 1, number 2PDF
December 2005volume 1, number 1PDF

Fast Facts
DescriptionFile Format
Billing and Reimbursement for Designated Doctor ServicesPDF
Disability Management for CarriersPDF
Disability Management for Health Care ProvidersPDF
Disability Management OverviewPDF
Financial DisclosurePDF
Review of Medical Necessity Disputes by an IROPDF

Health Care Technical Updates
Description Publication Number File Format
Health Care Technical Update/Medical Dispute Resolution Newsletter Indexn/aPDF
December 2006Issue No: 6PDF
April / May 2006Issue No: 5PDF
March 2006Issue No: 4PDF
February 2006Issue No: 3PDF
December 2005Issue No: 2PDF
November 2005Issue No: 1PDF

Medical Dispute Resolution Newsletters
Description Publication Number File Format
Health Care Technical Update/Medical Dispute Resolution Newsletter Indexn/aPDF
July 2005Issue No: 8PDF
June 2005Issue No: 7PDF
May 2005Issue No: 6PDF
April 2005Issue No: 5PDF
March 2005Issue No: 4PDF
January 2005Issue No: 3PDF
December 2004Issue No: 2PDF
November 2004Issue No: 1PDF

Safety By the Numbers
Description Publication Number File Format
August 20072nd Quarter 2007PDF
March 20071st Quarter 2007PDF

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For more information contact: WorkersComp@tdi.state.tx.us

Last updated: 10/04/2007