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Workers' Compensation Reform - House Bill 7

79th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2005

The 79th Texas Legislature enacted workers' compensation reform through House Bill 7, signed by Governor Perry on June 1, 2005 with key provisions effective September 1, 2005. The bill addresses specific problems in the Texas workers' comp system, namely, high medical costs, poor return-to-work outcomes, and the structure of the state agency charged with administering the system.

HB 7 transfers the functions of the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission (TWCC) to the newly created Division of Workers' Compensation at the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), effective September 1, 2005. In addition, HB 7 creates a new state agency, the Office of Injured Employee Counsel (OIEC), to provide assistance to injured employees and administer an ombudsman program, effective September 1, 2005.

We are committed to making sure that the reforms are successful, and that the transition is as smooth as possible. We appreciate your patience as the transition teams work to make the legislative intention a reality. Information will be posted to this website as it becomes available.

From an administrative standpoint, we are striving to make the necessary internal adjustments while keeping the external interruptions to a minimum. Services to system participants will continue. At this time, it is expected that the Division of Workers' Compensation and the newly created Office of Injured Employee Counsel will remain at the current TWCC locations.

Both the full text of HB 7 and a detailed bill summary [PDF Version] are available online, as is a time line for the various statutory deadlines pertaining to its implementation.

Following is specific information for employees, employers and health care providers.



More Transition Information
HB7 Text | Summary | PDF

HB7 Time line



More Transition Information
HB7 Text | Summary | PDF
HB7 Time line


Health Care Providers

More Transition Information
HB7 Text | Summary | PDF
HB7 Time line
July 12 Meeting on Networks


Carriers / Insurers

More Transition Information
HB7 Text | Summary | PDF
HB7 Time line

Related Workers' Compensation Information

TDI Bulletins On Implementation of HB7 Workers' Compensation Reform

TDI Corrects Erroneous Information Regarding Networks

A press release issued by Comprehensive Network Solutions, Inc. (CNS) on August 9, 2005 contained several factual errors and has been retracted. In the release CNS stated that it had been certified as a workers' compensation network by the commissioner of workers' compensation. This is incorrect. The workers' compensation commissioner, a new position, has yet to be named by the Governor, and TDI has not yet issued network certification requirements. As required by House Bill 7, the agency will not begin accepting applications for network certification until January 1, 2006.

  • Workers' Compensation Networks
  • Flow Chart - Workers' Compensation Claims (PDF)
  • Rule Development Priorities
  • Research Agenda

    House Bill (HB) 7 (79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005) included a new Section 405.0026, Texas Labor Code, which requires the Commissioner of Insurance to adopt an annual research agenda for the Workers’ Compensation Research and Evaluation Group (REG) at the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI).

    Section 405.0026, Texas Labor Code, also requires TDI to post a proposed research agenda in the Texas Register for public review and comment and requires the Commissioner of Insurance to hold a public hearing on the research agenda if requested by a member of the public. The staff proposal for the FY 2006 Research Agenda [PDF] will be published in the November 11th edition of the Texas Register. Comments may be submitted until 5 p.m. on November 25, 2005.

For more information:

For general questions about workers' compensation, check the Division of Workers' Compensation web pages at www.tdi.state.tx.us/wc/indexwc.html, telephone the Division of Workers' Compensation toll-free at 800-372-7713, or email WorkersCompCustomerServices@tdi.state.tx.us .

Information about workers' compensation research or the newly authorized health care networks can be found on the TDI website at www.tdi.state.tx.us/wc/. Questions about networks can be sent to WCNET@tdi.state.tx.us . Other questions can be emailed to PIO@tdi.state.tx.us .

After September 1, 2005, all workers' compensation questions can be directed to TDI.

For more information contact: PIO@tdi.state.tx.us

Last updated: 10/11/2007