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Accessibility Policy

(Portions of this guideline were adapted from various sources, including accessibility guidelines and policies adopted by the State of Texas.)

TDI is committed to making this Web site accessible to the widest possible audience, including people with visual disabilities using screen-reading software.

Accessibility and Usability Features

As part of that commitment, we are continually working to make all our Web pages more accessible. Some of the accessibility and usability features we have provided include:

  • Skip Navigation - A "Skip Navigation Link" option is available at the top of every Web page. This allows users with mobility impairments and those who use screen-reader software to go directly to the main content of a Web page without having to deal with repetitive navigation links.
  • Text Reader and Printer Friendly Versions - A second "Skip Navigation Link" is available at the top of each page that allows users to go directly to a separate text reader or printer friendly version of the page.
  • Spanish Translations - We provide key consumer documents in Spanish through our En Español Link.
  • Text and Textual Equivalents - We try to ensure that alternative text (ALT tags) are provided for all non-text elements used on our Web site.
  • Documents Not Tied to Hardware - Our Web pages are designed and tested to be usable by people without a mouse, with only voice or text output and with alternative keyboards. A majority of documents on our Web site are in HTML. A few are in Word. HTML and Word pages are usually accessible to screen-reading software. We also have documents in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF documents reproduce the exact look of a printed page and may be displayed using Adobe's free Acrobat Reader or converted automatically to HTML if a "Convert to HTML" or "HTML" link is included. The link sends the PDF document to a conversion tool available via the Access Adobe Web site. More on how to download and use PDF documents is available at www.tdi.state.tx.us/general/help.html
Testing for Accessibility

We have tested our Web page design with screen readers and other web accessibility tools. As a result, we have made changes to improve the site's accessibility for users with disabilities.

Our guidelines call for:

A related document, our Web Site Development Guideline, is available at www.tdi.state.tx.us/general/design.html


Audio of certain agency proceedings and hearings is available live and as archived files on our Web site. The live Internet broadcasts are available using Real Player. The archived broadcasts are available for Real Player and as a download for MP3-capable media players, including Windows Media Player. The MP3 (mpeg 3) version is compressed and must be "opened" using WinZip or other similar software on Windows or Stuff-It on a Macintosh.

Agency audio is not available at this time in a format that can be used by the hearing impaired. Please contact ChiefClerk@tdi.state.tx.us if you have questions about obtaining transcripts of hearings.

Other Accessibility Concerns


The Texas Department of Insurance provides services for the disabled as required.

Anyone with a disability who may need auxiliary aids or services, including an interpreter for the hearing impaired, is asked to contact the Office of Chief Clerk at (512) 463-6328 at least two weeks in advance, if possible.

The additional time is needed to contract with an outside party to provide the aids or services. A complete explanation of interpreter services and related policies is available at (512) 463-6328 or at ChiefClerk@tdi.state.tx.us .

Text Telephone and Physical Access

All TDI facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. To request special assistance, please contact:

  • Texas Department of Insurance - (512) 463-6169
  • ADA Coordinator - (512) 475-1992
  • TDD - (512) 322-4238
  • Mailing Address - P O Box 149104, Austin, TX 78714-9104
  • Hobby Building Address - 333 Guadalupe, Austin, TX 78701
  • E-mail - patricia.david@tdi.state.tx.us

Entrances to the Hobby Building are located at:

  • 4th Street and Lavaca Street
  • 4th Street and Guadalupe Street
  • 3rd Street and Guadalupe Street
  • 3rd Street and Lavaca Street

Ramps to enter the building are located at each of these entrances. Speakers to request assistance entering the building are located at all entrances except the 3rd Street/Lavaca Street entrance.

TDI field offices are inspected for ADA compliance by the Department of Licensing and Regulation.

Contact Us

Please let us know if you have any problems accessing our Web site. When you contact us, please note:

  • The nature of your accessibility problem.
  • The format you prefer for receiving requested Web site material.
  • The Web address of the requested material.
  • Your contact information.

If you need to contact us via TDD equipment, please visit the Relay Texas Web site at http://www.puc.state.tx.us/relay/index.cfm for assistance.

Additional information about accessibility programs in Texas is available from the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities.

Reasonable Accommodations

The Texas Department of Insurance does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or in the provision of services. Any request for reasonable accommodation needed during the application process should be communicated by the applicant to staff in the application area or by calling (512)475-1992 or TDD(512)322-4238.

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Texas Department of Insurance

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Last updated: 08/03/2007