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The Peer Counselor

A Loving Link in a Caring Team (13 min.) — no. 6837

This video describes and gives suggestions for situations which require a referral to an outside source. Stresses the importance of referrals as a key role of the peer counselor.

Making the Difference

A Problem Owned is a Problem Solved (13 min.) — no. 6769

This amusing video is set at the front desk of a hotel. The two hotel employees involved react very differently to a customer service problem. It clearly makes the point that every employee is responsible for the customer’s experience with the organization. Excellent customer service means taking ownership of problems rather than transferring blame.

In Search of Excellence (88 min.) — no. 6869

This video covers four main topics: Customer Service, Innovation, Productivity Through People and Corporate Values. Eight different companies are highlighted as examples, including Disney World, 3M, IBM, and McDonald’s. The different segments are noted on the video so you can easily choose one or two.

Basic Basic Telephone Skills — Telephone “Doctor” (17 min.) — no. 5938

An introduction to the essentials of managing the telephone effectively, and of providing superior customer service. Presents specific examples of effective telephone skills, including 10 basic tips for improving service on the telephone.

Five Forbidden Phrases — Telephone “Doctor” (18 min.) — no. 5936

The telephone “doctor” has picked out the five most frustrating phrases to which the public objects. Whether it’s a telephone conversation or a face-to-face situation, this dynamic video offers the cures to help eliminate these turn-offs. If staff members are using even one of these phrases, this will be a valuable tape. It models five positive alternatives.

How to Handle the Irate Caller — Telephone “Doctor” (10 min.) — no. 5937

No one enjoys receiving a barrage of complaints from unhappy clients. This comprehensive training video highlights tips and ideas on how to handle the irate, angry, rude, and sometimes abrasive callers. Valuable information is given on what to do if someone starts swearing, and why you should never make excuses.

How to Deal With the Foreign Accent — Telephone “Doctor” (10 min.) — no. 5940

Frequently today there seems to be an intolerant attitude toward those in our country whose English is less than perfect and hard to understand. This program offers compelling reasons why all callers are created equal and shows techniques to make communications easier with foreign language customers.

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Proactive Customer Service — Telephone “Doctor” (20 min.) — no. 5941

Are your staff members passive, average, or proactive? This dynamic presentation illustrates the importance of building rapport with customers. Includes on-the-phone and in-person examples.

We Are Customers To Each Other — Telephone “Doctor” (9 min.) — no. 5939

Most people are aware of the importance of providing good service. But there is sometimes a distinction between internal and external customer service? This video helps you increase the level of service inside the walls of your organization. Included are answering a co-worker's phone and why identifying yourself is important. The telephone “doctor” asks, “If good service doesn't start within the organization, how can we expect it to get out of the organization?”

What’s Wrong With This Picture — Telephone “Doctor” (16 min.) — no. 6286

This is a discussion catalyst. Ten vignettes put the class in charge of identifying a variety of customer-service blunders. After identifying what went wrong in each segment, it’s up to the group to suggest improvements. A comprehensive leader’s guide helps make this a powerful yet easy-to-use tool.

Quality in the Public Sector (24 min.) — no. 6241

This video does an excellent job of showing public employees how to create satisfied customers in everyday encounters. In an entertaining dream sequence that takes place in various government settings employees learn how to shift the focus to what can be done for customers (not what can’t ), how to use facts to help customers let off steam, and how to ask questions and give undivided attention. A worthwhile, general customer-service video.

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You’re Not Listening (19 min.) — no. 5972

A series of vignettes identifies poor listening habits and demonstrates how the six essential skills for good listening can help anyone overcome distractions, boredom, lack of interest, and jumping to conclusions.

Just Incredible (20 min.) — no. 6276

This humorous story powerfully demonstrates the difference between great and lousy customer service. Two friends go out running similar errands but their experiences turn out to be just incredible! Unique, funny, and very effective in getting the customer-service message across.

Dealing With People (12 min.) — no. 6628

This video introduces and illustrates some of the basic skills involved in effective customer service. It presents four customer-service situations in which the service representative in one situation becomes the customer in the next, emphasizing the fact that all of us are customers. Section one is "What is Effective Customer Service," section two is "How to Handle Negative Customer Attitudes or Actions," section three is "Exploring Customer Needs," and section four is "Assessing Your Customer-Service Skills."

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Civil Rights / Diversity

The Cost of Intolerance (20 min.) — no. 6043

Shows the large price organizations pay for intolerance towards customers from diverse backgrounds. A series of vignettes powerfully illustrates how these customers get the message that they are not valued. It examines the subtle, and sometimes not-so-subtle, biases and stereotyes that impact behaviors. This can be used for civil rights training.

A Winning Balance (17 min.) — no. 6042

This highly interactive training video with discussion and activities helps participants identify their personal attitudes and behaviors toward individual differences. It builds awareness of how those attitudes influence their interactions with others. This can be used for civil rights training. Caution: this video may generate heated discussion. It is a very frank and open look at differences between individuals. It should be led by someone comfortable in the role of neutral facilitator.

General Staff Development

Defusing Hostility (45 min.) — no. 6007

This program shows how to manage anger in the workplace and examines specific skills needed to restore calm to angry situations. Realistic examples are shown of hostile situations with two experts explaining the causes and resolutions.

Your Image At Work (23 min.) — no. 6277

The program stresses the importance of a professional image and shows how to develop an image appropriate to one’s workplace and individual style. There’s more to a successful image than the right wardrobe.

The Attitude Virus (21 min.) — no. 6568

Is a bad-attitude virus infecting your organization? Check for these warning signs: resisting change, lack of commitment, spreading gossip, misdirected anger, and condescending perfectionism. If so, learn how to get to the cause, administer the cure, and create a healthier workplace for everyone with this well produced and enjoyable video.

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The Front of the Class (23 min.) — no. 6629

Being a supervisor is like moving to the front of the class. This video balances humor, warmth, and wisdom with practical techniques for learning to be a leader. It teaches how to be first, be fair, be firm, and be flexible. It’s a good introduction to the topic of supervision and leadership.

Supervision Prescription (21 min.) — no. 6643

A great video for new supervisors! Set in a hospital, a nurse has been recently promoted to supervisor. She gets some help figuring out what her new position is all about. It includes a particularly good process for delegating effectively.

Solving Conflict (26 min.) — no. 6658

Designed for managers, supervisors, and team leaders, this excellent video includes interactive video exercises and a leader’s guide. Perfect for a supervisor’s individual use or for training a class of supervisors. It introduces a five-step approach for solving conflicts and illustrates the steps with realistic video scenarios. The interactive-video exercise segment gives you a chance to practice your conflict-solving skills.

The Unified Team (26 min.) — no. 6764

This excellent video looks at the coach’s role in promoting, protecting, and restoring team unity. Unity occurs when a team provides its members with three basic human needs: the need to achieve, the need to belong, and the need to contribute. This program lays out a practical approach that any coach can take to ensure that these needs are in balance for team members. It comes with a leader’s guide book.

Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits:

The following videos are from Stephen Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. They are meant for review and discussion by people who have already taken the course. Although some of the videos are long, they contain several segments per tape so users may choose the segments based on their available time and the content.

Seven Habits — Effectiveness:

The Goose and the Golden Egg (68 min.) — no. 6689

Covey gives his definition of effectiveness and explains the Emotional Bank Account and P–PC balance.

Seven Habits — Three Person Teaching (13 min.) — no. 6690

Seven Habits — Paradigm Shifting (29 min.) — no. 6691

Discusses paradigms — how we develop our paradigms of the world and ourselves and the value of shifting our paradigms.

Seven Habits — Maturity Continuum (13 min.) — no. 6692

Explains how the habits fit together in the Maturity Continuum.

Seven Habits - Habit 1, Be Proactive (65 min.) — no. 6693

Concepts included on this tape are Stimulus-Response, Proactive vs. Reactive, Reactive Language, and the Circles of Influence and Concern.

Seven Habits - Habit 2, Begin With the End in Mind (53 min.) — no. 6694

The habit of Personal Vision is explained. Covey encourages the writing of a personal mission statement.

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Seven Habits - Habit 3, Put First Things First (80 min.) — no. 6695

The time management model is introduced. This tape includes the Four Quadrants of Time Management and the famous “Green & Clean” Story.

Seven Habits — Habit 4, Think Win-Win (59 min.) — no. 6696

Discusses the philosophy and practicality of Win-Win in human interactions.

Seven Habits — Habit 5, Seek First to Understand ... (67 min.) — no. 6697

This tape focuses on communication, particularly listening. It includes a role play betweem Dr. Covey and his son, who wants to quit school.

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Last Updated January 31, 2005

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