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Texas Tobacco Prevention Initiative
Publications and Related Web Sites

TTPI Research-Related Web Sites

University of Houston
Positioning for Success

Positioning for Success
University of Houston
Texas Smoke-Free Ordinance Database

Texas Smoke-Free Ordinance Database

University of Houston
HNETS Tobacco Prevention and Control
University of Texas at Austin
Tobacco Control Work Group
UT Austin Tobacco Control Work Group

Organizations represented on the Texas Tobacco Prevention Initiative (TTPI) Evaluation and Surveillance Team have developed web sites, publications and presentations that describe and evaluate current tobacco prevention activities in Texas.

pdf Click here to view Evaluation and Surveillance Team Publications and Presentations 2000-2004. (PDF file, 124 kb, viewing information, last updated: 01/12/05)

Links to TTPI research-related web sites are provided to the right.

Texas Tobacco Prevention Initiative Reports

Unless otherwise indicated, reports listed below are PDF files (pdf viewing information)

March 2005

pdfGuidelines for Review and Analysis of Texas Municipal Second Hand Smoke (SHS) Ordinances: Short Edition (126 kb)

pdfHealth Insurance Coverage for Tobacco Dependence. Survey of Managed Care Organizations in Texas (201 kb)

February 2005

pdfProgress on Achieving Texas Tobacco Reduction Goals: A Report to the 79th Legislature (28 kb)

January 2005

pdfTexans and Tobacco: A Report to the 79th Texas Legislature as mandated by Health & Safety Code §161.0901 (273 kb)

June 2003

pdfAssessment of Texas School Capacity and Infrastructure for Tobacco Program Implementation Two Years After Start-Up (Executive Summary) (239 kb) Publication Number: txtob03-6

May 2003

pdfEvaluation of the Texas Department of Health Texas Tobacco Prevention Pilot Initiative, 2000-2002 Effects on Adults (68 kb) Publication Number: txtob03-5

April 2003

pdfSelected TTPI Tobacco Sales, November 1, 2000 through October 31, 2002 (70 kb)

pdfLocal Newspaper TTPI Coverage of Tobacco Issues, January 1, 2002 to April 15, 2003 (80 kb)

pdfAn Assessment of Community Capacity to Implement and Sustain Tobacco Programs in East Texas: 2002 (666 kb) Publication Number: txtob03-4

pdfAgency Capacity to Implement and Sustain Community-Based Tobacco Prevention and Control Programs in East Texas: 2002 (581 kb) Publication Number: txtob03-3

March 2003

pdfStatus of School Tobacco Prevention and Control Two Years After the Beginning of the Texas Tobacco Prevention Initiative - Comparisons of Intervention and Non-Intervention Schools (963 kb) Publication Number: txtob03-2

February 2003

Health Insurance Coverage for Tobacco Dependence

pdfExecutive Summary (227 kb)

pdfPart 1: Background Literature Review, Legal and Policy Analysis (858 kb)

pdfPart 2: Survey of Managed Care Organizations in Texas
(719 kb) Publication Number: txtob03-1

Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Middle and High School Students --- Texas, 2001

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
February 28, 2003 / 52(08);152-154

(Link to MMWR web page)


November 2002

pdfProgress on Achieving Texas Tobacco Reduction Goals: A Report to the 78th Legislature
(18 KB)

October 2002

pdfTobacco Use Among Texas Youth - 2001 Texas Youth Risk Behavior Survey
(704 kb) Chronic Disease in Texas , October 2002, Issue Number 3, Publication Number: 04-11373

January 2001

pdfTexas Tobacco Prevention Initiative - Infrastructure and Baseline Data, January 2001 (19 mb) Publication Number: E16-11186

pdfTexas Tobacco Prevention Initiative - Media Campaign and Community Program Effects Among Children and Adults (71kb) Publication Number: E16-11192

pdfTexas Tobacco Prevention Initiative - Processes and Effects (Supplement to previous document) (12 kb) Publication Number: E16-11192

pdfJudicial Attitudes and Dispositions Toward Texas Tobacco Laws, January 2001 (287 kb) Publication Number: txtob01-4

pdfLaw Enforcement Officer Attitudes Toward Texas Tobacco Laws & Tobacco Enforcement Activities, January 2001 (318 kb) Publication Number: txtob01-3

pdfOperation Storefront: Observations of Texas Retailer Tobacco Advertising and Compliance with Tobacco Laws (158 kb) Publication Number: txtob01-2

»Teen Tobacco Summit 2001 Operation Storefront
(272 KB) PowerPoint Presentation


Last Updated March 25, 2005

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