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Texas Diabetes Council Meetings

Texas Diabetes CouncilThe Texas Diabetes Council meets at least quarterly and adopts rules for the conduct of its meetings. Any action taken by the council must be approved by a majority of a quorum.

2007 Meeting Schedule:

  • October 25, 2007 - Austin

2008 Meeting Schedule:

  • January 24, 2008 - Austin
  • April 24, 2008 - Austin
  • July 24, 2008 - Austin
  • October 23, 2008 - To be determined

Council meetings are open to the public – anyone may attend. TAC Chapter 651
For additional information, contact Diane Carmichael at 512-458-7490

Advisory Committees

The Council may establish advisory committees as needed and determines the appropriate membership for each committee. Members of an advisory committee serve at the will of the Council. The Council may dissolve an advisory committee when necessary. Advisory committee meetings are generally conducted around quarterly Council meetings.

Health Care Professionals Advisory Committee
• Outcomes Subcommittee
• Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee
• Materials Dissemination Advisory Subcommittee


Click on the links below to view agendas for each meeting in Microsoft Word.
If links below are not active, agendas for the next meeting have not been posted. Check back closer to the next meeting date.

October 24-25, 2007

microsoft word
Meeting Overview
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Texas Diabetes Council
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Health Care Professionals Advisory Committee
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Outcomes Subcommittee
Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee (October 24)

Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee (October 25)

microsoft word Advocacy and Outreach Committee

Upcoming Meeting Information

Next Texas Diabetes Council Meeting:

October 25, 2007

Last Updated October 5, 2007

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