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WIC Nutrition

National Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign

    Support Materials

  • Contact the Media Directly
  • Why Support Breastfeeding? (Fact sheet in English)
  • Informacion Sobre la Alimentacion con Leche materna (Fact sheet in Spanish)
  • Contact a MediaWatch Coordinator
  • Celebrities Who Breastfeed Now or Who Breastfed

What's MediaWatch?

The National Breastfeeding MediaWatch, sponsored by the Department of State Health Services, is an ongoing project of the Nutrition Services Section. The purpose of MediaWatch is to identify references to breastfeeding and formula-feeding in all media: television, advertising, print, radio, and film. When positive images and references are observed, send letters of commendation. When negative or inaccurate references are observed, volunteers' letters offer suggestions and information. The goal of MediaWatch is to bring about more positive references to breastfeeding. MediaWatch participants believe that the media play a major role in shaping societal views and that, when breastfeeding is depicted in the media as the natural, normal way to feed babies and small children, more young mothers will be comfortable in making the decision to breastfeed. Positive media coverage can also help to bring about employer and family support.

How to become a MediaWatcher

People can choose to participate in the National Breastfeeding MediaWatch in a variety of ways. One is to send a MediaWatch report card to the producer, director, writer or advertising company. Better still, send a personal letter or electronic mail, detailing what you liked or disliked about the feeding reference.  You can reach some national networks and newspapers through this site.

Anyone with an interest in promoting breastfeeding as the healthiest and best way to feed a child can participate in the National Breastfeeding MediaWatch. Groups may choose to make the MediaWatch a special project. We are hoping that many people will choose to observe and respond, as numbers are the most effective way of influencing the media. WIC state agencies or organizations may wish to initiate their own MediaWatch campaign.  For more information on how to do this, please contact

National Breastfeeding MediaWatch Report Card

To Whom it May concern:

I am part of the national Breastfeeding MediaWatch. Health organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and all state health departments recognize breastmilk as the optimal food choice for infants. The U.S. Surgeon General, David Satcher, has released a “HHS Blueprint for Action on Breastfeeding” recognizing breastfeeding as “one of the most important contributors to infant health.” We need your help in promoting breastfeeding as the best way to feed babies.

I saw (show/advertisement/article) on (date).

___  Thank you for promoting breastfeeding.
___  I was concerned that you showed formula-feeding.
___  I felt that breastfeeding was portrayed negatively.
___  I noticed misinformation/misconceptions about breastfeeding.
___  Please have the pregnant character choose to breastfeed.


(Name) (Address) (City/State/Zip)

Sample MediaWatch Letter

Dear media professional:

The media play an important role in shaping and influencing public attitudes and in educating the public about crucial health-care issues. Breastfeeding is one of the most effective and economical ways to promote good health. It is responsible to promote breastfeeding as the healthiest, safest, most economical, and most environmentally sound method of infant feeding.

Health organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and all state health departments recognize breastmilk as the optimum food choice for infants. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released a HHS Blueprint for Action on Breastfeeding recognizing breastfeeding as “one of the most important contributors to infant health.” Dr. Miriam Labbok, physician and medical researcher at Georgetown University in Washington, conservatively estimates an annual tax savings of $3.69 billion in health-care costs if every new mother breastfed her baby for the first 12 weeks of life.

Our hope is to make a difference in the health of America by calling attention to the benefits of breastfeeding and, through the media, to educate the public about this crucial health issue. By supporting breastfeeding as the natural way to feed babies, you help us attain our nation's Year 2010 goal of increasing breastfeeding rates to 75 percent of those who initially breastfeed, 50 percent of those who continue to breastfeed at six months postpartum, and 25 percent who are still breastfeeding at one year.

(If positive reference)
I would like to commend you for portraying breastfeeding in such a positive way. Thank you for your part in keeping the public informed about important health issues.

(If negative or incorrect reference)
Since breastfeeding is an important health practice to promote, I encourage you to portray a positive infant feeding message — breastfeeding.





Last Updated January 10, 2005

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