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DSHS does NOT certify or license persons or companies for general indoor air quality investigations, sampling, remediation, or training. However, as of January 1, 2005, individuals and companies conducting mold assessment or mold remediation services are required to be licensed by DSHS.

A listing of Licensed Mold Professionals is available at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/mold/profession.shtm.

State licensing certification is also required for persons performing asbestos-related or lead-related activities in certain buildings.

For listings of licensedf/certified entities in the these fields see the DSHS Asbestos Program and the DSHS Environmental Lead Program.

This information below is provided by the DSHS Indoor Air Quality Program as a service to the public and to aid those who wish to hire professional assistance in addressing general indoor air quality problems. The accuracy of the information provided by these entities is not verified by DSHS. 

(External links to other sites are intended to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the Texas Department of State Health Services. These sites may not be accessible to people with disabilities.)

National Professional Organizations

There are several national professional organizations that offer certifications relating to indoor air quality and environmental health issues. Three such organizations are:

  1. The American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH)- The ABIH, a not-for-profit corporation, is the certifying board through which individuals must test and be evaluated for the title of “Certified Industrial Hygienist” (CIH). The science of industrial hygiene is dedicated to anticipating, recognizing, evaluating and controlling the causes of occupational illness. To search for persons certified for the practice of industrial hygiene by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene go to the ABIH Public Database.
  2. The Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) - The IAQA is a nonprofit, multi-disciplined organization, dedicated to promoting the exchange of indoor environmental information, through education and research, for the safety and well being of the general public.  To find a member in your area go to the IAQA Member Directory .
  3. The American Indoor Air Quality Council (AmIAQC)- The American Indoor Air Quality Council promotes awareness, education and certification in the field of Indoor Air Quality. This professional association is comprised of many individuals from varied backgrounds and training who are working in the field of indoor air quality.

For a listing of current AmIAQC-certified Professionals go to the AmIAQC Web Site search page

Other Resources

In addition to the groups above, there are other professionals such as engineers, mechanical contractors, chemists, registered sanitarians, and microbiologists, for example, who perform indoor air quality investigations. The public is advised to consult local yellow page listings under “Environmental and Ecological Consultants,” or “Environmental and Ecological Equipment and Services,” for other consultants in this field. Internet searches may also be helpful.

One source of information on various building and construction contractors by geographic area may be found at www.thebluebook.com.

The California Department of Health provides excellent guidance for the public on hiring an indoor air consultant at http://www.cal-iaq.org/FIRMS/.


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Texas Department of State Health Services - Division for Regulatory Services - Indoor Air Quality Program
1100 W. 49th Street, MC #1987- Austin, Texas 78756 - 1-800-572-5548 ext. 2444 or 2428

Last Updated August 1, 2007

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