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Newborn Screening Case Management

Newborn Screening Radio PSAs

These radio Public Service Announcements are in the RealAudio format. You must have a recent version of the RealPlayer to play them.  You can download the free RealPlayer here.

real player icon 2 Babies (English) (58 secs. / 20 kbps)

real player icon 2 Babies (Spanish) (1 min, 2 sec. / 20 kbps)

real player icon 2 Women (English) (58 secs. / 20 kbps)

real player icon 2 Women (Spanish) (58 secs. / 20 kbps)

notepad Text Version ( Scripts)

Newborn Screening 1-800-252-8023

Last Updated September 26, 2006

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