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Newborn Screening Case Management Program

Newborn Screening in Texas
Newborn Screening Program Overview
newEn Español: Examen Médico Del Recién Nacido Descripción
newVietnamese: Nhung dieu Cha Me can biet Ve cac thu nghiem can thiet o tre so sinh thuc hien boi co quan y te chuyen khoa (PDF 708KB)
Screened Disorders
Children's Health Insurance (CHIP)/Children's Medicaid

Newborn Screening: For Your Baby's Health
newEn Español: Examen Médico Del Recién Nacido: Por la salud de su bebé
newVietnamese: THÛ NGHIEM CHO TRE SÔ SINH: Vì Sùc Khoe Cûa Con Ban Brochure (PDF 347KB)

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Specimen Collection
Publications Order Form

Health & Safety Code, Chapter 33. Phenylketonuria, Other Heritable Diseases, Hypothyroidism, and Certain Other Disorders

Newborn Screening Expansion

Insurance Code, Chapter 3. Art. 3.79. Coverage for Special Dietary Formulas for Individuals With Phenylketonuria or Other Heritable Diseases
Interim Status Report on Rider 58, PKU Low Protein Medical Food Pilot
Final Report on Rider 58, PKU Low Protein Medical Food Pilot

Newborn Screening 1-800-252-8023

Last Updated March 29, 2007

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