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Laboratory Services Section

Specimen Collection & Handling

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Note: Only drinking water testing is available to the general public.  All other testing must be submitted through Public Health Sanitarians.


Drinking Water

Drinking water samples are not required to be refrigerated although it is suggested. Samples must be collected in EPA approved containers (available at TDSHS) which contain sodium thiosulfate (a dechlorinating agent). Testing must begin within 30 hours of collection time and there must be 100 ml.


Bottled Water

Bottled water samples need not be refrigerated provided that the original bottle was not opened. Vended samples must be collected in an approved container. These are only accepted by public heatlh officials.  (See drinking water above.)


Baywater (or Seawater) is collected by sanitarians from the health department and submitted to the laboratory on ice within 24 hours of collection. The receipt temperature is not to be greater than 10.0o Celsius. 100 ml is to be collected.

Stream and Sewage Analysis

These samples are run only for the local health department. Samples are to be run within 6 hours of collection and kept on ice prior to arrival. 100 ml is to be collected.

Dairy Water

Dairy water is regulated by the FDA. It is to be collected and shipped to the lab on ice. Testing is to be done within 30 hours of receipt. 100ml is to be collected. Samples must include a temperature control which is to be 0.0 to 4.4o Celsius.


All fluid milk samples are to be collected asceptically and delivered to the lab as soon as possible. The samples are placed in an ice-water mixture including a temperature control. Samples must not be submerged.  If submersion will happen place the samples in a larger plastic bag and place that in the ice. The size of the pasteurized product sample for temperature control must be at least one-half the size of the largest sample being collected. Sufficient time must be allowed so the samples can be received and tested within the 48 - 72 hour time limit.


Food items should be refrigerated and maintained at 0 to 4.0o Celsius until arrival at the lab. Whenever possible, submit samples to the laboratory in the original unopened containers. If the original container is too large, transfer representative portions to sterile containers using asceptic technique. Dry or canned foods that are not perishable should be collected and shipped at ambient temperature. Frozen foods should be shipped frozen. Do not freeze refrigerated foods. Collect at least 100 grams of each sample unit. (Four quarters and one penny weigh approximately 25 grams.)

Shellfish samples should be shucked and packed in crushed ice immediately and transported to the lab maintaining an ambient temperature of 0.0 to 10o Celsius. Do not freeze. For red tide assays, collect at least 150 grams of oyster meat, drain, and freeze.  Sample must be shipped overnight.

If you have any questions regarding the procedures you may contact by e-mail



Last Updated December 1, 2004

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