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Disease Prevention News

1999 DPN Issues

December 20, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.26  (PDF PDF, 90.7KB)
  • Disease Prevention News 1999 Annual Index
  • DPN Renewal Deadline
December 6, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.25  (PDF PDF, 88.7KB)
  • Antibiotic Use, Resistance, and Practice Tips: Otitis Media
  • Q&A: Middle Ear Infections
  • Influenza Season Arrives Early
  • DSHS Checks for Recalled Toys
  • Dengue in Texas
November 22, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.24  (PDF PDF, 182KB)
  • Treatment and Chemoprophylaxis of Influenza
  • Influenza and Pneumonia Vaccination for People With Diabetes
  • Vaccine Preventable Disease Update
  • Border Diabetes Prevention and Control Project
  • Bimonthly Statistical Summary of Reportable Diseases
  • DPN Renewal Deadline
November 8, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.23  (PDF PDF, 112KB)
  • Careful Antibiotic Use: Cough Illness/Bronchitis
  • Questions and Answers for Parents
  • Stop the Spread of Infection
  • ACIP Vaccine Recommendations Update
  • DPN Renewal Deadline
October 25, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.22  (PDF  PDF, 117KB)
  • Screening for Alcohol Use During Pregnancy
  • Vaccines Reduce Disease in the 20th Century
  • Perspectives in Public Health Conference
  • Conference Registration Form
October 11, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.21  (PDF PDF, 97.7KB)
  • Animal Anthrax Case in Uvalde County
  • Vaccination Against Meningococcal Infection
  • New Polio Vaccine Recommendations
  • Disease Prevention News Renewal
September 27, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.20  (PDF PDF, 190KB)
  • Prevention and Control of Influenza Part I: Indications for Influenza Vaccine
  • Enterovirus Activity: Texas. 1999
  • DPN Print Copy Renewal Guidelines
  • Bimonthly Statistical Summary
  • Vaccine Preventable Disease Update
September 13, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.19  (PDF PDF, 86.6KB)
  • Antibiotic Use, Resistance, and Practice Tips
  • Careful Antibiotic Use: Rhinitis/Sinusitis
  • Questions & Answers for Parents: Runny Nose
  • DSHS Multiple Sclerosis Investigation in El Paso
August 30, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.18  (PDF PDF, 107KB)
  • Suicide In Texas
  • Confirmed Dengue in Laredo
  • New Immunization Requirements
  • EEE Confirmed in East Texas
August 16, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.17  (PDF PDF, 118KB)
  • Annual Drinking Water Quality Reports: A New Consumer Awareness Requirement
  • Personal Use Water Filters
  • Waterborne Cryptosporidiosis Infection Risk
  • 1999 HPS Case
  • Erratum
  • DPN Subscription Renewal Period
August 2, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.16  (PDF PDF, 96.6KB)
  • Possible Occupational Exposure to Hepatitis A Among Deaf Education Teachers
  • Perspectives in Public Health
  • Conference Registration Form
July 19, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.15  (PDF PDF, 77.4KB)
  • Gastroenteritis Outbreak Pathogen Identified
  • CDC Reports Outbreak of Influenza-like Illness
  • Sentinel Physicians Needed for Influenza Surveillance
  • Bimonthly Statistical Summary
  • Vaccine Preventable Disease News Update
July 5, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.14  (PDF PDF, 119KB)
  • Mosquitoes--More Than Just Pests
  • Gastroenteritis Outbreak in North Texas
  • Errata
June 21, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.13  (PDF PDF, 96.3KB)
  • Fireworks-related Injuries
  • Play It Safe With Fireworks!
  • Summertime, and the livin' is... HOT!
  • Tips for a Safer Swim
June 7, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.12  (PDF PDF, 279KB)
  • Vibrio parahaemolyticus Surveillance
  • Epidemiology Annual Report Online
May 24, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.11  (PDF PDF, 11KB)
  • Osteoporosis: A Preventable Disease
  • Bimonthly Statistical Summary
  • Vaccine Preventable Disease Update
May 10, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.10  (PDF PDF, 107KB)
  • Lyme Disease in Texas
April 26, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.9  (PDF PDF, 93.0KB)
  • Decision Making Skills for Children and Adolescents: A Public Health Issue
  • Assessing and Addressing Youth Risk Behaviors in Texas
  • Perspectives in Public Health Conference
  • Conference Registration Form
April 5, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.8  (PDF PDF, 79.6KB) March 29, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.7  (PDF PDF, 213KB)
  • Product Recalls and Food Safety
  • Disease Prevention News Editorial Board
  • Diseases in Nature Conference
  • Bunnies can be hazardous to your health...
  • Bimonthly Statistical Summary
  • Vaccine Preventable Disease Update
March 15, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.6  (PDF PDF, 101KB)
  • Directly Observed Therapy in Tuberculosis Treatment: Success in Texas
  • Tuberculosis Information Resources in Texas
  • Conference Commemorates World TB Day
  • Unique Influenza Case in Austin This Season
March 1, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.5  (PDF PDF, 119KB)
  • 1998 Guidelines for Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • STD Quick Reference Treatment Guide
  • Mumps Outbreak in Gillespie County
  • Laboratory Confirmation of Mumps
February 15, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.4  (PDF PDF, 127KB)
  • Hepatitis C: An Emerging Health Condition
  • Outbreaks: Measles, Mumps
  • Errata
February 1, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.3  (PDF PDF, 99.5KB)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Perspectives in Public Health
  • Conference Registration Form
January 18, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.2  (PDF PDF, 153KB)
  • Congenital Rubella Syndrome Alert
  • Bimonthly Stastistical Summary
  • Vaccine Preventable Disease Update
  • Calling All Reports
January 4, 1999/ Vol. 59 / No.1  (PDF PDF, 177KB)
  • Disease Reporting and Surveillance in Texas
  • HIV/STD Reporting Changes
  • TBI Reporting Changes
  • Reporting Scorecard for 1998
  • Map of DSHS Public Health Regions

Last Updated: Saturday, October 01, 2005

Texas Department of State Health Services - Infectious Disease Control Unit
1100 West 49th Street, Suite T801, Mail Code: 1960 PO BOX 149347 - Austin, TX 78714-9347
(512) 458-7676 - Fax: (512) 458-7616 -

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