Texas State Library Home Page Archives & Manuscripts - Adjutant General's Service Records, W
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Texas Adjutant General Service Records, 1836-1935

Search by first letter of last name and see key to abbreviations below.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Military organizations and dates of holdings

Key to abbreviations
ARM Army of the Republic, 1836-45
CSA Confederate States Army, 1861-65
FB Frontier Battalion, 1874-98, 1901
FF Frontier Forces, 1870-71
LR Loyalty Rangers, 1918
MM Minute Men, 1855-62, 1872-74
MV Mounted Volunteers, 1854-61
NAV Navy of the Republic, 1836-45
RR Regular Rangers, 1855-61, 1901-35
RRR Railroad Rangers, 1922-35
SP State Police, 1870-71
SR Special Rangers, 1916-34
TST Texas State Troops, 1861-65
TVG Texas Volunteer Guard, 1881, 1886-1903
USV United States Volunteers,
      Spanish-American War, 1898


Index: W

Name                       Organization    Call No.

Wackman, F. J.                  TVG        401-215
Waddell, H. P.                  FB         401-175
Waddell, Minton P.              USV        401-253
Waddell, William                USV        401-253
Waddill, G. C.                  TVG        401-215
Waddill, H. B.                  FB         401-175
Waddill, William A.             MV         401-31
Waddle, George L.               USV        401-253
Wade, Alexander                 ARM        401-12
Wade, E. B.                     MV         401-31
Wade, J. J.                     FF         401-140
Wade, James W.                  SP         401-50
Wade, John C. N.                TVG        401-215
Wade, John L.                   RR         401-64
Wade, Maurice                   TVG        401-215
Wade, Robert                    TVG        401-215
Wade, S. H.                     FB         401-175
Wade, T. A.                     FF         401-140
Wade, Telemicus                 CSA        401-40
Wade, W.                        FB         401-175
Wade, W. A.                     TVG        401-215
Wade, Willie                    TVG        401-215
Wadsworth, W. B.                SP         401-50
Waechter, Edmund                USV        401-253
Wages, Riley J.                 USV        401-253
Waggoner, E. P.                 SR         401-107
Waggoner, George                ARM        401-12
Waggoner, Guy L.                SR         401-107
Waggoner, W. B.                 USV        401-253
Waggoner, William H.            TVG        401-215
Wagner, A.                      FB         401-175
Wagner, Carl                    NAV        401-26
Wagner, Charles                 FF         401-140
Wagner, G. E.                   TVG        401-215
Wagner, Herman                  RRR        401-125
Wagner, J.                      TVG        401-215
Wagnon, Harvey                  USV        401-253
Wagstaff, John                  ARM        401-12
Wahatley, Edmond                RR         401-64
Wahnschaffe, Charles            FF         401-140
Wahrmund, Otto                  TVG        401-216
Wahrmund, W.                    TST        401-37
Waid, W. W.                     SR         401-107
Waide, D. H.                    FB         401-175
Wainscott, Hiram                FB         401-175
Wait, D. V.                     TVG        401-216
Waite, Alfred A.                NAV        401-26
Waite, Irwin R.                 SR         401-107
Waite, Robert L.                USV        401-253
Waites, Franklin L.             MV         401-31
Waits, Leroy                    FB         401-175
Waits, Pat                      SR         401-107
Waits, William                  FB         401-175
Wakefield, Paul L.              SR         401-107
Wakefield, U.                   ARM        401-12
Walch, Edward                   NAV        401-26
Walch, John                     SP         401-50
Walde, V. H.                    FB         401-175
Walden, Sam A.                  USV        401-253
Waldert, Edward                 MV         401-31
Waldie, Alexander               TVG        401-216
Waldie, Walter                  TVG        401-216
Waldon, James T.                TVG        401-216
Waldon, William W.              RRR        401-125
Waldrep, James A.               TVG        401-216
Waldridge, J. M.                SR         401-107
Waldron, C. W.                  ARM        401-12
Waldrope, F. S.                 FB         401-175
Walk, James                     ARM        401-12
Walk, Joe A.                    SR         401-107
Walke, John                     USV        401-253
Walker, Alfred                  NAV        401-26
Walker, Alfred                  FB         401-175
Walker, Andrew                  FB         401-175
Walker, Aruthur L.              TVG        401-216
Walker, C. E.                   SR         401-107
Walker, Charles                 FB         401-175
Walker, Charles                 USV        401-253
Walker, Charles E.              TVG        401-216
Walker, David                   NAV        401-26
Walker, David                   USV        401-253
Walker, Edgar                   SR         401-107
Walker, Edward                  FB         401-175
Walker, Euin                    SR         401-107
Walker, G. G.                   FB         401-175
Walker, G. W.                   FB         401-175
Walker, Geo. A.                 RRR        401-125
Walker, George F.               FB         401-175
Walker, George H.               SR         401-107
Walker, George W.               TST        401-37
Walker, Gilbert                 USV        401-253
Walker, Hartwell                ARM        401-12
Walker, Harvey                  USV        401-253
Walker, Henry C.                FB         401-175
Walker, Horace                  SR         401-107
Walker, J. A.                   FB         401-175
Walker, J. C.                   FB         401-175
Walker, J. C.                   LR         401-131
Walker, J. F.                   SR         401-107
Walker, J. H.                   FB         401-175
Walker, J. L.                   ARM        401-12
Walker, J. M.                   FB         401-175
Walker, Jacob C.                USV        401-253
Walker, James                   NAV        401-26
Walker, James                   ARM        401-12
Walker, James Knox              TVG        401-216
Walker, James W.                TST        401-37
Walker, James W.                USV        401-253
Walker, Jesse R.                USV        401-253
Walker, John                    TST        401-37
Walker, John                    ARM        401-12
Walker, John A.                 TVG        401-216
Walker, John C.                 ARM        401-12
Walker, John F.                 LR         401-131
Walker, John H.                 ARM        401-12
Walker, John W.                 FB         401-175
Walker, Johnson                 CSA        401-40
Walker, Joseph                  RR         401-64
Walker, Joseph                  ARM        401-12
Walker, Joseph S.               ARM        401-12
Walker, Lee A.                  TVG        401-216
Walker, Leonard                 RR         401-64
Walker, Martin                  ARM        401-12
Walker, Merce W.                TVG        401-216
Walker, P. F.                   TVG        401-216
Walker, Phillip                 ARM        401-12
Walker, R. A.                   SR         401-107
Walker, Roy M.                  LR         401-131
Walker, Royal                   SR         401-107
Walker, S. R.                   FB         401-175
Walker, Sam T.                  RR         401-64
Walker, Sherrod R.              ARM        401-12
Walker, Stephen W.              MV         401-31
Walker, Swayne                  TVG        401-216
Walker, T. S.                   USV        401-253
Walker, W. M.                   TVG        401-216
Walker, W. P.                   TVG        401-216
Walker, W. W.                   USV        401-253
Walker, Will T.                 TVG        401-216
Walker, William                 NAV        401-26
Walker, William                 ARM        401-12
Walker, William                 ARM        401-12
Walker, William G.              ARM        401-12
Walkins, Robert C.              TVG        401-216
Wall, Alonzo E.                 RR         401-64
Wall, C. F.                     FB         401-175
Wall, Da'id D.                  TST        401-37
Wall, John E.                   USV        401-253
Wall, Thomas                    ARM        401-12
Wall, Thomas                    SR         401-107
Wall, Thomas L.                 USV        401-253
Wallace, Alex                   FB         401-175
Wallace, B. C.                  ARM        401-12
Wallace, B. R.                  SP         401-50
Wallace, C. B.                  USV        401-253
Wallace, C. M.                  FB         401-175
Wallace, Caleb                  ARM        401-12
Wallace, Clayton P.             MV         401-31
Wallace, E. H.                  FB         401-175
Wallace, Earl                   RRR        401-125
Wallace, Homer A.               USV        401-253
Wallace, Huett E.               USV        401-253
Wallace, J. F.                  SR         401-107
Wallace, J. H.                  USV        401-253
Wallace, Jesse E.               USV        401-253
Wallace, John Henderson         FB         401-175
Wallace, John L.                TST        401-37
Wallace, John W.                FB         401-175
Wallace, Jouett                 TVG        401-216
Wallace, Keath                  USV        401-253
Wallace, Keity L.               USV        401-253
Wallace, Ralph E.               USV        401-253
Wallace, Sam                    NAV        401-26
Wallace, Ted                    LR         401-131
Wallace, Tom A.                 SR         401-107
Wallace, W. B.                  SR         401-107
Wallace, W. H.                  LR         401-131
Wallace, Warren                 RR         401-64
Wallace, William                NAV        401-26
Wallace, William                TVG        401-216
Wallace, William R.             USV        401-253
Wallace, William T.             USV        401-253
Wallen, J. A.                   RR         401-64
Waller, Barney                  TVG        401-216
Waller, H. B.                   SP         401-50
Waller, H. W. (Dusty)           SR         401-107
Waller, James M.                FB         401-175
Waller, John R.                 FB         401-175
Waller, L. D.                   RRR        401-125
Waller, Thomas M.               TVG        401-216
Waller, W. R.                   FB         401-175
Wallin, John H.                 TVG        401-216
Walling, H. H.                  FB         401-175
Walling, John C.                ARM        401-12
Walling, W. A.                  LR         401-131
Wallingford, W. W.              ARM        401-12
Wallis, G. W.                   RR         401-64
Wallis, Guy                     FB         401-175
Wallis, Harry J.                FB         401-175
Wallis, Hayes M.                RR         401-64
Wallis, Hayes M.                RRR        401-125
Wallis, Hayes M.                SR         401-107
Wallis, Taylor                  RRR        401-125
Wallridge, J. M.                SR         401-107
Walls, James E.                 USV        401-253
Walpole, George F.              USV        401-253
Walpole, William                TVG        401-216
Walpole, William                USV        401-253
Walsan, William                 USV        401-253
Walsh, Charles Dennis           FB         401-175
Walsh, Charles Homer            USV        401-253
Walsh, Jas.                     ARM        401-12
Walsh, John                     SP         401-50
Walsh, John S.                  USV        401-253
Walsh, Lindsay M.               USV        401-253
Walsh, Patrick J.               SP         401-50
Walshe, E. P.                   TVG        401-216
Walter, Henry G.                TST        401-37
Walter, L. H.                   TVG        401-216
Walter, Peter                   MV         401-31
Walters, Christopher W.         ARM        401-12
Walters, Ed T.                  USV        401-253
Walters, G. E.                  SR         401-107
Walters, H. M.                  TVG        401-216
Walters, John B.                ARM        401-12
Walters, O. E.                  RR         401-64
Walters, Sam T.                 SR         401-107
Walterscheid, Henry             USV        401-253
Walthall, Harris                TVG        401-216
Walthers, H. H.                 SR         401-107
Waltman, Frank P.               USV        401-253
Walton, Charles                 USV        401-253
Walton, D. A. T.                FB         401-175
Walton, J. D.                   FB         401-175
Walton, J. E., Jr.              SR         401-107
Walton, J. T.                   TVG        401-216
Walton, James A.                RRR        401-126
Walton, James C.                USV        401-253
Walton, Richard                 NAV        401-26
Walton, Richard                 ARM        401-12
Walton, W.                      TVG        401-216
Wanen, Thomas                   NAV        401-26
Wanslow, David                  FF         401-140
Wanston, David                  FB         401-175
Wanz, Haver                     FF         401-140
Ward, Art                       RRR        401-126
Ward, Benjamin B.               USV        401-253
Ward, Charles                   SP         401-50
Ward, Charles C.                USV        401-253
Ward, Daniel S.                 ARM        401-12
Ward, Eugene B.                 USV        401-253
Ward, F. C.                     FB         401-175
Ward, George                    USV        401-253
Ward, Henry                     TST        401-37
Ward, Henry L.                  FB         401-175
Ward, Henry M.                  USV        401-253
Ward, Henry W.                  ARM        401-12
Ward, Herman G.                 NAV        401-26
Ward, Ignacio                   TVG        401-216
Ward, J. F.                     FB         401-175
Ward, J. L.                     TVG        401-216
Ward, J. L.                     USV        401-253
Ward, James H.                  ARM        401-12
Ward, James Russell             TVG        401-216
Ward, John E.                   USV        401-253
Ward, John H.                   ARM        401-12
Ward, Nathan P.                 USV        401-253
Ward, Onesimus                  MV         401-31
Ward, Otis B.                   USV        401-253
Ward, Russell                   ARM        401-12
Ward, Samuel                    ARM        401-12
Ward, Thomas D.                 TVG        401-216
Ward, Thomas H.                 USV        401-254
Ward, Thomas W.                 ARM        401-12
Ward, W. Terry                  USV        401-254
Ward, Walter B.                 TVG        401-216
Ward, Walter T.                 USV        401-254
Ward, William F.                USV        401-254
Ware, A. H.                     SR         401-107
Ware, C. L.                     FB         401-176
Ware, C. M.                     USV        401-254
Ware, Ellis                     RRR        401-126
Ware, G. W.                     RRR        401-126
Ware, George W.                 USV        401-254
Ware, Graydon L.                RR         401-64
Ware, H. P.                     SR         401-107
Ware, Ira J.                    FB         401-176
Ware, J. H.                     FB         401-176
Ware, J. I.                     FB         401-176
Ware, J. T.                     RRR        401-126
Ware, James Ira                 SR         401-107
Ware, Joe V.                    SR         401-107
Ware, N.                        FB         401-176
Ware, N. O.                     FB         401-176
Ware, Nathaniel M.              RR         401-64
Ware, Nicholas                  FB         401-176
Ware, Orlando                   NAV        401-26
Ware, R. C.                     FB         401-176
Ware, Richard C.                TVG        401-216
Ware, Robert W.                 RR         401-64
Ware, W. M.                     FB         401-176
Ware, William                   NAV        401-26
Ware, William L.                FB         401-176
Waring, F. M.                   FB         401-176
Waring, Frank W.                FB         401-176
Warman, Will E.                 FB         401-176
Warmouth, Isaac                 ARM        401-12
Warner, Andrew                  FB         401-176
Warner, B. G.                   FB         401-176
Warner, Brady Walker            TVG        401-216
Warner, Charles Willis          USV        401-254
Warner, E. R.                   TVG        401-216
Warner, G. B.                   FB         401-176
Warner, William                 ARM        401-12
Warnick, W. A.                  FF         401-140
Warnken, Louise Walton, Mrs.    SR         401-108
Warnken, R. S.                  TVG        401-216
Warren, Bert                    USV        401-254
Warren, C. E.                   TVG        401-216
Warren, C. P.                   FB         401-176
Warren, Claude D.               TVG        401-216
Warren, Ed                      RR         401-64
Warren, Ed                      SR         401-108
Warren, G. G.                   TVG        401-216
Warren, George                  TVG        401-216
Warren, H.                      FB         401-176
Warren, Henry c.                RR         401-64
Warren, Henry R.                USV        401-254
Warren, J. D.                   FB         401-176
Warren, J. W.                   FB         401-176
Warren, James                   ARM        401-12
Warren, James A.                TST        401-37
Warren, John                    MV         401-31
Warren, John H.                 NAV        401-26
Warren, Joseph N.               MV         401-31
Warren, V. C.                   SR         401-108
Warren, William                 TVG        401-216
Warrington, Lewis W.            TVG        401-216
Warsham, Jack D.                USV        401-254
Wartenbach, F. C.               LR         401-131
Warwick, V. V.                  SR         401-108
Wash, Debraugh O.               USV        401-254
Washam, Oscar F.                RR         401-65
Washington, Edward              TVG        401-216
Washington, George              FF         401-140
Washington, Hardy               TVG        401-216
Washington, Isom P.             TVG        401-216
Washington, John                NAV        401-26
Wasson, A. L.                   LR         401-131
Wasson, Charles P.              RRR        401-126
Wasson, Den                     TVG        401-216
Wasson, Ed                      TVG        401-216
Waters, D. E.                   USV        401-254
Waters, E.                      SP         401-50
Waters, J.                      TVG        401-216
Waters, J. S.                   TVG        401-216
Waters, Ray                     SR         401-108
Waters, Stephen Y.              USV        401-254
Waties, J. R.                   USV        401-254
Watkins, Benjamin F.            TST        401-37
Watkins, Claud                  TVG        401-216
Watkins, G. B.                  RR         401-65
Watkins, H. H.                  TVG        401-216
Watkins, Henry                  FF         401-140
Watkins, Homer J.               TVG        401-216
Watkins, Jack Hays              TVG        401-216
Watkins, James A.               TVG        401-216
Watkins, John A.                SR         401-108
Watkins, Milton P.              TST        401-37
Watkins, Percy                  TVG        401-216
Watkins, Richard                USV        401-254
Watkins, Richard H.             NAV        401-26
Watkins, Robert C.              TVG        401-216
Watkins, Robert C.              USV        401-254
Watkins, Stanley                USV        401-254
Watkins, Thomas                 RR         401-65
Watkins, Thomas                 SR         401-108
Watkins, Thomas N.              TVG        401-216
Watkins, Tom                    TVG        401-216
Watkins, W. W.                  RR         401-65
Watkins, William M.             USV        401-254
Watrous, Charles Perry          TVG        401-216
Watson, A. C.                   SR         401-108
Watson, A. Gavin                TVG        401-216
Watson, A. W.                   FB         401-176
Watson, Alexander               FB         401-176
Watson, Alexander               FB         401-176
Watson, C. C.                   USV        401-254
Watson, Cress W.                USV        401-254
Watson, Daniel                  TVG        401-216
Watson, David R.                USV        401-254
Watson, G. B.                   USV        401-254
Watson, German                  TVG        401-216
Watson, Green Bery              RRR        401-126
Watson, Isaac                   ARM        401-12
Watson, J. A.                   SR         401-108
Watson, J. A.                   FB         401-176
Watson, J. A. W.                FF         401-140
Watson, J. C.                   USV        401-254
Watson, J. H.                   FB         401-176
Watson, Jacob B.                FB         401-176
Watson, James                   NAV        401-26
Watson, James T.                SP         401-50
Watson, Jim M.                  TVG        401-216
Watson, John                    FF         401-140
Watson, O. S.                   FB         401-176
Watson, Oscar J.                USV        401-254
Watson, Paul Luce               USV        401-254
Watson, Phillip                 TVG        401-216
Watson, R. E.                   SR         401-108
Watson, Robert                  RR         401-65
Watson, Robert J.               USV        401-254
Watson, S. L.                   RRR        401-126
Watson, T. G.                   SR         401-108
Watson, Ted                     SR         401-108
Watson, Thomas                  TVG        401-216
Watson, Tom                     SR         401-108
Watson, W. B.                   NAV        401-26
Watson, W. Henry                SR         401-108
Watson, W. S.                   SR         401-108
Watson, Will W.                 SR         401-108
Watson, William                 USV        401-254
Watson, William                 USV        401-254
Watson, William M.              FF         401-140
Watson, William Madison         RRR        401-126
Watson, William W.              RRR        401-126
Wattles, Z. T.                  FB         401-176
Watts, Albert B.                TVG        401-216
Watts, Archie                   USV        401-254
Watts, Arthur P.                SR         401-108
Watts, Arthur P.                TVG        401-216
Watts, Arthur P.                USV        401-254
Watts, C. J.                    LR         401-131
Watts, Charles Wesley           RRR        401-126
Watts, Claude De                USV        401-254
Watts, Edwin H.                 TVG        401-216
Watts, Edwin H.                 USV        401-254
Watts, Henry                    SP         401-50
Watts, Herman                   TVG        401-216
Watts, John Hill                TVG        401-216
Watts, John Hill                USV        401-254
Watts, R. V.                    LR         401-131
Watts, Robert E.                USV        401-254
Watts, Sam T.                   TVG        401-216
Watts, Taylor                   SP         401-50
Watts, Thomas J.                TVG        401-216
Watts, W. P.                    LR         401-131
Watts, Wiltz W.                 USV        401-254
Waugh, Andrew M.                SR         401-108
Waugh, Sam                      FB         401-176
Waugh, William A.               RR         401-65
Waut, W. J.                     TVG        401-216
Wautzloeben, Frederick G.       USV        401-254
Way, J. R.                      SR         401-108
Way, W. W.                      SR         401-108
Wayborn, W. D.                  FB         401-176
Wayborn, W. L.                  FB         401-176
Wear, William                   NAV        401-26
Wearzy, George                  TVG        401-216
Wease, D. C.                    SR         401-108
Weatherall, J. G.               RRR        401-126
Weatherall, J. G.               SR         401-108
Weatherby, Harper               SR         401-108
Weatherby, J. S.                SR         401-108
Weatherby, R. W.                SR         401-108
Weathered, Chas. D.             SR         401-108
Weatherford, Ion J.             TVG        401-216
Weatherford, W. W.              SR         401-108
Weatherford, William M.         USV        401-254
Weatherly, Edwin                SP         401-50
Weatherly, Jim                  USV        401-254
Weatherred, David F.            TVG        401-216
Weatherred, T. P.               RRR        401-126
Weathers, Hactar J.             USV        401-254
Weathers, James P.              CSA        401-40
Weathers, Jasper M.             USV        401-254
Weathersby, Thomas J.           USV        401-254
Weathersby, W. W.               FB         401-176
Weaver, B. T.                   SR         401-108
Weaver, B. W.                   TVG        401-216
Weaver, Bud                     RR         401-65
Weaver, Bud                     RRR        401-126
Weaver, C. M.                   SR         401-108
Weaver, Charlie                 SR         401-108
Weaver, Claremore M.            RR         401-65
Weaver, David W.                TVG        401-216
Weaver, E. A.                   RRR        401-126
Weaver, Frank "Cicero"          SR         401-108
Weaver, George W.               SP         401-50
Weaver, George W. L.            RR         401-65
Weaver, J. C., Sr.              RRR        401-126
Weaver, J. T.                   FB         401-176
Weaver, J. W.                   MV         401-31
Weaver, James Albert            TVG        401-216
Weaver, John                    USV        401-254
Weaver, Leon                    SR         401-108
Weaver, Matthew Z.              FB         401-176
Webb, Britain R.                SR         401-108
Webb, David Cornelius           RR         401-65
Webb, E. H.                     SP         401-50
Webb, Francis B.                NAV        401-26
Webb, Grover C.                 RR         401-65
Webb, Harry                     TVG        401-216
Webb, J. C.                     SR         401-108
Webb, J. D.                     ARM        401-12
Webb, J. R.                     LR         401-131
Webb, John                      ARM        401-12
Webb, John Everett              SR         401-108
Webb, Lake                      RR         401-65
Webb, Lucius A.                 TVG        401-216
Webb, O. G.                     SR         401-108
Webb, Otto T.                   TVG        401-216
Webb, Peter S.                  USV        401-254
Webb, Raymond H.                USV        401-254
Webb, Sanford C.                SR         401-108
Webb, W. H.                     SP         401-50
Webb, W. P.                     SR         401-108
Webb, W. W.                     TVG        401-216
Webb, Walter Prescott           SR         401-108
Webb, William                   FF         401-140
Webb, William                   USV        401-254
Webber, E. H.                   USV        401-254
Webber, Guy H.                  SR         401-108
Webber, John                    USV        401-254
Weber, Carl                     SR         401-108
Weber, Henry                    ARM        401-12
Weber, Henry V.                 TVG        401-216
Weber, J. W.                    TVG        401-216
Weber, William                  USV        401-254
Webster, A. S.                  CSA        401-40
Webster, C. H.                  RR         401-65
Webster, George W.              MV         401-31
Webster, I. N.                  TVG        401-216
Webster, James S.               SR         401-108
Webster, John                   ARM        401-12
Webster, Robert T.              RRR        401-126
Wedekind, Heine                 NAV        401-26
Weed, Austin E.                 RRR        401-126
Weed, T. A.                     FB         401-176
Weeks, Dan G.                   USV        401-254
Weems, James                    FB         401-176
Weems, W. Z.                    RR         401-65
Weems, W. Z.                    SR         401-108
Weeren, C.                      TVG        401-216
Weeren, Ed                      TVG        401-216
Weeren, Robert                  TVG        401-216
Weete, Benno                    USV        401-254
Weever, Thomas                  NAV        401-26
Wegemann, Fritz                 USV        401-254
Wegner, Charles                 FF         401-140
Wehmeyer, W. E.                 SR         401-108
Weickersheimmer, James P.       USV        401-254
Weidenaur, Charles              CSA        401-40
Weil, Bennie                    TVG        401-216
Weilbacher, J. E.               TVG        401-216
Weimer, Christoph               FF         401-140
Weimer, Edward C.               TVG        401-216
Weimer, Edward C.               USV        401-254
Weiner, Samuel H.               FF         401-140
Weiner, Thomas                  USV        401-254
Weinert, Ferd                   SR         401-108
Weinert, H. H.                  SR         401-108
Weingoff, George                ARM        401-12
Weintz, John                    ARM        401-12
Weir, A.                        SP         401-50
Weir, T. C.                     RR         401-65
Weir, T. C.                     SR         401-108
Weiss, Charles H.               USV        401-254
Weiss, Leon                     USV        401-254
Weiss, Ulysses                  TVG        401-216
Welborn, Bowen                  LR         401-131
Welborn, George S.              TVG        401-216
Welborne, Bumpsia B.            USV        401-254
Welch, C. H.                    FF         401-140
Welch, E. J.                    SR         401-108
Welch, Jim                      TVG        401-216
Welch, John                     ARM        401-12
Welch, John Randolph            ARM        401-12
Welch, Joshua                   FF         401-140
Welch, Patrick                  NAV        401-26
Welch, W. T.                    FB         401-176
Welch, William                  NAV        401-26
Welcker, Daniel H.              FF         401-140
Welcome, Frank                  TVG        401-216
Welder, R.                      FB         401-176
Weldon, A. A.                   SR         401-108
Weldon, C. H.                   TVG        401-216
Welhausen, G. A.                FB         401-176
Welker, Mike                    USV        401-254
Wellborn, C. V.                 LR         401-131
Wellborn, Caleb                 ARM        401-12
Wellborn, George S.             USV        401-254
Wellborn, H. F.                 FB         401-176
Wellborn, Marshall C.           TVG        401-216
Wellbrock, J. J.                FB         401-176
Welle, Alphonso                 TVG        401-216
Wellhousen, Henry J.            USV        401-254
Wells, Charles S.               TVG        401-216
Wells, Earl E.                  SR         401-108
Wells, Edward F.                NAV        401-26
Wells, Ernest                   USV        401-254
Wells, F. T.                    NAV        401-26
Wells, F. W.                    FB         401-176
Wells, G. W.                    USV        401-254
Wells, H. J.                    FB         401-176
Wells, James B.                 NAV        401-26
Wells, L. B.                    FB         401-176
Wells, L. C.                    TVG        401-216
Wells, M.                       USV        401-254
Wells, Munroe                   RR         401-65
Wells, Norman L.                USV        401-254
Wells, R. Q.                    USV        401-254
Wells, Rice                     USV        401-254
Wells, W. C.                    RRR        401-126
Wells, Wright C.                RR         401-65
Welschmeyer, John G.            ARM        401-12
Welsh, Edward                   NAV        401-26
Welsh, Frank                    FB         401-176
Welsh, Tom                      SR         401-108
Wendler, C. F.                  SP         401-50
Wendler, Kenneth S.             SR         401-108
Wenz, Jacob                     FF         401-140
Wenz, L. A.                     USV        401-254
Wenzel, J. H. Fred              TVG        401-216
Werder, J. W.                   USV        401-254
Werking, Jacob                  ARM        401-12
Werley, Jacob                   FF         401-140
Werner, Albert E.               TVG        401-216
Werner, Andrew                  FB         401-176
Werner, August                  SP         401-50
Werner, Christian               FF         401-140
Werner, John R.                 USV        401-254
Werner, John William            RRR        401-126
Werner, Max G.                  SR         401-108
Werst, Oliver                   USV        401-254
Wertheimer, S.                  TVG        401-216
Wesp, Herman                    USV        401-254
Wessarges, Adolf                USV        401-254
Wessell, Frederick              TVG        401-216
Wessendorff, T. A.              TVG        401-216
Wesson, Charles P.              USV        401-254
West, A. W.                     SR         401-108
West, Albert, Jr.               RR         401-65
West, Anthoney                  NAV        401-26
West, Arthur M.                 TVG        401-216
West, Benjamin                  RR         401-65
West, Buck                      SR         401-108
West, C. R.                     FB         401-176
West, Duval                     TVG        401-216
West, Duval                     USV        401-254
West, Eugene                    SR         401-108
West, Eugene B.                 USV        401-254
West, George F.                 USV        401-254
West, George Thornton           TVG        401-216
West, George Thornton           USV        401-254
West, Gustav S.                 FF         401-140
West, Harry L.                  USV        401-254
West, Henry A.                  USV        401-254
West, Ike                       SR         401-108
West, J. B.                     RRR        401-126
West, J. C.                     TVG        401-216
West, J. Marion                 SR         401-108
West, J. R.                     TVG        401-216
West, James                     MV         401-31
West, James M.                  SR         401-108
West, L. E.                     SR         401-108
West, M. A.                     RR         401-65
West, M. C.                     SR         401-108
West, M. V.                     SR         401-108
West, Milton H.                 SR         401-108
West, Milton V.                 RR         401-65
West, Paul M.                   RR         401-65
West, Pinckney E.               USV        401-254
West, R. S.                     LR         401-131
West, Robert                    ARM        401-12
West, W. P.                     FB         401-176
West, W. R.                     SR         401-108
West, Walter E.                 USV        401-254
West, William [F.]              USV        401-254
West, William O.                USV        401-254
Westall, A. H.                  TVG        401-216
Westall, E. L.                  USV        401-254
Westbrook, A. L.                FB         401-176
Westbrook, Ed                   SR         401-108
Westbrook, L. C.                RR         401-65
Westbrook, Tom M.               USV        401-254
Westeralt, H.                   TVG        401-216
Westergard, Aage                USV        401-254
Westerhouse, John               TVG        401-216
Westerman, Henry                TST        401-38
Westervelt, J. D.               TVG        401-216
Westervelt, W. Deryee           TVG        401-216
Westgate, George V.             TVG        401-216
Westhausen, Herman              TVG        401-216
Westmoreland, Reid T.           TVG        401-216
Weston, A. G.                   SR         401-108
Weston, A. G.                   LR         401-131
Weston, Parker M.               RR         401-65
Westrope, Frederick N.          USV        401-254
Wetherell, Martie John          TVG        401-216
Wettermark, B. S.               TVG        401-216
Weyman, Edward A.               NAV        401-26
Weymiller, Thomas               FB         401-176
Weynorth, Henry E.              USV        401-254
Whalen, Edward                  RR         401-65
Whalen, J. R.                   USV        401-254
Whalen, James A.                USV        401-254
Whalen, Thomas                  FF         401-140
Whaley, Bert                    TVG        401-216
Whaley, Lucelius                USV        401-254
Whaley, T. E.                   TVG        401-216
Wharton, E. L.                  USV        401-254
Whatley, B. F.                  RR         401-65
Whatley, George                 LR         401-131
Whatley, H. B.                  SR         401-108
Whatten, Howard                 TVG        401-217
Whayne, A. T.                   SR         401-108
Wheat, Allen                    SR         401-108
Wheat, Allen                    LR         401-131
Wheat, Edward E.                USV        401-254
Wheat, Eugene                   TVG        401-217
Wheat, James                    SP         401-50
Wheat, James W.                 USV        401-254
Wheat, Mack                     USV        401-254
Wheat, W. H.                    FB         401-176
Wheatley, George A.             FB         401-176
Wheatley, George A.             TVG        401-217
Wheatley, George A.             USV        401-254
Wheatley, J. B.                 RR         401-65
Wheatly, Walter S.              CSA        401-40
Wheeldon, C. H.                 TVG        401-217
Wheeler, A. G.                  TVG        401-217
Wheeler, A. H.                  TVG        401-217
Wheeler, D. A.                  SR         401-108
Wheeler, D. C.                  SR         401-108
Wheeler, Frank                  USV        401-254
Wheeler, Harry H.               USV        401-254
Wheeler, J. L.                  SP         401-50
Wheeler, J. R.                  SR         401-108
Wheeler, J. V.                  FB         401-176
Wheeler, J. W.                  RR         401-65
Wheeler, James H.               NAV        401-27
Wheeler, James Moncrief         TVG        401-217
Wheeler, James Samuel           TVG        401-217
Wheeler, Joel Robert            RRR        401-126
Wheeler, Joel S.                FB         401-176
Wheeler, John H.                USV        401-254
Wheeler, M. W.                  TVG        401-217
Wheeler, Peter                  SP         401-50
Wheeler, Richard                FB         401-176
Wheeler, Royal T.               TST        401-38
Wheeler, Thomas                 ARM        401-12
Wheeler, William C.             MM         401-32
Wheeless, John G.               USV        401-254
Wheeley, J. A.                  USV        401-254
Wheelis, Thos. P.               RRR        401-126
Wheelock, John                  ARM        401-12
Wheelock, R. L.                 SR         401-108
Wheelwright, George             NAV        401-27
Whelan, D. M.                   FB         401-176
Whelan, Patrick                 SP         401-50
Whelan, Thomas                  FB         401-176
Whetstone, Marion N.            USV        401-254
Whickline, George               FF         401-140
Whipple, A. W.                  SP         401-50
Whisenant, M.                   LR         401-131
Whisnand, Bert                  RR         401-65
Whitacre, John Sylvester        FB         401-176
Whitaker, A. W.                 TVG        401-217
Whitaker, F. A.                 ARM        401-12
Whitaker, Guest                 USV        401-254
Whitaker, Harrison Morris       TVG        401-217
Whitaker, Harrison Morris       USV        401-254
Whitaker, J. C.                 FF         401-140
Whitaker, Larkin M.             MV         401-31
Whitaker, Willis                TVG        401-217
Whitburn, Charles               USV        401-254
Whitcomb, George                NAV        401-27
Whitcomb, Walter B.             TVG        401-217
Whitcomb, Walter B.             USV        401-254
White, A. H.                    ARM        401-12
White, B. F.                    TVG        401-217
White, B. S.                    RR         401-65
White, Ben                      SR         401-108
White, Benj. J.                 ARM        401-12
White, Buck                     SR         401-108
White, C. A.                    SR         401-108
White, C. M.                    TVG        401-217
White, Charles                  ARM        401-12
White, Charles L.               NAV        401-27
White, Charlie                  SR         401-108
White, Coley C.                 SR         401-108
White, Dabney                   FB         401-176
White, Daniel                   NAV        401-27
White, Daniel                   ARM        401-12
White, David                    ARM        401-12
White, Dudley, Jr.              SR         401-108
White, E. D.                    TVG        401-217
White, E. L.                    SR         401-108
White, Ebenezer                 NAV        401-27
White, Edward L.                USV        401-254
White, Emmett                   RR         401-65
White, Ernest H.                USV        401-254
White, Ezekiel                  RR         401-65
White, F. W.                    TVG        401-217
White, Fountain W.              USV        401-254
White, Francis W.               ARM        401-12
White, Fred                     SP         401-50
White, George                   FF         401-140
White, George V.                USV        401-254
White, George W.                NAV        401-27
White, Goff                     RR         401-65
White, H.                       FB         401-176
White, H. A.                    TVG        401-217
White, H. L.                    SR         401-108
White, Harold                   RRR        401-126
White, Harry A.                 USV        401-254
White, Homer                    RR         401-65
White, Isaac E.                 USV        401-254
White, J. D.                    RR         401-65
White, J. M.                    CSA        401-40
White, J. Will                  LR         401-131
White, Jack                     USV        401-254
White, James                    ARM        401-12
White, James                    RRR        401-126
White, James                    SR         401-108
White, James                    USV        401-254
White, James C.                 RR         401-65
White, James D.                 USV        401-254
White, James G.                 ARM        401-12
White, James L.                 FB         401-176
White, James S.                 ARM        401-12
White, Jared S.                 USV        401-254
White, Jasper                   RRR        401-126
White, Jesse                    ARM        401-12
White, Jno. M.                  ARM        401-12
White, Joe                      SR         401-108
White, Joe W.                   RR         401-65
White, Joe W.                   SR         401-108
White, John                     ARM        401-12
White, John                     SP         401-50
White, John B.                  MV         401-31
White, John D.                  USV        401-254
White, John L.                  CSA        401-40
White, John L.                  USV        401-254
White, John N.                  USV        401-254
White, John R.                  USV        401-254
White, Karl Kirk                USV        401-254
White, Leslie G.                TVG        401-217
White, Levy W.                  ARM        401-12
White, P. A.                    FB         401-176
White, P. J.                    SP         401-50
White, Paul                     SR         401-108
White, Pleasant L.              FB         401-176
White, R. S.                    TVG        401-217
White, Robert H.                TVG        401-217
White, Robert M.                RR         401-65
White, S. F.                    FB         401-176
White, Sam'l. A.                ARM        401-12
White, Samuel M.                USV        401-254
White, Stephen                  ARM        401-12
White, T. F.                    SP         401-50
White, T. J.                    TVG        401-217
White, T. J.                    FB         401-176
White, Thomas B.                RR         401-65
White, Thomas Bruce             SR         401-108
White, Tom                      TVG        401-217
White, V.                       TVG        401-217
White, Vandyke                  TVG        401-217
White, Vardie C.                USV        401-254
White, W. D.                    CSA        401-40
White, W. R.                    SR         401-108
White, W. T.                    ARM        401-12
White, Wallace W.               TVG        401-217
White, William                  NAV        401-27
White, William M.               ARM        401-12
White, William O.               TVG        401-217
White, Willie S.                USV        401-254
Whiteacre, B. M.                SR         401-108
Whiteaker, W. R.                TVG        401-217
Whiteaker, W. R.                USV        401-254
Whitefield, B. W.               LR         401-131
Whitehead, Augustin R.          FB         401-176
Whitehead, Edward P.            ARM        401-12
Whitehead, John P. C.           FB         401-176
Whitehead, L. K.                TVG        401-217
Whitehead, R. L.                TVG        401-217
Whitehorn, T. D.                SR         401-108
Whiteker, B. M.                 LR         401-131
Whiteman, J.                    CSA        401-40
Whitenton, W. M.                RRR        401-126
Whiteside, J. J.                ARM        401-12
Whiteside, John                 FF         401-140
Whiteside, John                 SP         401-50
Whitfield, J. D.                USV        401-254
Whitfield, Robert Wilkins       SR         401-108
Whitfield, W.                   NAV        401-27
Whitford, Charles               USV        401-254
Whitham, C. E.                  RRR        401-126
Whiting, Thomas J.              RR         401-65
Whitis, F. C.                   TVG        401-217
Whitley, F. E.                  RRR        401-126
Whitley, George O.              USV        401-254
Whitley, Oscar                  TVG        401-217
Whitley, Robert S.              USV        401-254
Whitley, Theo J.                FB         401-176
Whitley, Thomas E.              TVG        401-217
Whitley, William E.             RR         401-65
Whitlock, Robert                ARM        401-12
Whitlow, D. W.                  TVG        401-217
Whitman, M. C.                  RRR        401-126
Whitman, W. B.                  TVG        401-217
Whitman, W. J.                  SR         401-108
Whitmore, Charles               NAV        401-27
Whitmore, Ed                    TVG        401-217
Whitney, Frank                  SP         401-50
Whitney, J. F.                  SP         401-50
Whitney, Robert G.              ARM        401-12
Whitsett, Taylor                FB         401-176
Whitsitt, Lawton                USV        401-254
Whittaker, Herbert C.           USV        401-254
Whitteberg, Ernst               TVG        401-217
Whitteberg, F. A.               SR         401-108
Whittemore, James W.            NAV        401-27
Whittenberg, J. L.              RR         401-65
Whittington, A. G.              SR         401-108
Whittington, Gabe               SR         401-108
Whittington, John               FB         401-176
Whittington, John W.            USV        401-254
Whittington, Nat                USV        401-254
Whittington, William            TST        401-38
Whittington, William C.         USV        401-254
Whittle, W. D.                  FF         401-140
Whitwell, J. O.                 SR         401-108
Whitworth, J. B.                FB         401-176
Wiard, Seth                     SR         401-108
Wicker, George T.               SR         401-108
Wickes, Percy E.                TVG        401-217
Wickliffe, Joseph               ARM        401-12
Wicks, Charles                  FB         401-176
Wicks, Marshall                 TVG        401-217
Wicks, Thomas E.                TVG        401-217
Wickson, Dyrun                  ARM        401-12
Wickson, M. B.                  FB         401-176
Wiedemann, Ernest               TVG        401-217
Wiedmann, Edwd.                 ARM        401-12
Wiener, Jake                    SR         401-108
Wier, A. S.                     SR         401-109
Wier, Frank L.                  SR         401-109
Wiese, John                     TVG        401-217
Wiess, Chas. T.                 SR         401-109
Wiggins, Allen                  USV        401-254
Wiggins, Allen T.               USV        401-254
Wiggins, Charlie                TVG        401-217
Wiggins, Earl                   TVG        401-217
Wiggins, George W.              USV        401-254
Wiggins, Harbard                ARM        401-12
Wiggins, Hugh L.                SP         401-50
Wiggins, Jasper                 USV        401-254
Wiggins, John B.                USV        401-255
Wiggins, Jules A.               USV        401-255
Wiggins, Mason                  SR         401-109
Wiggins, Thomas                 ARM        401-12
Wiggins, Tom E.                 TVG        401-217
Wight, L. L.                    MM         401-32
Wightman, Charles R.            FB         401-176
Wightman, J. S.                 TVG        401-217
Wigley, Willard R.              SR         401-109
Wigman, Edward A.               NAV        401-27
Wilbanks, Judson L.             USV        401-255
Wilber, Daniel C.               NAV        401-27
Wilbern, Andrew M.              SR         401-109
Wilborn, Neal                   FB         401-176
Wilbourne, William S.           USV        401-255
Wilbur, Walter H.               USV        401-255
Wilburn, Felix G.               MV         401-31
Wilburn, Joel                   ARM        401-12
Wilcox, Charles                 ARM        401-12
Wilcox, George                  SP         401-50
Wilcox, Sanford                 ARM        401-12
Wilcox, W.                      RR         401-65
Wildenthal, B., Jr.             LR         401-131
Wilder, A. Mac                  TVG        401-217
Wilder, Altus                   TVG        401-217
Wilder, James M.                USV        401-255
Wilder, Jesse                   NAV        401-27
Wilder, W. H.                   RRR        401-126
Wilder, W. L.                   FB         401-176
Wilder, William                 FB         401-176
Wildy, Samuel                   ARM        401-12
Wile, Henry                     SR         401-109
Wiles, C. S.                    SR         401-109
Wiley, Andrew                   TVG        401-217
Wiley, Andrew P.                TVG        401-217
Wiley, Clark Johnson            TVG        401-217
Wiley, J. Horatio               USV        401-255
Wiley, John N.                  ARM        401-12
Wiley, Samuel                   USV        401-255
Wiley, W. W.                    FB         401-177
Wilhelm, Clifford T.            USV        401-255
Wilhelm, Frank C.               USV        401-255
Wilhite, Fielding E.            USV        401-255
Wilhoit, A. J.                  FF         401-140
Wilhoit, A. J.                  FB         401-177
Wilke, W. E.                    USV        401-255
Wilkerson, Charles Scott        TVG        401-217
Wilkerson, Charles Scott        USV        401-255
Wilkerson, Dee P.               USV        401-255
Wilkerson, Ed                   SP         401-50
Wilkerson, Thomas               TVG        401-217
Wilkerson, W.                   TVG        401-217
Wilkerson, W.                   FB         401-177
Wilkerson, W. M.                TVG        401-217
Wilkes, C. M.                   FB         401-177
Wilkes, Frank                   USV        401-255
Wilkes, Frank C.                CSA        401-40
Wilkes, H. M.                   FB         401-177
Wilkes, Mark                    NAV        401-27
Wilkes, Rex                     TVG        401-217
Wilkes, Roy T.                  USV        401-255
Wilkins, B. B.                  USV        401-255
Wilkins, Charles                TVG        401-217
Wilkins, Charles L.             TVG        401-217
Wilkins, Horace M.              TVG        401-217
Wilkins, J. D.                  TVG        401-217
Wilkins, John                   TST        401-38
Wilkins, John                   RR         401-65
Wilkins, John                   ARM        401-12
Wilkins, John B.                TVG        401-217
Wilkins, Simon P.               TVG        401-217
Wilkins, Simon P.               USV        401-255
Wilkins, Tom B.                 USV        401-255
Wilkins, Wilhugh                TVG        401-217
Wilkinson, Arthur               TVG        401-217
Wilkinson, C. C.                TVG        401-217
Wilkinson, Calvin B.            USV        401-255
Wilkinson, Calvin B.            USV        401-255
Wilkinson, David                ARM        401-12
Wilkinson, E. C.                TVG        401-217
Wilkinson, H. J.                SR         401-109
Wilkinson, James                ARM        401-12
Wilkinson, James G.             ARM        401-12
Wilkinson, John                 ARM        401-12
Wilkinson, Joseph M.            USV        401-255
Wilkinson, Thaddeus A.          USV        401-255
Wilkinson, Wiley                ARM        401-12
Wilkite, J. T.                  SR         401-109
Wilks, B. T.                    FB         401-177
Wilks, Mark                     ARM        401-12
Wilks, U. B. T.                 FB         401-177
Willacy, John G.                TVG        401-217
Willand, Charles L.             USV        401-255
Willard, Tim                    SR         401-109
Willburn, John D.               MV         401-31
Willcox, Berry J.               USV        401-255
Willeford, C. H.                SR         401-109
Willeford, John W.              TVG        401-217
Willett, Frank                  SR         401-109
Williams, A. J.                 RRR        401-126
Williams, A. Jackson            USV        401-255
Williams, Alex S.               USV        401-255
Williams, Andrew                SP         401-50
Williams, B. A.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, B. E.                 SR         401-109
Williams, B. H.                 SP         401-50
Williams, Ben                   SR         401-109
Williams, Burnet E.             TVG        401-217
Williams, C. A.                 SR         401-109
Williams, Caleb T.              RR         401-65
Williams, Caloway               USV        401-255
Williams, Charles               FB         401-177
Williams, Charles               FB         401-177
Williams, Charles               MV         401-31
Williams, Charles               SR         401-109
Williams, Charles               TVG        401-217
Williams, Charles A.            RR         401-65
Williams, Charles C.            SP         401-50
Williams, David                 NAV        401-27
Williams, E. W.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, Ed                    SR         401-109
Williams, Ed                    TVG        401-217
Williams, Ed                    TVG        401-217
Williams, Edgar W.              USV        401-255
Williams, Elvin W.              RR         401-65
Williams, Eugene                RRR        401-126
Williams, Eugene                TVG        401-217
Williams, Eugene                USV        401-255
Williams, Evan                  NAV        401-27
Williams, F. M.                 SP         401-50
Williams, F. W.                 SR         401-109
Williams, Frank                 USV        401-255
Williams, Fred                  TVG        401-217
Williams, Fred                  USV        401-255
Williams, Fred M.               TVG        401-217
Williams, Frederic Lee          TVG        401-217
Williams, G. R.                 SR         401-109
Williams, George                FB         401-177
Williams, George                CSA        401-40
Williams, George                NAV        401-27
Williams, George                TVG        401-217
Williams, George                TVG        401-217
Williams, George B.             USV        401-255
Williams, George S.             TVG        401-217
Williams, George T.             TVG        401-217
Williams, George W.             RR         401-65
Williams, Gordon                USV        401-255
Williams, H. B.                 MV         401-31
Williams, H. F.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, H. L.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, H. P.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, Harrison P.           TVG        401-217
Williams, Harry Frank           SR         401-109
Williams, Henry                 USV        401-255
Williams, Henry R.              TVG        401-217
Williams, Henry S.              ARM        401-12
Williams, Henry T.              RR         401-65
Williams, J. B.                 USV        401-255
Williams, J. F.                 SP         401-50
Williams, J. G.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, J. H.                 RRR        401-126
Williams, J. H.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, J. H.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, J. J.                 LR         401-131
Williams, J. S.                 FB         401-177
Williams, James B.              TVG        401-217
Williams, James Lee             RRR        401-126
Williams, James H.              FB         401-177
Williams, James P.              FB         401-177
Williams, James R.              USV        401-255
Williams, James T.              FB         401-177
Williams, James W.              USV        401-255
Williams, Jim M.                RR         401-65
Williams, John                  NAV        401-27
Williams, John                  RR         401-65
Williams, John                  SP         401-50
Williams, John                  USV        401-255
Williams, John                  USV        401-255
Williams, John A.               TVG        401-217
Williams, John A.               USV        401-255
Williams, John D.               TST        401-38
Williams, John F.               USV        401-255
Williams, John H.               RR         401-65
Williams, John H.               SP         401-50
Williams, John R.               RR         401-65
Williams, John T.               RR         401-65
Williams, John T.               USV        401-255
Williams, John W.               SP         401-50
Williams, Jordan B.             USV        401-255
Williams, Joseph D.             USV        401-255
Williams, Larnce                TGV        401-217
Williams, Leon Dudley           SR         401-109
Williams, Morris                TVG        401-217
Williams, Nat                   TVG        401-217
Williams, Nathaniel             USV        401-255
Williams, Noland G.             RR         401-65
Williams, Norton                RR         401-65
Williams, Norton                RRR        401-126
Williams, Owen M.               USV        401-255
Williams, R. C.                 RR         401-65
Williams, R. D.                 SR         401-109
Williams, Reid                  TVG        401-217
Williams, Richard               FF         401-140
Williams, Richard               TVG        401-217
Williams, Roy S.                SR         401-109
Williams, S. M.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, S. N.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, Sam                   USV        401-255
Williams, Searcy H.             TVG        401-217
Williams, Sim M.                RR         401-65
Williams, T. J.                 SP         401-50
Williams, T. S.                 SP         401-50
Williams, T. V.                 RR         401-65
Williams, T. W.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, T. W.                 LR         401-131
Williams, Thomas                TST        401-38
Williams, Thomas                SP         401-50
Williams, Thomas                TVG        401-217
Williams, Tom                   SR         401-109
Williams, Tom                   TVG        401-217
Williams, W. C.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, W. E.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, W. H.                 TVG        401-217
Williams, W. L.                 SR         401-109
Williams, W. S.                 USV        401-255
Williams, Walker                SR         401-109
Williams, Walter                ARM        401-12
Williams, Walter D.             USV        401-255
Williams, Walter L.             SR         401-109
Williams, Walter T.             USV        401-255
Williams, William               FB         401-177
Williams, William               ARM        401-12
Williams, William               SR         401-109
Williams, William B.            USV        401-255
Williams, William L.            RR         401-65
Williams, William N.            USV        401-255
Williams, Willie                TVG        401-217
Williamson, C. E.               RRR        401-126
Williamson, C. E.               SR         401-109
Williamson, C. E.               TVG        401-217
Williamson, E. R.               SR         401-109
Williamson, Frank               SR         401-109
Williamson, Fred L.             TVG        401-217
Williamson, Fuller              RRR        401-126
Williamson, Fuller              SR         401-109
Williamson, G. H.               SR         401-109
Williamson, J. E.               SR         401-109
Williamson, James R.            TVG        401-217
Williamson, John W.             NAV        401-27
Williamson, Joseph              NAV        401-27
Williamson, Joseph              ARM        401-12
Williamson, L. E.               FB         401-177
Williamson, L. M.               TVG        401-217
Williamson, P. B.               TVG        401-217
Williamson, P. D.               TVG        401-217
Williamson, Silas B.            USV        401-255
Williamson, Thomas              TVG        401-217
Williamson, Vollie F.           USV        401-255
Williamson, William             ARM        401-12
Williamson, William H.          SR         401-109
Williamson, William L.          NAV        401-27
Williford, Frank, Jr.           SR         401-109
Williford, Henry                USV        401-255
Williford, Horace               TVG        401-217
Willingham, O. A.               RRR        401-126
Willingham, Oscar R.            USV        401-255
Willis, Albert E.               USV        401-255
Willis, Benj.                   ARM        401-12
Willis, C. C.                   RRR        401-126
Willis, C. C.                   LR         401-131
Willis, C. E.                   LR         401-131
Willis, Charles                 FB         401-177
Willis, Charles                 NAV        401-27
Willis, Chris C.                RR         401-65
Willis, Claude R.               USV        401-255
Willis, F. D.                   SR         401-109
Willis, George R.               SR         401-109
Willis, J. Bradley              SR         401-109
Willis, Lon L.                  RR         401-65
Willis, Lon L.                  SR         401-109
Willis, M. C.                   SR         401-109
Willis, M. D.                   TVG        401-217
Willis, M. F.                   SR         401-109
Willis, M. P.                   SR         401-109
Willis, R. T.                   TVG        401-217
Willis, Robert G.               USV        401-255
Willis, Samuel B.               USV        401-255
Willis, William                 SP         401-50
Willoughby, Bert Edward         SR         401-109
Willoughby, W. H.               SR         401-109
Willow, Walter C.               ARM        401-12
Willrich, George                USV        401-255
Wills, George W.                NAV        401-27
Wills, William                  NAV        401-27
Willson, C. W.                  TVG        401-217
Willson, John W.                SP         401-50
Willson, Sam A.                 FB         401-177
Willy, Albert S.                USV        401-255
Wilmath, T. J.                  RR         401-65
Wilmeth, W. C.                  RR         401-65
Wilmore, T. N.                  FB         401-177
Wilmoth, John B.                LR         401-131
Wilmoth, John Henry             RRR        401-126
Wilmoth, W. D.                  RRR        401-126
Wilson, A. F.                   TVG        401-217
Wilson, A. J.                   FF         401-140
Wilson, A. J.                   TVG        401-217
Wilson, Allee                   TVG        401-217
Wilson, Andres                  FB         401-177
Wilson, Andrew                  FF         401-140
Wilson, Andy E.                 TVG        401-217
Wilson, Arthur F.               USV        401-255
Wilson, Asa C.                  TVG        401-217
Wilson, C. G.                   USV        401-255
Wilson, C. L.                   TVG        401-217
Wilson, Charles                 FB         401-177
Wilson, Charles                 ARM        401-12
Wilson, Charles                 TVG        401-217
Wilson, Clarence                TVG        401-217
Wilson, Collie L.               USV        401-255
Wilson, Cyrus M.                SP         401-50
Wilson, D. J.                   RRR        401-126
Wilson, D. R.                   RRR        401-126
Wilson, E.                      FB         401-177
Wilson, E. H.                   TVG        401-217
Wilson, E. M.                   SR         401-109
Wilson, E. M.                   TVG        401-218
Wilson, E. M.                   LR         401-131
Wilson, E. S.                   FB         401-177
Wilson, Edgar                   SR         401-109
Wilson, Elisha                  FB         401-177
Wilson, Eugene J.               SR         401-109
Wilson, Francis                 NAV        401-27
Wilson, George C.               TVG        401-218
Wilson, George N.               SR         401-109
Wilson, George T.               USV        401-255
Wilson, H. Baylor               USV        401-255
Wilson, H. C.                   FB         401-177
Wilson, H. G.                   TVG        401-218
Wilson, H. L.                   SR         401-109
Wilson, H. W.                   SR         401-109
Wilson, Harold L.               RRR        401-126
Wilson, Henry B.                TVG        401-218
Wilson, Hillsman D.             LR         401-131
Wilson, Homer K.                TVG        401-218
Wilson, Homer W.                RR         401-65
Wilson, J. C.                   NAV        401-27
Wilson, J. C.                   TST        401-38
Wilson, J. C.                   TVG        401-218
Wilson, J. D.                   TVG        401-218
Wilson, J. Frank                SR         401-109
Wilson, J. M.                   RRR        401-126
Wilson, J. O.                   TVG        401-218
Wilson, J. P. H.                FB         401-177
Wilson, J. T.                   FB         401-177
Wilson, J. T.                   FF         401-140
Wilson, J. W.                   SP         401-50
Wilson, J. W.                   SR         401-109
Wilson, Jace                    MV         401-31
Wilson, James                   NAV        401-27
Wilson, James                   FF         401-140
Wilson, James C.                USV        401-255
Wilson, James E.                USV        401-255
Wilson, James M.                FB         401-177
Wilson, Jesse                   SR         401-109
Wilson, Jesse C.                USV        401-255
Wilson, Joe                     SR         401-109
Wilson, John                    NAV        401-27
Wilson, John                    ARM        401-12
Wilson, John Henry              USV        401-255
Wilson, John M.                 TVG        401-218
Wilson, John W.                 ARM        401-12
Wilson, John W.                 USV        401-255
Wilson, Joseph H.               TVG        401-218
Wilson, L. C.                   RR         401-65
Wilson, Lee                     FB         401-177
Wilson, Lenord                  TVG        401-218
Wilson, Leonard                 TVG        401-218
Wilson, Mack                    SP         401-50
Wilson, Maple                   SR         401-109
Wilson, O. J.                   SR         401-109
Wilson, P. A.                   SP         401-50
Wilson, P. H.                   TVG        401-218
Wilson, R. C.                   SR         401-109
Wilson, Robert                  ARM        401-12
Wilson, Robert                  FF         401-140
Wilson, Robert E.               TVG        401-218
Wilson, Robert E.               USV        401-255
Wilson, Robert H.               NAV        401-27
Wilson, Robert Lovel            RRR        401-126
Wilson, S. N.                   FB         401-177
Wilson, Samuel                  TVG        401-218
Wilson, Samuel O.               USV        401-255
Wilson, T. B.                   FB         401-177
Wilson, T. E.                   TVG        401-218
Wilson, T. J.                   TVG        401-218
Wilson, T. W.                   TVG        401-218
Wilson, Tandy                   USV        401-255
Wilson, Thomas                  NAV        401-27
Wilson, Thomas C.               RR         401-65
Wilson, Thomas F.               SR         401-109
Wilson, Thomas G.               USV        401-255
Wilson, V. C.                   FB         401-177
Wilson, Van C.                  TVG        401-218
Wilson, W.                      RRR        401-126
Wilson, W. A.                   FB         401-177
Wilson, W. B.                   SR         401-109
Wilson, W. D.                   FF         401-140
Wilson, W. L.                   FB         401-177
Wilson, Walter                  SR         401-109
Wilson, Walter                  TVG        401-218
Wilson, Walter B.               USV        401-255
Wilson, Walter E.               USV        401-255
Wilson, Will F.                 TVG        401-218
Wilson, William                 NAV        401-27
Wilson, William C.              RR         401-65
Wilson, William C.              USV        401-255
Wilson, William W., Jr.         SR         401-109
Wily, Samuel                    ARM        401-12
Wimberly, J. B.                 FF         401-140
Wimberly, Jules                 USV        401-255
Wimbish, J. A. H.               FB         401-177
Winchester, Nelson W.           ARM        401-12
Winder, M. R.                   SR         401-109
Winder, R. D.                   SR         401-109
Winders, William L.             USV        401-255
Windham, Page S.                FB         401-177
Windham, Warren                 USV        401-255
Windham, William C.             LR         401-131
Windrow, J. M.                  TVG        401-218
Windrow, Mercer J.              USV        401-255
Windsor, James B.               SR         401-109
Winebrenner, John               SR         401-109
Winfield, J. B.                 SR         401-109
Winfield, M.                    SP         401-50
Winfree, Edwin H.               LR         401-131
Winfree, Joseph Edwin, Jr.      SR         401-109
Winfree, Raymond J.             USV        401-255
Winfrey, Jack                   SR         401-109
Wing, A.                        FB         401-177
Wing, C. L.                     ARM        401-12
Wing, E. H.                     FB         401-177
Wingren, E. P.                  TVG        401-218
Wingren, Otto                   TVG        401-218
Winkel, H.                      RR         401-65
Winkle, Henry                   MV         401-31
Winkler, A. J.                  FF         401-140
Winkler, L. B.                  TVG        401-218
Winkler, Walton C.              USV        401-255
Winn, Claude C.                 USV        401-255
Winn, J. H.                     FB         401-177
Winn, Peter B., Jr.             RR         401-65
Winn, Phil A.                   RR         401-65
Winnett, George W.              USV        401-255
Winscoatte, W. B.               RR         401-65
Winslow, Frank D.               SR         401-109
Winslow, Henry F.               FB         401-177
Winslow, John J.                USV        401-255
Winston, B. H.                  FB         401-177
Winston, E. E.                  SR         401-109
Winston, Samuel C.              FB         401-177
Winston, William                USV        401-255
Winter, George W.               TVG        401-218
Winter, George W.               USV        401-255
Winter, L. C.                   RRR        401-126
Winter, W. E.                   TST        401-38
Winters, Howard                 LR         401-131
Winters, James W.               TST        401-38
Winters, Raymond W.             USV        401-255
Winters, Terrell                MM         401-32
Winzeuried, G.                  USV        401-255
Wipff, John M.                  SP         401-50
Wipprecht, Rudolph              TVG        401-218
Wisby, Ernest E.                SR         401-109
Wisdom, Andrew J.               MV         401-31
Wisdom, J. L.                   RR         401-65
Wise, C. W.                     USV        401-255
Wise, J. M.                     FB         401-177
Wise, W. M.                     RRR        401-126
Wisecarve, William H.           USV        401-255
Wiseman, P. M.                  USV        401-255
Wisener, J. W.                  TVG        401-218
Wisner, Henry B.                USV        401-255
Wissinger, Fred                 USV        401-255
Wisterzil, William              TVG        401-218
Withereys, M. L.                SR         401-109
Withers, A.                     NAV        401-27
Withers, Lewis V.               SR         401-109
Withers, W. T.                  FF         401-140
Withers, W. T.                  FB         401-177
Withof, Fredrick                FF         401-140
Withoft, Charles                FF         401-140
Witney, Stanislaus              FF         401-140
Witt, E. B.                     SR         401-109
Witt, Frank                     TVG        401-218
Witt, J. C.                     RR         401-65
Witt, J. W.                     FB         401-177
Witt, John C.                   FB         401-177
Witt, Sam P.                    RR         401-65
Witt, Sam P.                    SR         401-109
Witt, William Henry             FB         401-177
Wittat, Robert                  NAV        401-27
Witteborg, Edward A.            USV        401-255
Witter, Tully                   SR         401-109
Witter, Tully L.                RRR        401-126
Wittig, Joseph                  TVG        401-218
Wittrock, Albert W.             USV        401-255
Woelber, A. H.                  RR         401-65
Wofford, D. W.                  LR         401-131
Wofford, James R.               FB         401-177
Wofford, Joe                    SP         401-50
Wofford, John T.                TVG        401-218
Wofford, Joseph H.              USV        401-255
Wofford, William F.             LR         401-131
Wolcott, Reuben                 ARM        401-12
Wolf, A. L.                     SR         401-109
Wolf, Carl M.                   SR         401-109
Wolf, Charles, Jr.              SR         401-109
Wolf, Chas.                     SR         401-109
Wolf, E. N.                     FB         401-177
Wolf, George                    SR         401-109
Wolf, Ike                       TVG        401-218
Wolf, J. A.                     SR         401-109
Wolf, Jacob                     ARM        401-12
Wolf, Joe                       TVG        401-218
Wolf, Sam D.                    TVG        401-218
Wolf, Saul                      SR         401-109
Wolf, W. M.                     RR         401-65
Wolfe, Frank                    SR         401-110
Wolfe, J. A.                    FB         401-177
Wolfe, O. P.                    SR         401-110
Wolfe, O. P.                    SR         401-110
Wolfe, O. P.                    LR         401-131
Wolfe, Paul A.                  SR         401-110
Wolfe, Thomas J.                USV        401-255
Wolfe, W. E.                    SR         401-110
Wolff, John Jacob               ARM        401-12
Wolford, H. F., Dr.             SR         401-110
Woliuski, Ben                   TVG        401-218
Wolten, John                    RR         401-65
Wolters, J. F.                  USV        401-255
Wolters, Jacob F.               SR         401-110
Womack, C. I.                   USV        401-255
Womack, F. B.                   TVG        401-218
Womack, Gaston                  CSA        401-40
Womack, Henry F.                USV        401-255
Womack, Thomas                  USV        401-255
Womack, William                 MV         401-31
Womble, Romulo                  FB         401-177
Wonsley, David W.               FB         401-177
Wood, C. C.                     FB         401-177
Wood, Carl                      RR         401-65
Wood, Chester                   TVG        401-218
Wood, D. W.                     LR         401-131
Wood, Duke                      TVG        401-218
Wood, Edd                       TVG        401-218
Wood, F. E.                     RRR        401-126
Wood, Fred T.                   SR         401-110
Wood, George W.                 MM         401-32
Wood, Harold Chester            TVG        401-218
Wood, Harold Chester            USV        401-255
Wood, Ira                       SR         401-110
Wood, J. B.                     SR         401-110
Wood, J. B.                     TVG        401-218
Wood, J. H.                     SP         401-50
Wood, J. T.                     FB         401-177
Wood, James                     TVG        401-218
Wood, James D.                  USV        401-255
Wood, James Gillam              RRR        401-126
Wood, James Gilliam             SR         401-110
Wood, James Henry               FF         401-140
Wood, James P.                  SP         401-50
Wood, Jim                       TST        401-38
Wood, John                      ARM        401-12
Wood, John M.                   RR         401-65
Wood, Joseph                    FB         401-177
Wood, Joseph S.                 RR         401-65
Wood, Lawrence B.               MV         401-31
Wood, Lewis N.                  USV        401-255
Wood, Lionel B.                 USV        401-255
Wood, M. K.                     USV        401-255
Wood, Mandred                   NAV        401-27
Wood, Nev V.                    USV        401-255
Wood, R. C.                     SP         401-50
Wood, R. H.                     SR         401-110
Wood, Robert Bruce              TVG        401-218
Wood, Royce C.                  SR         401-110
Wood, S. J.                     MV         401-31
Wood, S. J.                     SR         401-110
Wood, Samuel                    ARM        401-12
Wood, Samuel Mohon              SR         401-110
Wood, Spurgeon H.               RRR        401-126
Wood, T. C.                     SR         401-110
Wood, Thomas                    NAV        401-27
Wood, Thomas J.                 MM         401-32
Wood, Tom                       USV        401-255
Wood, William W.                USV        401-255
Woodall, G. M.                  TVG        401-218
Woodall, Robert Henry           RRR        401-126
Woodard, W. L.                  TVG        401-218
Woodard, William H.             RR         401-65
Woodbridge, J. E.               FF         401-140
Wooden, John W.                 RRR        401-126
Woodhead, E. S.                 TVG        401-218
Woodhouse, Nathan W.            USV        401-255
Woodhull, Frost                 SR         401-110
Woodhull, George S.             ARM        401-12
Woodland, B. H.                 RRR        401-126
Woodland, Ben H.                RR         401-65
Woodley, John                   TVG        401-218
Woodley, M. B.                  LR         401-131
Woodlief, M.                    TST        401-38
Woodlief, Wallace               TVG        401-218
Woodman, James O.               SR         401-110
Woodridge, Strother             SP         401-50
Woodrome, T. E.                 USV        401-255
Woodruff, Benjamin F.           NAV        401-27
Woodruff, D. G.                 FF         401-140
Woodruff, E. B.                 FF         401-140
Woodruff, M. Frank              USV        401-255
Woods, Alva                     RR         401-65
Woods, Aubrey Travis            SR         401-110
Woods, C. A.                    TVG        401-218
Woods, Cullen C.                USV        401-255
Woods, D. R.                    TST        401-38
Woods, H. A.                    USV        401-255
Woods, Henry                    SR         401-110
Woods, J. E.                    TVG        401-218
Woods, J. W.                    FB         401-177
Woods, James W.                 RRR        401-126
Woods, Joe                      FB         401-177
Woods, John                     FB         401-177
Woods, John D.                  RRR        401-126
Woods, John D.                  SR         401-110
Woods, John N.                  USV        401-255
Woods, Joseph                   FB         401-177
Woods, Oscar C.                 SR         401-110
Woods, P. C.                    TVG        401-218
Woods, Robert                   TST        401-38
Woods, Roy J.                   USV        401-255
Woods, S. H.                    TVG        401-218
Woods, Seth                     SR         401-110
Woods, T. B.                    TVG        401-218
Woods, Tom C.                   USV        401-255
Woods, W. E.                    FB         401-177
Woods, William M.               RR         401-65
Woodson, W. W.                  USV        401-255
Woodul, Louis E.                USV        401-255
Woodul, Walter F.               SR         401-110
Woodward, E. F.                 SR         401-110
Woodward, F. M.                 SR         401-110
Woodward, H.                    TVG        401-218
Woodward, I. G.                 SR         401-110
Woodward, J. F.                 SR         401-110
Woodward, Parker G.             USV        401-255
Woodward, Ross                  USV        401-255
Woodward, Samuel W.             USV        401-255
Woodward, W.                    TVG        401-218
Woodward, W. H.                 TST        401-38
Woodworth, W. W.                SR         401-110
Woody, J. V.                    SR         401-110
Woody, John E.                  SR         401-110
Woodyard, Edward F.             USV        401-256
Wooldridge, Charles A.          MV         401-31
Wooldridge, John R.             NAV        401-27
Woolfolk, Joe A.                TST        401-38
Wooliver, John                  RR         401-65
Woolley, M. L.                  SP         401-50
Woolley, T. W.                  USV        401-256
Woolley, Walter T.              TVG        401-218
Wooten, C. H.                   USV        401-256
Wooten, George H.               USV        401-256
Worcester, Warren Wesley        FF         401-140
Worcester, Warren Wesley        FB         401-177
Word, Arthur                    TVG        401-218
Word, Arthur                    USV        401-256
Word, Thomas Stutsman           SR         401-110
Work, John                      MV         401-31
Work, Lea A.                    USV        401-256
Work, Philip A.                 MV         401-31
Worley, George E.               USV        401-256
Wormser, A. W.                  SR         401-110
Wormwood, Henry R.              FB         401-177
Worsham, Dow A.                 RRR        401-126
Worsham, Jerrymiah              USV        401-256
Worsham, Joe Boone              SR         401-110
Worthan, Chas. I.               SR         401-110
Worthington, A. M.              SR         401-110
Worthington, N.                 FB         401-177
Worthington, Walter             USV        401-256
Worthy, Arthur V.               USV        401-256
Worthy, E. G.                   RRR        401-126
Worthy, Paul C.                 USV        401-256
Woyeichowsky, Edward            ARM        401-12
Wozencraft, A. P.               TVG        401-218
Wrarzy, George                  USV        401-256
Wreford, Thomas                 ARM        401-12
Wren, C. C.                     RR         401-65
Wren, Clark C.                  SR         401-110
Wren, Clark Campbell            TVG        401-218
Wren, James A.                  MV         401-31
Wren, John K.                   SR         401-110
Wren, W. R.                     LR         401-131
Wren, W. W.                     TVG        401-218
Wright, A. M.                   NAV        401-27
Wright, A. P.                   TVG        401-218
Wright, Andrew W. P.            MV         401-31
Wright, Asa                     USV        401-256
Wright, Benjamin F.             USV        401-256
Wright, Benjamin T.             MV         401-31
Wright, Charles C.              TST        401-38
Wright, Charles D.              SR         401-110
Wright, Charles E.              USV        401-256
Wright, Charles F.              SR         401-110
Wright, Charlie Hays            RR         401-65
Wright, Dan                     SP         401-50
Wright, Duncan S.               RR         401-65
Wright, E. B.                   RR         401-65
Wright, E. E.                   TVG        401-218
Wright, E. F.                   SR         401-110
Wright, E. G.                   TVG        401-218
Wright, E. J.                   TVG        401-218
Wright, E. R.                   RR         401-65
Wright, E. V.                   TVG        401-218
Wright, Earl V.                 SR         401-110
Wright, Emanuel A.              RR         401-65
Wright, Eugene C.               SR         401-110
Wright, Francis B.              NAV        401-27
Wright, G. M.                   FB         401-177
Wright, George H.               TVG        401-218
Wright, Harry L.                FB         401-177
Wright, Henry C.                TST        401-38
Wright, Howell                  SR         401-110
Wright, J. B.                   FB         401-177
Wright, J. M.                   RR         401-65
Wright, J. M.                   SP         401-50
Wright, J. M.                   FB         401-177
Wright, James B.                SR         401-110
Wright, James C.                USV        401-256
Wright, James Clinton           TVG        401-218
Wright, James Logan             USV        401-256
Wright, James T.                CSA        401-40
Wright, John F.                 USV        401-256
Wright, John R.                 TST        401-38
Wright, John W.                 FB         401-177
Wright, John W.                 USV        401-256
Wright, L. B.                   FB         401-177
Wright, L. L.                   FB         401-177
Wright, Leon A.                 USV        401-256
Wright, M. H.                   FB         401-178
Wright, Milam                   FB         401-178
Wright, Milam H.                RR         401-65
Wright, Pleasant                MV         401-31
Wright, Robert F.               USV        401-256
Wright, Sterling                TVG        401-218
Wright, T. W.                   FB         401-178
Wright, Thomas R.               RR         401-65
Wright, W. C.                   USV        401-256
Wright, W. J.                   RR         401-65
Wright, W. J.                   LR         401-131
Wright, W. L.                   FB         401-178
Wright, W. L.                   TVG        401-218
Wright, W. W.                   SP         401-50
Wright, William C.              USV        401-256
Wright, William J.              FB         401-178
Wright, William J.              USV        401-256
Wright, William L.              RR         401-65
Wroe, E. R. L.                  SR         401-110
Wroe, H. A.                     SR         401-110
Wroten, Charles E.              RRR        401-126
Wuerschmidt, Paul               SR         401-110
Wukasch, Charles G.             USV        401-256
Wukasch, Rudolph                SR         401-110
Wulfing, Robert                 SP         401-50
Wurzbach, August                RR         401-65
Wurzbach, George C.             TVG        401-218
Wurzbach, George C.             USV        401-256
Wurzbach, Harry M.              USV        401-256
Wyatt, Clyde                    SR         401-110
Wyatt, Harris                   USV        401-256
Wyatt, Jackson Hall             TVG        401-218
Wyatt, Jackson Hall             USV        401-256
Wyatt, James S.                 SR         401-110
Wyatt, James W.                 ARM        401-12
Wyatt, James W.                 USV        401-256
Wyatt, Jordon                   MM         401-32
Wyatt, Millard F.               USV        401-256

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