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Medical Standards on Motor Vehicle Operations Division

Star of Life

Medical Advisory Board for Driver Licensing 
and Evaluation for Concealed Handgun

Medical Advisory Board for Driver Licensing Background

Medical Advisory Board Resource Information

         bullet - For the Driver
         bullet - For the Physician
         bullet - For the Law Officer
Medical Evaluation for Concealed Handgun

To help reduce traffic deaths, disability and injury by evaluating medical histories, providing medical opinions and making recommendations to the Department of Public Safety (DPS) regarding the medical limitations of referred driver licensees and candidates and concealed handgun licensees and candidates.

Email to Medical Advisory Board your comments, questions or referrals

bullet - RULES FOR: Operation of the Medical Advisory Board and the Medical Standards on Motor Vehicle Operations Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 25. Health Services, Part 1. Texas Department of State Health Services, Chapter 1. Texas Board of Health, Medical Advisory Board


Last Updated April 24, 2007

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